September 2019 Horoscopes
Your focus on health until the 23rd will stand you in good stead for afterwards. Health becomes an issue from the 23rd onwards. As always rest and relax more. You want to maintain optimal energy. Abdominal massage enhances health until the 14th. After the 14th, hip massage is good. An herbal kidney cleanse might also be a good idea after the 14th. Your career planet, Saturn, finally goes forward on the 18th after many months of retrograde motion. The timing is excellent. For, around this time (from the 23rd onwards) the planetary power shifts to the upper half of your horoscope. So career and outer activities are going to become ever more important as the months progress. And with Saturn moving forward there is clarity here. Things are starting to move forward in your career. With your 6th House so strong until the 23rd (and even afterwards), there should be no unemployed Aries. You have many job opportunities. Love is active and happy this month. Until the 14th, love and social opportunities happen at work or as you pursue your health goals. After the 14th, love is in the usual places – parties, gatherings, weddings, social events. Your social grace becomes very powerful after the 14th as Venus is strong in her own sign and house. The 5th to the 7th seems an erotic period. It is also good for paying down debt. In your Horoscope, love and money go together. When one is good the other is good. When one suffers the other suffers. So since love is good, finance is also good.

The month ahead looks prosperous – something always important for a Taurus. Your financial planet, Mercury, travels with Venus (your ruling planet) all month. They are close companions in the heavens. This bodes well for finance. Until the 14th (a yearly personal pleasure peak for you), money comes as you enjoy your life. Stay happy and finance will take care of itself. Your financial judgement is good. Speculations also seem favorable. After the 14th, your social connections are playing a big role in finance. You are less speculative and more into work. Health and energy are excellent this month. You have all the energy you need to achieve what you will. Being happy will not only help your finances until the 14th, but your health as well. Family members are prospering this month. Children and children figures likewise. Your love planet is still retrograde so patience and caution is needed in love. Love should go better before the 14th than afterwards. The 5th to the 7th and the 12th to the 14th are excellent love periods. After the 14th, you’ll just have to work harder to achieve your social goals. Saturn’s forward motion on the 18th is excellent for college level students. There is more clarity here. Travel should also go better after the 18th as the planets that rule it are all moving forward.

You still need to watch your health until the 23rd. There are many planets in stressful alignment with you. This will change after the 23rd. You will see a big improvement. In the meantime enhance health with detox regimes, back and knee massage and good dental health. You are more lovable this month – more graceful – more charming. Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, travels with Venus in the heavens. They are constant companions. This also bring high glamor, enhanced ESP and intuition. You are playful and fun to be around. This is especially so from the 14th onwards. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your 5th House, you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. It’s party time. The love life will also get better after the 14th. Your love planet, Jupiter, is moving forward and Mercury and Venus are making nice aspects to it. Finance is not a major focus these days. Your money house is basically empty. This tends to the status quo. There is no need for any special focus. You seem satisfied with things as they are. The Full Moon of the 14th and the New Moon of the 28th are especially good financial days – especially the new moon of the 28th. It is a “super new moon” – the moon is at perigee her closest distance to earth. The finances of your spouse, partner or current love should start to improve after the 18th. Saturn, his or her financial planet, starts moving forward then.

Health is delicate this month – especially from the 23rd onwards. There are many planets in stressful alignment with you. If you feel tired, rest. Don’t push yourself too much. Try not to waste energy on trivial things. Focus only on priorities. Thigh massage will enhance the health. An herbal liver cleanse might also be a good idea. Your love planet, Saturn, starts moving forward after many months of retrograde activity. This happens on the 18th, so there is now more clarity in love. It is safer to make love decisions now. The love and social life will go better before the 23rd than after. The 7th, 8th and 9th are excellent love and romantic days. For the unemployed, the job prospects are very hot now – especially after the 23rd . Dream job opportunities are happening. Finances look good this month, especially until the 23rd. You have good financial judgement. You are good with the details and minutiae of finance. Money can come through trading – buying and selling – through good sales, marketing, PR and advertising strategies. Whatever you are doing, it is important to get the word out. Students below the college level seem successful. They are focused on their studies and this tends to success. On the 23rd, your money planet enters your 4th house. This shows good family support. You spend on the home and family but earn from here as well. Family and family connections play an important role in finances. There can be short term financial disagreements with the spouse, partner or current love – but this will resolve by next month. On the 23rd, your 4th house of home and family becomes powerful. Though overall energy is not what it should be, it still seems happy. The cosmos impels you to do what you most love doing.

