Celebrate the season of Taurus! Find out what's in store for you for May and see which style best matches with your sign, carefully curated by our editors.
There’s a lot going on this month Aries most of it happy. On the third Venus your love and financial planet moves into your sign bringing financial windfalls’ and romantic opportunities. More importantly on the 11th Jupiter the great benefic will move into your sign for a brief foray. He will only be there for a few more months but you will be feeling the effects. Jupiter will bring foreign travel opportunities happy educational opportunities for college students and in general a higher standard of living. The other headline perhaps less happy, is the lunar eclipse on the 16th. This occurs in your eighth house. Thus, it can bring near death kinds of experiences or other psychological encounters with death. The cosmos wants you to understand it more deeply. The spouse partner or current love will need to make important financial changes. There can be dramas and issues involving taxes and estates. Every lunar eclipse impacts on the home and family. You go through this twice a year. So there are dramas in the lives of family members and probably in the life of a parent or parent figure. Repairs could be needed in the home. Perhaps family members also have psychological encounters with death. Since Saturn is also impacted by the eclipse, career changes are also afoot.
Although you are in a very strong financial month, your yearly financial peak, spirituality seems very strong this month. Venus moves into your spiritual 12th house on the third and Jupiter follows on the 11th. So the worldly and the other worldly dominate your attention. Really there is no conflict between the two but it can feel that way sometimes. The other headline this month is a very strong, total, lunar eclipse on the 16th. This occurs in your seventh house of love and Tests your current relationship. Generally, dirty laundry comes up to be dealt with. Good relationships weather these tests very well. But the flawed ones are in danger. Part of the testing can come from personal dramas in the life of the beloved which really have nothing to do with your relationship but it does complicate things. All of you will feel this eclipse but those of you born late in the sign from May 14 onwards will feel it strongest. The Moon rules your third house, so this eclipse affects siblings and sibling figures bringing personal dramas into their lives. It will also test cars and communication equipment which can behave erratically. A good idea to drive more carefully this eclipse period. Students below the college level are also strongly impacted by this eclipse. It can bring disruptions at school, changes in educational plans and sometimes an actual change of schools. Take a nice easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect. This goes for the spouse, partner, and current love as well.
Venus and Jupiter‘s move into your 11‘s house is a fabulous social transit for you. The social life becomes very happy and fulfilling. For singles this brings romance. This transit which is brief is really an announcement of things to come in 2023. But you are feeling the beginnings of it now. The stage is being set for serious romance. A strong lunar eclipse on the 16th forces financial changes. Your thinking and strategy have not been realistic as the events of the eclipse will show. So you need to make course corrections in your financial life and planning. This eclipse occurs in your sixth house. So, job changes or changes in the conditions of work are happening. Job changes can be within your present situation or with another situation. Incoming months you will need to make dramatic changes to your health regime. Sometimes this kind of eclipse can bring a health scare. But I always get second opinions. Children and children figures also need to make important financial changes. Although the eclipse brings some turmoil and disruption the month ahead seems basically happy. You are in a yearly personal pleasure peak, which begins on the 21st. Self-esteem and self-confidence are good personal appearance shines. The financial changes that you make seem to be good ones. You are coming off a year of strong career success. Now is the time to enjoy the fruits of it. If you have dreams of death or psychological encounters with it, understand that this is eclipse phenomena - the cosmos is sending you a message to get more serious about life.
