Retrograde activity is lessening compared with last month’s highs, but Mars, the Lord of your Horoscope, will be retrograde all month. So, though you have independence, what good is it if you’re not clear as to what you want? You might as well be more social and let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive. Love is the main headline this month. You’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 23rd. The problem is not in attracting the opposite sex, the problem is you - you have the opportunities but you’re not sure of what you want. Health needs more watching this month - especially until the 23rd. So, as always, do your best to maintain high energy levels. High energy is the 1st defense against disease. Your health planet will spend almost all month in Scorpio your 8th house. Thus, you benefit from detox regimes. Some of you could have surgeries (or have them recommended to you). Safe sex and sexual moderation are important this month. (You seem more sexually active these days.) Your financial planet Venus is moving forward and rather speedily. This is good for finance as it shows confidence and someone who covers a lot of territory. Until the 2nd, you seem very risk-taking. But from the 2nd to the 23rd, this moderates. Financial judgment will be more conservative. This is a prosperous time. Venus receives good aspects. Money is earned through work. The health field also seems interesting as an investment or business. On the 23rd, Venus moves into your 7th house and a partnership or joint venture can happen. Social contacts become important financially.
Your 9th house is once again very powerful (since July 2nd). Also, the planets here are moving forward. Saturn and Jupiter moved forward last month, and Pluto moves forward on the 4th. This is wonderful for college level students - they succeed through hard work and focus. Pluto’s forward motion (after many months of being retrograde) on the 4th is good for the love life. It starts moving forward again. There is more clarity here. You understand the lay of the land better. And, on the 23rd, you begin a yearly love and social peak. Perfect cosmic timing. Mercury, your financial planet, spends most of the month in your 7th house. Thus partnership or joint venture opportunities come to you. If you are an investor, you can profit from mergers and acquisitions. Social contacts in general seem important in finances. However, Mercury will go retrograde on the 14th, so wrap up important purchases or investments before then. Earnings will still happen after the 14th but with more glitches and delays. Your 6th house of health is very powerful this month - especially until the 23rd. While health is basically good, it will need more watching from the 23rd onwards. This is nothing serious, only short term stresses caused by short term planets. Enhance the health (from the 23rd onwards) with hip massage and massage of the kidney reflexes. Maintain harmony in your social life too. Your spiritual planet, Mars, will be retrograde all month. So, your intuition and dream interpretations need more verification. The Full Moon of the 31st (we have two Full Moons this month) occurs right on Uranus, your career planet. This should be a good career day.
The month ahead looks happy. Enjoy. Health is excellent all month. There is only one long term planet - Neptune - in a stressful alignment with your sign. All the other planets are leaving you alone. The short term planets however are supporting you. You are in the midst of yearly personal pleasure peak. This is a time to enjoy life - a time to let go of burdens and cares and indulge in activities that you love. The time for work will come very soon - after the 23rd - in the meantime savor the joys of life. In leisure, said Andrew Carnegie, there is luck. Your money house is empty this month - only the Moon visits there on the 9th and 10th. So finance is not a big issue. This tends to the status quo. You have no need to overly focus here as you seem satisfied with things as they are. Yet there will be some nice paydays this month. We have two Full Moons one on the 1st and one on the 31st. These should be good financially. The Full Moon of the 31st occurs right on the Lord of the 9th house and thus should be extra good. Sudden money or opportunity comes. The New Moon on the 16th will also be a good financial day. Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your chart, goes retrograde on the 14th. There are job opportunities happening, but they need more study. Also you need to rethink your personal and family goals.
Health needs serious watching this month. Many planets are in stressful alignment with you. Watch your energy. Respect the messages that the body sends you. If you feel tired, rest. If you’re working out and feel pain or discomfort, pause, rest and then go back. Take a more leisurely, relaxed attitude to exercise. Don’t try to break records. Enhance the health with back, knee and thigh massages and massage of the liver reflex and meridian. Though health and energy could be better, the month ahead seems happy. The power is in your 4th house of home and family - your favorite house. These are your natural and innate interests. After the 23rd the focus is on children - also a natural interest. Finances are a bit stressed until the 23rd. Earnings will come but with more challenge. You and the spouse, partner or current love, don’t seem in financial agreement. If you have investors to deal with, things seem stressful. But this will pass after the 23rd. Until the 23rd you spend on the home and family and earn from this as well. After the 23rd you spend on the children or children figures in your life, and can earn from them too. If they are young they inspire you to earn more. Sometimes they have profitable ideas. If they are of a certain age, they are helpful in more tangible ways. The love life is very active and bittersweet. Singles have many suitors and opportunities. Married couples are doing more socializing - attending more parties and gatherings. Sometimes too many opportunities can be as challenging as too few - it creates confusion. But still, it is a nice problem to have.
