Retrograde activity increases this month. Though we are still not at the maximum for the year there is still substantial retrograde activity happening. The pace of life slows down. This is not very comfortable for Aries who like everything done quickly. So patience is the keyword now. The other headline of the month is the Solar Eclipse of the 10th. This occurs in your 3rd house and impacts on siblings, sibling figures and neighbors. There are dramas in their personal lives. There can be disruptions in your neighborhood (construction or weird crimes and the like). Students below the college level have disruptions at school and will be making changes to educational plans. Sometimes they even change schools. Cars and communication equipment get tested and it’s a good idea to drive more carefully and defensively that period. Every Solar Eclipse impacts on children and children figures in your life. They should take a more reduced schedule and be kept out of harm’s way. They will be redefining themselves now and for the next few months. Often this redefinition is very normal - it can come from sexual awakening, going off to school - the normal changes of growing up. But it is still disruptive. The planetary power is now at its maximum night time power (you’re approaching the midnight of your year). Your career planet, Saturn, is retrograde and your 4th house of home and family becomes very strong after the 21st. So the focus is on home and family - more importantly on your emotional wellness. Career issues will take time to resolve. You may as well focus on the home.
The increase in retrograde activity is mild on you. Being patient by nature, you handle this well. Slow and steady as she goes. Everything will work out eventually. Venus will still be out of bounds until the 17th. So in personal and health matters you are outside your normal orbit. You have to operate outside your comfort zone. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th is relatively mild on you, but it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule anyway. The energies of the planet are chaotic. This eclipse occurs in your money house and signals a need to make important financial changes. Generally people have a picture of what their finances will look like and make plans accordingly. But the events of the eclipse will show that the picture - the idea - the planning - is not realistic and you have to make course corrections. People involved in your financial life can be having personal dramas as well - often life changing kinds of dramas. Since this eclipse impacts on Neptune, your planet of friends, there can be dramas in their lives as well. Computer equipment, software and high tech gadgetry can be erratic. Don’t open suspicious e-mails and keep your anti-virus and anti hacking software up to date. Every Solar Eclipse impacts on the home and family and this one is no different. Family members are having personal dramas. Repairs might be needed in the home. In spite of the financial changes, the month ahead is prosperous. You’re still in a yearly financial peak until the 21st.
Last month’s eclipse was strong on you and this Solar Eclipse of the 10th seems even stronger. It occurs in your sign, so take a nice easy schedule this period. Avoid stressful or dangerous kinds of activities. This is not a time for daredevil stunts. Spend more quiet time at home. Read a book, watch a movie and best of all - meditate. An eclipse in your sign generally forces a re-thinking of your self concept - your opinion of yourself. As this changes, outer changes start to happen - you dress differently, do your hair differently - accessorize differently. Your outer image will start to conform to the new one. You will think of yourself differently and others will see you differently. Sometimes, especially if you haven’t been careful dietetically, it can bring a detox of the body. This is not sickness - though often the symptoms are similar - just the body getting rid of what shouldn’t be there. (Health is basically good this month.) This eclipse impacts on your career planet, Neptune. So career changes are afoot. I feel this will be for the better as you career aspects are beautiful. But it is disruptive. There can be dramas in the lives of bosses, parents and parent figures as well. Cars and communication equipment can be temperamental. Often repairs or replacement are necessary. Drive more carefully this eclipse period. Siblings, sibling figures and neighbors are also affected by this eclipse. There can be personal dramas in their lives. Be more patient with them.
With Jupiter now in your 9th house, many of you are looking to travel to foreign lands, but avoid this during the Solar Eclipse period of the 10th. If you must travel, schedule around the eclipse period. This eclipse is basically benign to you but it can still cause some disruptions. It occurs in your 12th house of spirituality and impacts on Neptune, the generic ruler of spirituality. So important spiritual changes are happening. Your attitudes will change. Your teachings will get tested. There will be disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with and gurus figures have personal dramas. College level students are impacted here. Some will change majors or educational plans, some might even change schools. There can be disruptions at the college. There can be disruptions in your place of worship as well. Worship leaders have personal dramas. Every Solar Eclipse impacts on your finances (the Sun is your financial planet) and this one is no different. You go through this twice a year and by now you know how to handle it. A financial course correction is necessary. Your thinking and planning - your strategies - have been unrealistic (as the events of the eclipse will show) and you have to adjust to circumstances. This eclipse can bring dramas in the lives of the money people in your life or with people involved in your finances. Health is good this month and will get even better after the 21st as the Sun enters your sign. After the dust from the eclipse settles there is prosperity happening.