Career is one of the most important headlines in the month ahead. Jupiter moves into your 10th house on the 11th bringing a career expansion and success. But this is only a prelude of things to come, success will be even greater in 2023 when Jupiter moves into the 10th house for the long term. Since the Moon rules your horoscope, every lunar eclipse is very strong on you. And this one on the 16th is even stronger as it is a total lunar eclipse. So take a nice easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect, usually a few days before and after it actually happens. This eclipse occurs in your fifth house of children. So children and children figures are impacted. They should take a nice easy schedule as well. They should avoid stressful and risk taking activities. There will be personal dramas in their lives. You and the children and children figures in your life are doing a personal review of your self concept, self image, and the image that you want to present to others. You go through this twice a year and by now know how to handle this. Children and children figures very often our ideas of ourselves are not realistic or even true. They need to be upgraded. So in the coming months there will be wardrobe changes and the changes in the presentation to the world. Parents and parent figures will need to make financial changes and adjustments. Spiritual organizations and charities that you’re involved with will also need to make important financial changes. The month ahead, especially from the 21st onwards, is a highly spiritual. And this spirituality will get you through the dramas of the eclipse.
Jupiter and Venus’ move into your ninth house this month is a very happy transit. It brings good fortune to college level students or to those who are college bound. There is success here. There is also good fortune if you are involved in legal actions. You will get the best case scenarios. Jupiter’s move into your ninth house is also excellent for your health. Although you still have Saturn hitting you, Jupiter will now be making harmonious aspects to you and relieving some of the stress. A strong lunar eclipse on the 16th occurs in your fourth house of Home and family. All of you will feel this but especially those of you born later in the sign of Leo, from August 16to 23. So, take a nice easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect. This eclipse brings dramas in the home and in the lives of family members. Repairs could be needed in the home. Often hidden flaws, things that you had no idea about, get revealed and now you can make corrections. Every lunar eclipse impacts on your spiritual life and this one is no different. So there can be changes in your practice, in your teachings and perhaps teachers. Guru figures in your life have personal dramas. There are shake ups and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you are involved with. Friends are forced to make important financial changes. Financial changes are also happening in trade or professional organizations that you are involved with. Job changes are also afoot.
Jupiter which has been in your seventh house since the beginning of the year has most likely done his job. Most of you are in romantic relationships. Many of you have married or are in relationships that are like a marriage. Now Jupiter goes into your eighth house on the 11th and will be there for another a few months. This brings prosperity to the partner, spouse or current love. But this is only a prelude to the prosperity that will happen in 2023. It’s basically an announcement of what is to come. The other headline of the month is the strong lunar eclipse of the 16th. This eclipse is basically benign to you, however if it hits something sensitive in your personal horoscope, cast especially for you, it can be strong indeed. So it won’t hurt to take a more easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect. This eclipse occurs in your third house. So, students below the college level are very much affected here. Likewise siblings and sibling figures. There can be disruptions in your neighborhood or with neighbors. Students can have disruptions at school, changes in educational plans and perhaps even change schools. Cars and communication equipment will get tested. Often repairs or replacements are needed. A good idea to drive more carefully while the eclipse is in effect, usually a few days before and after it actually happens. This eclipse will test friendships. Often, the problem is not in the relationship itself but because of personal dramas, often life changing dramas in the lives of friends. There will be shake ups in professional or trade organizations that you’re involved with. Parents or parent figures are forced to make important financial changes. Since this eclipse impacts on Saturn, your family planet, there are dramas in the home and with family members. Be more patient with them. Repairs could be needed in the home.
Libra‘s are always socially popular. It’s your basic nature. But this month your popularity increases even further. Venus, the Lord of your horoscope, moves into your seventh house of love on the third. Shortly afterwards, on the 11th, Jupiter joins her in your seventh house. So the social life starts to take off. For singles romance, Sirius Romance is on the horizon. But even if you are already in a serious relationship the social life becomes much more active and happy. The social life will be even better in 2023 as this transit is only of foreshadowing of what is to come. A strong lunar eclipse on the 16th occurs in your money house. Thus, you need to make changes to your financial strategy and planning. The events of the eclipse it will show where you have been unrealistic in this department. Every lunar eclipse affects your career. You have this twice a year so by now you know how to handle these dramas. There can be dramas in the hierarchy of your company, shake ups and disruptions. There will likely be dramas in the lives of parents and parent figure as well. Usually people don’t change the actual career but the way they go about things. Since this eclipse is a direct hit on Saturn, your family planet, there are dramas in the family circle as well. Both parent figures seem affected and they should take a nice easy schedule when the eclipse is in effect. There can be a need for repairs in the home. Passions in the family run high and you need to be more patient with family members. A sibling or sibling figure also has to make important financial changes. The parents and parent figures in your life will be re-defining themselves, their image and self concept. The events of the eclipse will force the issue. Incoming months they will present a new image to the world. Since they think of them selves in a different way they will want others to see them in a different way as well. Venus has her solstice from the fourth to the eighth. She pauses in the heavens and then changes direction. And so is with you. There is a pause in your personal affairs and then a change of direction.