Health is basically good this month but after the 23rd, it will need more watching. This is nothing serious just short term stress caused by short term planets. This will pass by the end of next month. But it won’t hurt to rest and relax more after the 23rd and to enhance the health with back, knee and thigh massage and massage of the conception vessel, gall bladder and liver meridians. The good news here is that health is a major focus and this is good. You’re on the case and paying attention. The power this month - until the 23rd - is in your 3rd house of communication and intellectual interests. This is wonderful for students below the college level. They should do well in their studies. But even non-students are reading more and taking courses. The mental faculties are very much enhanced. After the 23rd, as the Sun moves into your 4th house, the focus is on home, family and your emotional wellness. This is a period for making psychological breakthroughs. Old memories come up to be looked at and resolved or re-interpreted in a new way. This brings healing. With Mars retrograde all month, its probably best to avoid foreign travel. If you must do this, insure your tickets and try not to schedule flights too closely together. Your financial planet, Mercury, will go retrograde on the 14th, so as always try to conclude major purchases or investments before then. Earnings will come but with more glitches and delays. Patience is necessary.
A healthy and prosperous month ahead, Virgo. Enjoy. There is only one planet in stressful alignment with you - Neptune. All the rest are either making harmonious aspects or leaving you alone. (Only the Moon will occasionally make a stressful aspect but these are short term things that pass quickly.) So, no need to make any dramatic changes to your health regime right now. Things seem good as they are. (Besides, your health planet is retrograde all month). You entered a yearly financial peak last month and this month it seems even stronger. Your spiritual intuition is on target. Venus, your financial planet (and the Lord of the 9th house) enters your sign on the 2nd and stays there until the 28th. This brings windfalls and happy financial opportunities. You spend on yourself and people see you as a “money person”. The money people in your life are devoted to you and supportive. You don’t need to chase after money...it chases after you! But Venus being in your sign has other benefits too. It brings opportunities for foreign travel. It improves the personal appearance. Your sense of style is very good. A good month to buy clothing or accessories. Mercury goes retrograde on the 14th. So personal goals needs more thought and study. Avoid rash decisions involving the career. Study things more. But the month ahead is not just about money. Your 5th house is very strong too (as it has been all year). Thus its time for fun and creativity. Women of childbearing age are more fertile than usual.
Health and energy are “kind of OK” until the 23rd but afterwards needs more watching. Many long term planets - 40% of the Horoscope - are in stressful alignment with you. So, you need to make sure to get enough rest. Enhance the health as always with foot massage and spiritual healing techniques. This is a good month (and this has been the case for many years now) to go deeper into spiritual healing. You are in the your maximum period for personal independence this month. Your 1st house of self is very strong. You’ve been more independent in past years, but this is the maximum for the present year. You get your way more so than in previous months. Make the changes that need to be made for your happiness. Others are always important to you and you will not ride rough shod over them, but where it doesn’t offend others, make the changes. Health and energy could be a lot better, but still many nice things are happening. The power in your 1st house enhances the physical appearance. It brings the pleasures of the body to you. On the 28th, as Venus enters your sign, the personal appearance is further enhanced. You have much physical grace and charm and a good sense of style. Love could be better. Yes, there is a serious relationship but there is much back tracking and insecurity here. Your love planet, Mars, is retrograde all month. Avoid making important love decisions this month. The family situation is still bitter sweet. There are good points and bad points. Emotionally, you seem to swing between “letting it all hang out” and repression. Finances are improving day by day. Your financial planet, Pluto, starts moving forward on the 4th - after many months of retrograde motion. There is more clarity in finances. The way forward is seen. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters the money house, you enter a period of peak earnings. Social connections and family seem the main source of earnings and earning opportunity.
A happy and successful month ahead, Scorpio. Enjoy. Health is excellent. With good health and energy all kinds of things become possible that weren’t possible previously. There is only one planet in stressful alignment with you and the Moon will occasionally make stressful aspects. All the other planets are either in harmonious aspect or leaving you alone. No need to make dramatic changes to your health regime as your health planet Mars is retrograde all month. This is a good time for reviewing your health goals and regime and seeing where improvements can be made. Job opportunities this month (and they seem to come) are not what they seem and need more study. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and resolve your doubts. Venus, your love planet, spends most of the month (from the 2nd to the 28th) in Virgo, your 11th house. Venus is not very comfortable in Virgo. She is perhaps in her weakest position. The main thing in love is to avoid destructive criticism - “nit pickiness”. Nothing is more guaranteed to sink a romance than those tendencies. Remember that romance is 90% magic and only 10% logic. If you must criticize, keep it constructive and be mindful of the timing. Finances are much improved as Jupiter, your financial planet, is now moving forward. There is clarity here. Pluto is also moving forward so there is more clarity about your personal desires. On the 23rd, as the Sun enters your sign, you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. Also, this will bring happy career opportunities and the support and devotion of those in authority over you.