A happy and prosperous month Leo. Enjoy. You are still in the midst of a yearly financial peak. This began last month and continues until the 23rd. The focus is on finance – as it should be – until the 23rd. Mercury, your financial planet, travels with Venus all month. This can show pay raises – official or unofficial – and the financial favor of bosses, elders, parents or parent figures. It would also show good fortune in trading, buying, selling, and communication. You have excellent financial ideas these days. Health is excellent as well. There is only one long term planet in stressful alignment with you. All the rest are either making harmonious aspects or leaving you alone. Saturn, your health planet, starts moving forward on the 18th, further clarifying the health situation. Health is another form of wealth. Your finances are excellent, but the finances of the spouse, partner or current love seems stressed. They will improve after the 23rd – but its still not a smooth ride. On the 23rd, your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests becomes powerful. The mind is sharp now. You absorb information easily and communicate well. So this is good for taking course in subjects that interest you and for teaching others. It is wonderful transit for writers, teachers, sales and marketing people as well. Students below the college level should be successful. A great period to catch up on all those e-mails, letters and texts that you owe.

You’re still independent and getting your way this month. You are not so in need of the approval of others – not so in need of others in general. You are captain of your fate and master of your destiny. This is the time to make the changes that you need to make for your personal happiness. Later on it will be more difficult. You’re in one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks right now – the pleasures of the senses are there for you. You have energy, courage and fire in the belly. You get things done quickly. Like last month, be careful of rush, haste and impatience. This can lead to accident or injury. Watch the temper and voice tones. Your personal appearance shines these days. Venus in your sign gives beauty and grace. The Sun in your sign give charisma and star quality. Self esteem and confidence are strong. You feel you can do anything. All these qualities are good, but not so good for love. This will need more work. Your spouse, partner or current love can feel that you are too selfish – too self centered. This is temporary and will pass. You’re not by nature a selfish person. The month ahead is prosperous too, especially from the 23rd onwards. You begin a yearly financial peak then. The planets in your money house are all benefic. The “Super New Moon” of the 28th will be an especially good financial day. And, will clarify financial issues - until the next new moon.

Libras are by nature social creatures. They like getting their way through the cooperation of others. But now with most of the planets in the eastern sector of your chart and with your first house ultra powerful after the 23rd, it is a time for developing personal initiative. What do you like? What makes you happy? Time to follow your bliss. Time to make the changes you need to make for your personal happiness. The dream life will be hyper active this month, especially until the 23rd. But with Neptune retrograde, give them more study. They might not mean what you think. This is a month for interior, spiritual growth. If you are right spiritually, in tune with the divine - your body, your image and love life will fall into place. After the 14th, it is good to buy clothing and personal accessories. Your taste is better than usual and your choices will be good. You always dress fashionably and in style, but now more so than usual. A great month to get your body and image in the shape that you want. Finances still need more caution and due diligence. But in spite of this, finances seem excellent until the 23rd. Afterwards you will have to work harder to achieve your goals. Love is still spiritual this month. Love is not at the bars and clubs. It is still, like last month, in spiritual venues. Spiritual compatibility is just as important as all the other compatibilities these days. Your love planet in the 12th house also shows that love opens the doors to the divine.

Though love is still unstable and marriage highly unlikely, there is love and love opportunity in the month ahead. But best not to project too much onto it. The month ahead is very social as your 11th house is ultra strong. Usually the 11th house is not a romantic house. It’s more about friendship and platonic kinds of love. But your love planet there until the 14th suggests that love can develop here. Perhaps friends play Cupid. Perhaps you meet a romantic interest as you indulge in group activities. Perhaps someone who is a friend wants to be more than that. There are many scenarios here. The 11th house is a benefic house so the month ahead is basically happy. Though the focus on career is winding down, it still seems successful. Your career planet in the 11th house shows that your friends are being helpful careerwise. Also it is good to be involved with professional and trade organizations and group activities. Good use of technology and the online world will also boost a career. You are in a very prosperous year. Earnings are increasing. They will come with greater ease after the 23rd rather than before. Health is excellent. There is only one long-term planet in stressful alignment with you. All the rest are either in harmony with you or leaving you alone. Exercise, scalp, face and abdominal massage will enhance the health further. Good health for you also means good social health - healthy friendships. Problems here could impact on your actual physical health.

