A happy week ahead. Enjoy. You’re still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak (since March 20). Many benefic planets are in your sign. You’re in a period of maximum independence – which suits you just fine - and ALL the planets are moving forward. The pace of life is fast. It’s a “me” oriented week. Focus on yourself, your body, image and personal happiness. Make the changes needed to bring this about. Let the world adapt to you – and it will. Love and Finance are excellent. Both love and financial opportunities seek you out. You’re having life on your terms.

Health is reasonable this week but it won’t hurt to rest when tired and avoid pushing the body past its limits. The financial intuition has been strong for many weeks now and this week it gets even stronger. Your financial planet moves into your spiritual 12th house on the 4th. Mars, your spiritual planet, is still in your money house (since March 4th). So the two planets that deal with wealth and earnings are involved with spirituality. So go deeper into the spiritual laws of affluence. Operate the laws. Give to charities. A good period to practice tithing. You’re in a period for “miracle money” rather than “natural money”.

Your 11th house of friends is very strong this week and it gets even stronger from the 4th onwards as Mercury joins the party. The month ahead is social, but its more about friends and group activities than about romance. Yet it seems satisfying. You make friends quickly. You’re like the mayor of any group that you’re involved with. Though romance is not a big focus, it blooms on the 1st and 2nd as it is a monthly love and social peak. The 3rd and 4th are erotic kinds of days. A good period to pay down debt, do tax and insurance planning. The 7th, as your financial planet travels with Jupiter is an excellent financial day.

Career is still the main headline for the week ahead. There’s a not of cosmic support for it. There’s no conflict between home, family and career as the family seems on board. Your spiritual practice and your involvement with charities and altruistic activities boosts the career. Finances are still excellent. As in the past few weeks your good career reputation and the financial favor of bosses and authority figures boost the earnings. More importantly you are very focused on finance and this is 90% of the battle. The 3rd and 4th are good social days – but complicated. Health still needs watching.

College level students are still doing well and successful in their studies. Your interest in religion, philosophy and metaphysics is also strong. (Those of you who major in these subjects are doing very well). Still a good time for a foreign trip. Singles find love opportunities as they pursue career goals or with people involved with their career. Finances seem good. Mercury moves very quickly this week which shows confidence. On the 4th, he moves into your 9th house which shows increased earnings. Always a speculator, you seem even more so from the 4th onwards. A pause in your finances on the 6th and 7th should not alarm you. Your financial planet is having his solstice. A change of direction is happening.

The Lord of your Horoscope, Mercury, has his solstice at the end of the week – the 6th and the 7th. This will bring a natural pause in your personal affairs – but it’s a good pause. You’re changing directions in your personal goals. Health is good this week. There are still many job opportunities if you want them – and these are good ones. On the 4th, Mercury moves into your 8th house (which is strong since March 20), so libido roars even more. A good period to focus on your personal reinvention – to giving birth to the person you want to be. Focus on the prosperity of others and your own supply will come very naturally.

Love is still the main headline this week. It is active and happy. Your social grace – always strong – is even stronger. You go after what you want (and tend to get it). Like the last few weeks you tend to jump into relationships very quickly – you throw caution to the winds. But this is period where you’re learning social courage. And if mistakes happen, you get back up and jump back into the fray. Finances could be better, but the problems are short term. You will see major improvement in coming weeks. Health still needs watching. Enhance the health through foot massage and spiritual techniques.

Continue to focus on your health. It will stand you in good stead for later on. Good health practices are like money in the bank, we can draw upon them during the tough times. Focus on health and your job and love will find you. It will also be noticed by superiors and help the career. This is still a good week for job seekers – there are many opportunities out there. Children and children figures are prospering this week (ever since March 20). The 1st and 2nd are good financial days – it is monthly financial peak. The 3rd and the 4th are good for weight loss or detox regimes. The 6th and 7th are good for dealing with family issues.

A happy and healthy week ahead. Enjoy. You’re still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak which began on March 20th. So its party time. Time to enjoy life. There will be time for more serious issues in a few weeks. Now have fun. Having fun is not just good for its own sake, but improves the health. Head, face and scalp massage will further enhance the health. Your love planet, Mercury, moves into your 5th house on the 4th. Love is about fun - another form of entertainment. Not very serious though. Finances should also be good this week. The 1st and 2nd seem especially happy as the Moon will be in your sign. You have more energy and sex appeal.

Health still needs watching now. Overall energy is not what it should be. Good mental and emotional health is important now. Arm and shoulder massage and massage of the lung reflex enhances health. And, as always, make sure to get enough rest. Finances are OK but will improve in a few weeks. On the 1st and 2nd, your love planet is in your 12th house. So you attract spiritual people. On the 3rd and 4th the love planet moves into your sign - an excellent period for love. Love comes calling. On the 6th and 7th your love planet moves into the money house. This is a monthly financial peak. Social connections boost the earnings.

Your money house becomes even less prominent than last week. Most financial goals (the short term ones at least) have been fulfilled and now its time to feed your mind and pursue your intellectual interests. Students do well. Learning comes easily and seems like fun. Like last week love is in the neighborhood and perhaps with neighbors. Like last week, you tend to jump into relationships too quickly. There is a “devil may care” attitude to love. The 6th and the 7th are especially good days as the Moon moves though your sign. There is more energy, self esteem and libido.

A prosperous week. You’re still in the midst of a yearly financial peak which began on March 20th. On the 4th, your love planet enters your money house, making it even stronger. The social contacts and perhaps the current love are boosting the earnings. The love planet in the money house shows an attraction for the wealthy. Love is shown in material ways - through gifts and financial support. Focus on your financial goals, and love will find you. Though career is not a big issue these days - it will get much stronger later in the year - you have a monthly career peak on the 1st and 2nd.
For more astrological and metaphysical information visit the author’s website www.spiritual-stories.com