Jazmin Porter is a certified yoga instructor, mindfulness coach, retreat host, and corporate wellness entrepreneur. She is passionate about building community, collective healing, and expanded consciousness. Specializing in vinyasa yoga, Jazmin enjoys teaching power yoga, restorative yoga, and advanced workshops and offers a spectrum of private sessions, group classes, and corporate workshops that invite her clients to personalize their sessions, strengthen their internal connection, and create alternative and sustainable practices for spiritual, mental, and physical growth.
Jazmin is the Founder of Police Enlightenment and Collective Education LLC, also known as the P.E.A.C.E Program, which provides mindfulness training for enhanced professional efficacy and suicide prevention to Police Officers. Jazmin’s business endeavors and community philanthropy are all developed with the intention of healing and unifying the collective. Learn more at www.wecreatethepeace.org and www.yogijazporter.com
August is National Wellness Month, can you talk to us about some of your wellness non-negotiables?
As someone who has a lot on my plate business wise, and has also experienced depression in my past, I have serval wellness non-negotiable practices. Nutrition is the first; I exclusively eat whole, organic, non-processed, and anti-inflammatory foods. It keeps my vitality and energy high, plus my gut health and mood stay regulated. Additionally, good sleep, fun, physical fitness, spa days, community, and continued education.
Use three words to describe how you feel after your practice?
Clear, peaceful, and light.
"I’m genuinely kind to myself; I learned long ago to become best friends with myself. I practice positive self talk, instant forgiveness, and self protection."
What is the one thing that makes yoga unique among all your other practices?
The unique thing about Yoga in my opinion is that it’s a journey. I never know what the practice will ignite in my body, mind, or spirit. I may break through some stagnate energy and cry, I may play and surprise myself with a new posture execution…what ever it is that happens though, happens through patience, discovery, and going through the journey. Which is very much like life itself.
Do you have a mantra you live by? Any new mantras of the moment?
“Your life will be as big as your thoughts." — Jazmin Porter
What is your favorite piece from Spiritual Gangster for your practice? And which do you love for aprés yoga?
The Kelly Short Bodysuit is my favorite piece for my practice; it’s tiny enough to give me full freedom of movement, plus there’s no fabric issues with waist bands or bras moving around because it’s a one-piece. For Aprés yoga I love the Aurora bra + Leighton legging + Aspen Sweatshirt.
888 Balance Easy Hoodie
$89 $148 -40% -
888 Balance Sol Sweatpant
$77 $128 -40% -