Meet Our Mama Muse: Ali Chanel
To celebrate Mother's Day all month long, we met with our Mama Muses and discussed the beauty of motherhood, how they stay grounded and got a peek at what is on their wishlist this year.
Meet @alichanel, model and mama who spends her days in Ojai, and as much time in nature as possible.
Do you have any Mother’s Day traditions that are dear to you?
One of my favorite Mother’s Day traditions is love-bombing other moms that we see in public. My daughter and I paint and color “random act of kindness Mother’s Day cards” and pass them out to the moms that we see at the park or grocery stores!
What keeps you grounded as a mom?
Connecting with my friends and family. My skincare routine. Driving in the car being silly and singing my heart out. Dancing in the kitchen. These are all things that keep my grounded!
This month is Mental Health Awareness Month and while this is always an important pillar to us, we hope to bring more awareness to the importance of prioritizing mental health and want to know how you support yours on your motherhood journey?
Motherhood hits hard! It’s the most empowering community yet overwhelming and isolating journey. I feel like it’s all about connecting. Creating your tribe (because it does take a tribe) and speaking out loud about how you feel. Because even though it feels like you are alone I promise you every mom can relate to you! I think understanding the ebb and flow of motherhood. Finding harmony between your needs and your children’s is key. Because one is not better that the other, They work hand in hand.
How do you practice self-love and self-acceptance?
There’s something that happens when you become a mother where all the sudden you are in this situation where you get a second chance to nurture the child that you once were. As I parent my children I’m slowly realizing the healing and growth within myself. Things start to shift. My priorities that once were are no longer. The toxic thoughts I used to have about myself seem impossible to give energy to. I would NEVER speak to my daughter the way I used to speak to myself. It makes me think.. “What a waste of time!” There’s no fighting it. Surrendering is everything. Parenthood is ever changing and it’s helped me to realize the same about myself. Realizing “okay, this is where I’m at now. Might as well, be kind give myself grace and accept where I’m at because who knows what tomorrow brings!”
Who are some of your favorite muses? Who inspires you the most and why?
My mother is my number one muse! She loves hard and treats everyone the same(with kindness) her love is so unconditional. I can speak to my mom about anything. She is my safe space. She knows every ounce of my being. I am so grateful to have an example like her and feel so lucky that my children get to experience her just like I did!
Do you have a mantra you live by? Any new mantras of the moment?
Our family motto is “risk it for the biscuit”
Mine and my daughters motto is “treat others the way you want to be treated.” And my motto is “you can do anything for 15min”
What is your favorite piece from Spiritual Gangster (and why)?
My favorite Spiritual Gangster piece are their graphic tees! I love a good saying on my tee for a stranger to read! Maybe it will make their day?