Now that Jupiter is leaving your 5th house from the 11th and for the next few months the party is over with. You are in the mood for work. Very happy job opportunities come to you and the pace seems much better. Your financial planet in the sign of Aries makes you more of a risk taker and speculator. When intuition is on these things will work out. But if intuition is off it can hurt. Avoid being too quick in your financial decision making. The lunar eclipse of the 16th is strong on you. So do take a more relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect, usually a few days before and after it actually happens. More sensitive types will feel this eclipse even two weeks before it happens. The Eclipse is strong for two reasons. First off it is a total eclipse. Secondly, it occurs in your own sign. All of you will feel this but those of you born later in the sign, November 15-20, will feel it strongest. This shows a need to re-define yourself, your image, your self concept, and your presentation to others. If you haven’t been careful in dietary matters it could produce a detox of the body. This is usually not pleasant but a sign of health not disease. The body is ridding itself of things that don’t belong there. Students at college level or below are very affected by this eclipse. There will be changes in educational plans and sometimes even changes of schools. There can be disruption at the college or school as well. Cars and communication equipment can behave erratically and sometimes repairs or replacement are necessary. Avoid needless driving or foreign travel while the eclipse is in effect. A good idea to drive more carefully. There can be disruptions in your place of worship and drama is in the lives of worship leaders. Your religious and philosophical belief systems Will be tested. Some beliefs will be modified, amended or tweaked. Some will be let go. This is a good thing though not always pleasant.
Now that Jupiter moves away from his stressful aspect on the 11th overall health is much improved. However, short term stresses from the 21st onwards suggest a need to rest and relax more. Jupiter’s move into Aries is a very happy transit for you. There is more fun in your life. You’re involved in activities that bring you joy. Women of childbearing age are still very fertile. The other headline of the month is the strong lunar eclipse of the 16th. It occurs in your 12th house of spirituality bringing important spiritual changes. Often these changes, in practice and teachings, come from spiritual growth. Things that were OK a while backs now need to be upgraded. There are shake ups and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you involved with. There are personal dramas in the lives of guru figures. The dream life is likely to be more active but not very trustworthy. Your financial planet, Saturn gets hit by this eclipse. So, there is a need for you to make important financial changes. You’re thinking and planning have not been realistic as the events of the eclipse will show. There can be close encounters with death but generally on a psychological level. There can be close calls or near death type experiences. Often people have dreams of death. This is the cosmos’ way to bring you to a deeper understanding of it -- to make you confront it and lose your fear of it. The spouse, partner or current love also needs to make important financial changes. Aside from changing signs this month Jupiter, the Lord of your horoscope will be having his solstice. He pauses in the heavens, in his latitudinal motion and then changes direction this will go on from the 12th till the 11th of next month. This is nothing to be alarmed about, it is a pause that refreshes.