The Solar Eclipse of the 10th is the main headline this month. Every Solar Eclipse is strong on you and this one is no different. It brings a need to redefine yourself and your image. You need to define yourself for yourself or others will do it for you and that won’t be so pleasant. As this interior process continues it will lead to changes in the way you dress and present yourself to others. You will present a “new look” in coming months. This eclipse occurs in your 11th house of friends. Thus friendships get tested. There are dramas in the lives of friends – often life changing kinds of dramas. Computer equipment, software and high tech gadgetry are prone to glitches. In many cases repair or replacement are necessary. Avoid opening suspicious looking e-mails or clicking on their links. Keep your antI-virus and anti-hacking software up to date. A parent or parent figure is forced to make important financial changes. Since this eclipse is a pretty direct hit on Neptune, the spouse, partner or current love also has to make important financial changes. There can be disruptions with tax and insurance issues as well. Since Neptune rules your 8th house there can be encounters with death – generally on the psychological level. The result of this will be a more serious attitude to life and a deeper understanding of death and the after life. Your career planet, Venus, is still “out of bounds” until the 17th. So career goals and aspirations are pulling you out of your normal comfort zone.
Health still needs more watching until the 21st. Rest when tired. Listen to the messages of your body. Neck, throat, ankle and calf massage will enhance the health. Health will improve after the 21st. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th is really the main headline of the month. It is strong on you, so take it easy that period. Things that need to be done should be done, but electives are better off re-scheduled. Spend more quiet time at home. Read a book or watch a movie – best of all meditate. This eclipse occurs in your 10th house of career, signaling career changes. There can be shakeups in your corporate hierarchy. Bosses, parents or parent figures – authority figures in your life – are having personal dramas. This eclipse impacts on your love life as well. The spouse, partner or current love is having personal dramas which could affect the relationship. Generally the dirty laundry in the relationship comes up – things that were long suppressed. Good relationships generally weather the crisis, but flawed ones are in danger. Since the eclipsed planet, the Sun, is your spiritual planet, spiritual changes are happening too. This can involve changes in your practice, the teachings, and teachers that you follow. Spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with are having a crisis. Guru figures in your life are having personal dramas. The two occupants of your 7th house of love are both going retrograde this month (retrograde activity is increasing in general). Thus love can seem to be going backwards instead of forward. But don’t make any important love decisions just yet. Wait until Neptune starts to move forward again in a few months.
Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your chart is still “out of bounds” until the 17th. So you are operating outside your normal orbit and comfort zone. The spouse, partner or current love is also out of the comfort zone in their financial life. Sometimes, to attain our goals, we must go outside the box. Happily, this is only temporary. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 9th house. Thus your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs get tested. It produces a crisis of faith. This is good – though not always pleasant – as it forces you to make adjustments here – to correct fallacies and abandon superstitions. These changes will affect the way you live your life. Students at the college level or beyond are also impacted here. There is a change of educational plans – sometimes they change majors – sometimes they change schools. There are disruptions at the university or graduate school. There are also chaotic events in your place of worship and personal dramas in the lives of worship leaders. Not a good idea to be traveling this eclipse period. If you absolutely must, schedule your flights around the eclipse period. Your work & health planet, Neptune is impacted by this eclipse. This can bring job changes or changes in the conditions of work. If you employ others there can be employee turnover and dramas in the lives of employees. Sometimes it brings health scares too. But health is good and it probably won’t be more than that. However, you will be making important changes to the health regime in coming months. Friendships will get tested as well. Computer equipment, software and high tech gadgetry can behave erratically.
The Solar Eclipse of the 10th is strong on you, so take it easy that period. It occurs in your 8th house and this gives many messages. It can bring encounters with death – usually psychological encounters. But Scorpio is no stranger to this and you’ll handle it well. It will bring financial changes to the spouse, partner or current love. He or she needs a course correction. There can be dramas with taxes or insurance companies as well. Because this eclipse impacts on Neptune, your planet of children, children and children figures are having personal dramas. They too should take a reduced schedule and avoid risk taking activities. Parent or parent figure also needs a financial course correction. The financial planning and assumptions are not realistic. Every Solar Eclipse brings dramas in the career. This one is no different. You go through these things twice a year and by now know how to handle things. Sometimes people actually change their career, but usually the eclipse forces them to change the way they operate on a career level. There can be changes in the industry or in the government regulation of your industry that force changes. Often there are shakeups in the hierarchy of your company. Bosses, parents and parents figures have personal dramas. Mars will enter your 10th house of career shortly after the eclipse – on the 12th. This reinforces what has been said. Those of you involved in the creative fields will make important changes to your creativity – in the way you approach it and practice it.
