Topanga Magic with Philosophiemama
When a soul is creating and living the life that they were meant to live, they give strength to those around them to do the same. Sophie Jaffe of Philosophie lives her life purpose with grace, courage, and so much joy. Yogini, healer, nutritionist, mother, and all over warrior, Sophie is bringing her light to Instagram with her beautiful yoga poses, inspiring smoothie bowls, and adorable family. We loved being able to spend the morning with this beautiful soul and her tribe, and excited to share it here with you. Namaste.
Shop her favorite high vibration pieces here!
Shop the Spiritual Gangster kid's collection
What does being a Spiritual Gangster mean to you?
A Spiritual Gangster, to me, is someone who finds ways to keep spirit and soul at their center no matter what else gets in the way. It's someone who is effortlessly and consistently spiritual, soulful and full of heart.
How do you raise your vibration?
I eat high vibrational foods. Philosophie Superfoods every damn day. I meditate, pray, do kundalini yoga. I raise my vibration by connecting with like minded humans who align with my views, needs and desires. I connect with my children who raise my vibration just by being in their aura.
Eagle in our Breathe. Practice. Repeat Tank
What has being a mother taught you about yourself?
Being a mother has taught me about grace, patience and self love. It's taught me that I am way stronger than I ever thought I was.
What has been your favorite part of motherhood?
Letting go of relationships and habits that no longer serve me. Motherhood allows me to align more accurately with my ultimate true nature. My children are my mirror and I don't ever want them to see me in a disrespectful relationship or situation.
What three values do you wish to instill in your children?
1) I want them to love themselves fully with no holding back
2) I want them to create rituals around self care without guilt
3) I want them to love books + reading. Real books with real pages to turn.
Sophie in our Heart and Soul Sutra Tank
Motherhood is a very creative process. How does creativity play a part in raising kids?
Motherhood has no rulebook. You are constantly making it up as you go. There is NOTHING more creative than that! From the food we eat to the way we play to the way we structure our day, it all blooms from my heart and thoughts.
Leo rocking his Karma Made Me Do It Tee
Tell us a little about how your boys practice yoga with you? What are their favorite poses?
we LOVE doing acro together. Acro is the best way for us to connect and bond, to see where we are energetically and to get rid of any moodiness or stuck energy. We learn how to play together, breathe together and grow.
What is your favorite mantra of the moment and why?
"I am abundant. I have abundance. Abundance is flowing." I've been repeating this every day, sometimes several times a day for 5 months now. We are trying to save money and move to a home in the city (we live about 40 min outside of the city now) but money is tight with my husband and I both running our own businesses. So, this mantra sticks till I get what I want. It's all a state of mind anyway, isn't it? If it comes to love, I am the most abundant creature that ever lived!
Your company Philosophie Superfoods creates wholesome and delicious products. What are you loving from your line right now?
I love my Berry Bliss protein + superfood powder so very much. I add it to every smoothie I make because it's incredibly high in Vitamin C and also has 10g of plant based, sprouted protein powder per serving! It can be easily added to oatmeal, yogurt or into just about any pudding or dressing. This coconut sorbet is my jam, currently. Thank me later.
Yoga is such an important part of your family. Tell us a little about your upcoming family yoga retreat.
My hubby, Adi Jaffe, and I are co-leading our first retreat together in Mexico over Thanksgiving! We are over the moon excited. My children will be there as well since they bring so much light to everyone they surround themselves with. They LOVE helping me make smoothies, doing yoga and being free. They are a huge inspiration to grownups! This retreat will be co-ed, everyone from all walks of life and all ages and all yoga levels are welcome. This is a sacred space we are creating in order to escape normal routines and step into exploration, freedom and gratitude.