Health and energy are much improved over last month. You can enhance it further through neck and throat massage. Chest massage is good until the 2nd. Massage of the lower abdomen is good from the 2nd to the 28th. The month ahead seems happy. The power is in your 11th house, which is a beneficial house. It is the place where fondest hopes and wishes manifest. It is also a highly social month - though not necessarily romantic. It is more about friendships and group activities. The financial life is much, much better than it has been for many months. Jupiter and Saturn are now moving forward and your financial plans and goals likewise. You have more clarity here and this makes all the difference. Also with your money house ultra powerful this month, there is great focus here and by the spiritual law we get what we focus on. Love is more delicate this month as your love planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 14th. This doesn’t stop love from happening, but slows things down. The social confidence is not what it should be. Mercury spends most of the month - until the 28th - in your spiritual 12th house. Thus, you need spiritual compatibility with your partner or lover. Romantic opportunities happen in spiritual setttings - the yoga studio, the spiritual or meditation lecture, the charity event or prayer meeting. If you’re going to the clubs and bars looking for love you’re wasting your time. Be more patient with children and children figures. They seem directionless this month. Clarity will come to them next month.
Health and energy will improve after the 23rd. In the meantime enhance the health with back, knee, arm and shoulder massage. Detox regimes go well too. With your health planet retrograde from the 14th onwards it is not advisable to make dramatic changes to the health regime. Study things more. It is also not a great time for taking medical tests or procedures. They can be misleading and often prone to error. The month ahead is successful. You are in the midst of a yearly career peak until the 23rd. So much progress is being made. You will feel career success even after the 23rd as Venus enters your 10th house on the 28th. She will be in her own sign and house and thus powerful on your behalf. Children and children figures also seem successful - perhaps they are involved in your career or perhaps you see them as your true mission. Love doesn’t seem to be a big issue this month as your 7th house is basically empty. Only the Moon visits there on the 9th and 10th. However with two Full Moons this month (unusual) there should be more socializing than usual. The Full Moon of the 31st occurs right on Uranus, your financial planet, so it is good for both love and money. Your family planet, Mars, is still retrograde this month, so home projects - renovations or repairs - are best rescheduled. A parent or parent figure is “up in the air” - lacking direction. Your relationship with this person could be better.
Health and energy are good this month, but after the 23rd, it will need more watching. There is nothing serious afoot, only short term stresses caused by short term planets. Career demands will be strong on you so make sure to get enough rest and focus on the essentials of your life and let go of the trivia. The month ahead, like last month, seems very spiritual. The two houses involved in this - the 9th and 12th - are chock full of planets. The 9th house is about philosophy and religion, while the 12th house is more about direct personal experience with the Divine - but they are related. So, like last month, this is a time for spiritual and religious breakthroughs. (When these happen it is most joyous.) This is a month for foreign travel as well. Jupiter is moving forward as is the Lord of your 9th house, Venus. It is a good month for college level students as well. They should do well in their studies. Your financial planet, Neptune, is still retrograde, so be more cautious in financial dealings and decision making. Neptune has been retrograde for many months, and you can’t stop financial dealings altogether, but you can study things more - do more homework and due diligence. Cars and communication equipment can be erratic this month as Mars is retrograde all month. A good idea to drive more carefully too. On the 23rd the Sun enters your 10th house of career and you begin a yearly career peak. Love seems happy. Until the 23rd there are romantic opportunities in foreign countries, with foreigners, and at college or college functions. After the 23rd, there are opportunities with people involved in your career.
Health and energy are good this month. If there have been pre-existing conditions, they are in abeyance right now. These things are influenced by your overall energy level. When energy is high, they fade into the background. Venus spends most of the month in your 7th house of love. So there is love in your life. The problem is you. You’re not sure what you want. You seem indecisive. Romantic opportunities happen at educational type functions - school, lectures, seminars, workshops even the library or book store. Neighbors seem very alluring too. Your love planet goes retrograde from the 14th onwards, so social confidence could be better. Romance can be slow, but friendships seem to be going well. You seem active on that front. You’re meeting new and interesting people. Your financial planet, Mars, will be retrograde all month. So avoid major purchases or investments this period. And, though you’re in a speculative frame of mind, best to avoid it this month. Now that Jupiter is moving forward, career issues are more clear. You see the path. You know what you have to do. Career will be much stronger next month, but things are improving even now. There is a lot of power in your 8th house this month. Thus, it is a more sexually active kind of month. Your finances are a bit slow but the finances of the spouse, partner or current love are very strong and he or she makes up the difference. A good month for detox or weight loss regimes if you need it. Perhaps surgery is recommended to you, but it doesn’t mean that you have to do it - detox often works just as well.
To read more of the author’s astrological and metaphysical writings visit www.spiritual-stories.com