The Solar Eclipse of the 10th is strong on you so take a nice easy schedule that period. You should be taking it easy until the 21st anyway – but especially around the eclipse period. This eclipse occurs in your 7th house of love and will test your current relationship. Unresolved, repressed, dirty laundry tends to come up and needs to be resolved. These are generally long festering things. A good relationship survives these things, but a flawed one is in danger. Often the problem is not always the relationship, but issues arise from personal dramas in the life of the spouse, partner or current love. He or she should be driving more carefully and defensively this period. Family is also affected here. Neptune, your family planet, is impacted. So there can be dramas in the lives of family members. Passions at home are high. Repairs could be needed in the home. Often the home will need a few months until it is back to normal. Siblings and siblings figures have a financial disturbance and need to make important changes. Every Solar Eclipse tests your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs. This is basically good. Our beliefs are constantly evolving and need periodic adjustments. These adjustments will change the way you live your life. There are dramas in your place of worship and personal dramas in the lives of worship leaders. College and post graduate students are affected as well. They can be changes in educational plans and even changes of school. There can be dramas in the lives of mentors or professors as well.
Venus, your career planet, is still “out of bounds” until the 17th. So, like last month, you have to go outside your box to achieve your goals. The Solar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 6th house. This can bring some health challenge - or the appearance of one - perhaps a surgery is recommended to you. But get other opinions about this. With your health planet retrograde until the 21st, tests and/or diagnosis can be amiss. Big changes to the health regime will happen in coming months. Job changes are also likely. This can be within your present situation or with a new one. There can be dramas and disruptions at the work place. With Neptune impacted by this eclipse, siblings, sibling figures and neighbors are impacted. They are having personal dramas. Cars and communication equipment can be erratic and often repairs or replacements are needed. A good idea to drive more defensively this period. The eclipsed planet, the Sun, rules your 8th house and this gives various messages. The spouse, partner or current love, is forced to make important financial changes. There can be encounters with death or dealing with death issues - generally this is on a psychological level. But it does make one more serious about life. Children or children figures have financial dramas and need to make changes. Health needs more watching from the 21st onwards. Enhance the health with arm and shoulder massage. Don’t let tension in the shoulders build up.
Basically a happy and healthy month. Even the Solar Eclipse of the 10th will not do much to dim things. It will only add some spice and excitement to life. It will throw in a few challenges to keep things interesting. This eclipse occurs in your 5th house and impacts on children and children figures in your life. They should take it easy and stay out of harm’s way. They should drive more carefully as well. Those of you involved in creativity will make important changes here. Parents and parent figures are forced to make important changes to the financial planning. Since this eclipse impacts on your financial planet, Neptune, you too are making important changes in your finances. Financial intuition is not up to par during this eclipse period, so make sure to get verification. With Jupiter now in the money house you have probably underestimated earnings. The changes you make will be good ones. Prosperity is still strong this month. Every Solar Eclipse tests the current relationship and love life in general. This is because the eclipsed planet, the Sun, is your love planet. So there is a testing of love. Generally old unresolved issues - resentments or angers - come up for resolution. Good relationships survive these things and get even better. It is the flawed ones that are in danger. You have these testings twice a year and by now you know how to deal with it. The beloved can be having personal dramas - likewise friends.
Health needs watching until the 21st and especially around the period of the Solar Eclipse of the 10th. This eclipse is strong on you so take it easy that period. Do the things that need to be done but re-schedule the electives. Do your best to maintain high energy. This eclipse occurs in your 4th house of home and family. There are dramas in the lives of family members. Passions at home run high so be more patient with them. The dream life is likely to be disturbed and many people report nightmares during this kind of eclipse (this can happen a few days before and after as well). But pay these things no mind. This is just astral flotsam stirred up by the eclipse. Repairs might be needed in the home. Since the Lord of your Horoscope, Neptune, is impacted, this eclipse will bring a need to redefine yourself - the way you think of yourself and the way you want others to think of you. This will result in wardrobe changes and the presentation of a new image in coming months. (The effects of an eclipse lasts for 6 months approx). Also it can bring a detox of the body - especially if you haven’t been careful in dietary matters. Every Solar Eclipse impacts on health and work. And, since you have this twice a year, you know how to handle things. Thus there can be job changes or changes in the conditions of work. There can be disturbances at the work place. Those of you who employ others can have employee turnover in coming months. You will be making important changes to the health regime.
For more information on astrology and metaphysical subjects visit the author’s web site -www.spiritual-stories.com