Jupiter’s move into Aries on May 11 brings an expansion of the family circle, perhaps a move or renovation of the existing home. Home and family life are all basically happy now. Even your career planet Venus is in your fourth house too, so your real career these days is home and family, being there for the family. The lunar eclipse of the 16th is a very strong on you, so take a nice easy schedule during the eclipse period. Both you and the spouse, partner or current love are re-defining yourselves. There is a need to change the way you think about yourself and the way you want others to see you. This re- definition of the self can complicate a relationship. For, you fell in love with Mr. or Miss X and now you’re dealing with someone else. How do you feel about that? The spouse or partner is also feeling the same thing. If either of you have not been careful in dietary matters this eclipse can bring a physical detox. This is usually not pleasant, But it's not necessarily pathology. Not only is your love relationship being tested but friendships as well. The eclipse occurs in your 11th house of friends. So there are dramas in the life of friends as well. High tech and computer equipment can be erratic and often needs repair or replacement. Make sure to back up important files and Guard yourself against hackers and online scammers. There are shake ups and disruptions in trade or professional organizations that you are involved with. The continuation of a certain friendship is now in doubt.
You’ve prospered greatly this past year. But money isn’t everything as you are learning now. Jupiter’s move out of your money house on the 11th signals a need to enjoy the fruits of prosperity - free time to study, to learn, to develop your mind and intellectual interests. This will go on for another few months. Aquarians are naturally good students. But now even more so. Students are succeeding in their studies. Teachers, writers, programmers and intellectual workers are all successful these days. The lunar eclipse of the 16th is very strong on you so do take a nice easy schedule while the Eclipse is in effect. All of you will feel this Eclipse but those of you born late in the sign, from January 14th to the 19th, Will feel it strongest. It occurs in your 10th house of career bring a career changes and turmoil. There are many scenarios here. There can be shake ups in the hierarchy of your company or industry. There can be changes in the government regulation of your company or industry. There are personal dramas.in the lives of bosses, parents, and parent figures. Since the Moon is your health and work planet job changes can be afoot. This can be within your present company or with a new one. The conditions of work will change. Perhaps there was some disruption and drama at the workplace. If you hire others there can be on employee turnover in coming months. Your health regime is going to change dramatically in coming months. since Saturn is affected by this eclipse, important spiritual changes are also happening. Usually people change their practice, teachers and teachings. Often this is very normal, for when one of grows old practices are no longer necessary and new ones take their place. There are dramas and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you are involved with. There are personal dramas in the lives of guru figures. The dream life is likely to be very active during this eclipse. But, don’t put too much stock in it. The astral plane tends to be all roiled up during any eclipse and much of what we see is just flotsam and jetsam with no real meaning.
The month ahead is very significant Pisces. Jupiter, leaves your sign on the 11th and will spend a few more months in your money house. So prosperity it will be very strong but this prosperity is only a foreshadowing of things to come. 2023 will be even more prosperous than now. Mars, your financial planet, will spend most of the month, until the 25th in your sign this is another indicator of prosperity and windfalls. The other headline this month is the lunar eclipse on the 16th. As far as eclipses go this one seems benign to you. However, if it hits some sensitive point in your personal horoscope, cast especially for you, it can be strong indeed. So it’s probably a good idea to take a more relaxed the schedule around the time that the eclipse is in effect. The eclipse occurs in your ninth house. So your religious and philosophical beliefs are getting tested, the events of the eclipse will test them. In a way this is very good though not always pleasant. Long held beliefs I need to be looked at revised, tweaked, and sometimes just discarded. College level students experience disruptions at school and make important changes to educational plans. Sometimes they change majors and sometimes they even change schools. There are disruptions and turbulence in your place of worship and dramas in the lives of worship leaders. Although the urge to travel is still very strong, it has been strong all year, best to avoid foreign travel while the eclipse is in effect. If you are involved in legal issues they will take a dramatic turn one way or another. But probably in a good way. Since the Moon is your planet of children, children and children figures are very affected. They too should take a more relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Saturn, your planet of friends, is directly hit by this eclipse. So there are dramas in the lives of friends and friendships get tested. High tech and computer equipment can behave erratically. Sometimes repairs or replacement are necessary. Protect yourself against hackers and online scammers as much as possible. Make sure important files are backed up and safe.
For more information on astrology and metaphysical subjects, visit our astrologer Joseph Polansky's website.