Career is the main headline this month. Many planetary geniuses are having a meeting in your 10th house of career. They are plotting and scheming for the best ways to make you successful. And, since they are geniuses, they know how to do it. The only issue this month is health. The focus on the career is demanding. You don’t have energy to waste on frivolous things. The good news is that you seem to be focused on health. So, you will be on the case. Enhance your health through abdominal massage until the 14th. After the 14th, hip massage will be very good. As always, work to maintain high energy levels - don’t allow yourself to get overtired - this is when you are most vulnerable. The focus on the career could cause you to neglect your social life, but love will improve after the 14th. Family members seem helpful to the career this month. Perhaps your success is seen as a family project. After the 14th, social connections seem very helpful. Career related travel is still likely until the 23rd. Finances are stressful after the 23rd, so you are facing more challenges here. But there is good news too. Your financial planet, Saturn, starts moving forward on the 18th. Financial confidence and judgement is much improved. You will see the bottom line results of this next month. Family seems problematic this month. Family members and especially a parent or parent figure is stressed. Be patient with them. Happily this is a short term problem and will mostly pass by the 23rd.

Personal confidence and self esteem are much improved this month as Saturn, the Lord of your Horoscope, starts moving forward on the 18th. Your sense of direction improves. You’re more clear about what you want in life. Health is excellent until the 23rd, but afterwards needs more attention. The demands of the career are very strong and this will be the focus from the 23rd onwards. You probably can’t avoid all the extra work – the desire to succeed is very strong – but you can focus on the important things in your life and let the lesser things go. Don’t waste precious energy on frivolities. Home and family issues can be down played now. You can best help your family by being successful in the world. Career success will contribute to your emotional harmony as well. Enhance the health this month by giving more attention to the abdomen - especially the small intestine – until the 14th. Abdominal massage is good that period. After the 14th, give more attention to the kidneys and hips – hip massage will be good – it not only strengthens the hips but the lower back as well. An herbal kidney cleanse might also be a good idea. After the 23rd, as the Sun enters your 10th house, you could be dealing more with death issues (on a psychological level). Sometimes this shows surgeries – but not for you personally – most likely with people you’re involved with. Venus in your 10th house from the 14th onwards shows that children and children figures are succeeding too – and they seem involved in your career. Though your financial planet is still retrograde all month, earnings are strong until the 23rd. Afterwards less so.

Mercury and Venus are constant companions in the heavens this month. This shows that the family is prospering – especially a parent or parent figure. Children and children figures are more spiritual these days too. Health is good and will get even better after the 23rd. You have plenty of energy. Try to use it wisely. Enhance the health further in the usual ways – make sure to eat right and keep your emotional harmony. Your 8th house is very strong until the 23rd, thus this is a good month to focus on projects that involve personal reinvention and personal transformation. It is very good for tax and insurance planning as well. If you are of appropriate age, it is good for estate planning. Personal finances seem stressed until the 23rd – not only is your financial planet retrograde, but it receives very stressful aspects. So you really have to work harder for earnings. The good news is that your spouse, partner or current love is having a banner financial month. He or she should be more generous – only you don’t seem in financial agreement. For singles, love is about the sexual magnetism and chemistry. This seems number one to you. This will change after the 23rd as you look for people who are educated, refined and whom you can learn from. Sex is important but it can only take you so far in a relationship. Romantic opportunities happen in foreign lands or with foreigners, at college or religious function after the 23rd. The niceties of romance are important after the 23rd too. It’s not just about hopping in the sack.

You’re still in a yearly love and social peak. The social and romantic opportunities are abundant. But, like last month, the problem is you. You’re not sure what you want. You lack clarity on this subject. There are some good points to this. Since most of the planets are in the social Western half of your Horoscope, it isn’t necessary to be clear. The month ahead is about others and their needs. Let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive. Allow your good to come to you through others. Your financial planet Mars is still in your 7th house of love. He will spend the entire month there, so your social connections and general “likability” are important in earnings. A business partnership or joint venture can happen – the opportunity is there. This is a month where you need to focus on the prosperity of others. As you prosper others, your own supply will come by the karmic law. Don’t let yourself be victimized, but focus – keep in mind – the financial interests of others. Your financial planet in Virgo shows good financial judgement. You have a down to earth attitude this month. You’re careful about all the details of finance, yet you might not be enjoying the way you earn or what you spend on. You need to work harder to get on with the money people in your life. Health will improve after the 23rd. In the meantime, be sure to get enough rest. Enhance your health with abdominal massage until the 23rd. After the 23rd, the hips and kidneys seem important. Hip massage will be beneficial.

Horoscopes by Joseph Polansky. To read more astrological and metaphysical insights by this author, visit Spiritual Stories