October 2017 Horoscopes
A very happy but hectic kind of month. You love action, but this can be a bit much even for you. You flit from one activity to the next with nary a rest. Health needs more attention - especially until the 23rd. Try to schedule more rest periods. Make sure to get enough sleep. Enhance your health through hip massage until the 17th. An herbal kidney cleanse might be a good idea too. After the 17th, detox regimes are good. It is a sexually active kind of period, but try not to overdo it. The main headline is the power in your 7th House. Your love life has been good all year. Many singles are no longer single. Many are not married but involved in serious kinds of relationships. This month, the love life is even happier and more active. 60% of the planets (a huge percentage) are either in your 7th House of love or moving through there this month. Thus, love can happen in many ways and with many different kinds of people. You seem to get along with almost everyone this month. If you are still single, this can be a problem - too many options - too much confusion. But it’s a good problem to have. This is a month for taking a vacation from yourself — your needs and interests — and focusing on others. It's good to take a vacation from yourself every now and then. You’re much more popular than usual. On the 11th, Jupiter moves into your 8th House - a major move. He will be there for the next 12 months. Your spouse, partner or current love is prospering.
This is a month where you work hard but also love hard - your social life is the main headline this month and for the next 12 months. The whole situation is about to change for the better. For singles, there is romance happening. If you're married, this can show a business type partnership or joint venture. Single or married, there is more socializing going on this month - especially after the 11th. There is a happy romantic meeting on the 3rd and 4th, but this is only the prelude. An unemployed Taurus is hard to find, but if you’re one of them you’re not unemployed for long. There’s a plethora of job opportunities happening now. Even if you’re already employed, you will have opportunities for side jobs and overtime. A strong work month. Money comes from work until the 17th (extra job opportunities). The health field also looks interesting financially. You could be spending more on health and health products too. After the 17th, your Financial Planet moves into your 7th House of love. This shows financial opportunities through social contacts and through the spouse, partner or current love. You mix with rich people this period and a lot of the socializing can be business related. The Sun travels with Jupiter on the 26th and 27th - a family member or parent or parent figure prospers. Health needs more attention after the 23rd. As always make sure to get enough rest. Until the 14th, enhance your health with abdominal massage. After the 14th, hip massage is good.
A happy month ahead. You’re in party mode until the 23rd, and health and energy are super. The air element in the Horoscope is very strong this month and this is your native element - another happy signal. You’re very comfortable with a lot of air. Your natural communication skills are even stronger than usual. Your personal creativity - especially in writing or teaching is unusually strong. Marriage or serious relationship is still stressed out and probably not advisable, but there are a lot of love affairs this month - fun kinds of relationships. Love seems like another form of entertainment - like going to the theater or movies. Its not about serious commitment. Jupiter, your love planet , will move into your 6th House on the 11th. This is going to change your love attitudes and needs for the next 12 months. The sexual magnetism will be the primary allurement. The work place becomes as much a social setting as a work setting. You will socialize more at the job - and have romantic opportunities with co-workers. Social conditions at the work place will be a big factor in what kind of job you take. When the love planet moves into your 6th House, you will also be allured to health professionals and to people involved in your health. Romantic opportunities can happen at the doctor or therapist’s office, at the gym or spa. Finance is not very important this month. This tends to the status quo. However, with Jupiter in your 6th House, there are going to be really fabulous job opportunities happening (this will go on for the next 12 months) and these should pay more money.
This is not an especially strong career month - in fact it seems in abeyance. The action (and the planetary power) is mostly in your 4th House of home and family. (60% of the planets are either there or moving through there this month - a lot of power.) Your career planet, Mars, is below the horizon (the night side of the chart), and on the 22nd, enters your 4th House. Home and family is your mission - your real career - this month. In a way, since this is your favorite activity, the month ahead is happy. You’re being pushed to do what you most like to do. On the other hand, health will need more attention. Make sure to get enough rest. Your Health Planet changes signs this month - on the 11th - a major move. Jupiter moves into your 5th House from the 4th House., and he will be in the 5th House for the next 12 months. Thus, your health needs and health regime will change. The colon, bladder and sexual organs will need more attention. Safe sex and sexual moderation are more important than usual. There is a need to stay creative and happy and to avoid depression like the plague. Detox regimes will be effective for you too. This is a great month for buying or selling a home, for major repairs or renovations (especially after the 22nd) and for decorating or buying art objects for the home. Money comes from the family and family connections. Many of you will be earning from home. After the 23rd, there is happy money - money that is earned and spent in happy way. There is a very nice payday on the 26th and 27th.
Your love planet is retrograde and under severe planetary stress this month. Love is problematic. It might not be completely your fault, though some of it is. Your spouse, partner or current love seems personally very stressed out. Don’t make any important love decisions one way or another. Time and time alone will clarify the situation. This is a strong communication and intellectual kind of month. Your 3rd House is unusually strong - 60% of the planets are either there or moving through there this month. This is wonderful for students below the college level. There is great focus on their studies and they should be successful. A good month to expand your knowledge base - to catch up on your reading, to attend seminars and lectures. Also good for catching up on the e-mails, texts and phone calls you owe. You have the gift of gab these days. The only problem with this is too much of a good thing. The mind can get so overstimulated that it goes round and round and round. This can cause insomnia or other nervous problems. Health is good until the 23rd but afterwards needs more attention. Spine, knee and thigh massage will enhance the health. Jupiter makes a major (once a year) move this month. He moves into your 4th House on the 11th. This of ten shows a move or renovation of the home. The family circle expands, usually through birth or marriage. Women of childbearing age become unusually fertile. Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter on the 18th and 19th brings a nice payday. There is also luck in speculations.
An extremely prosperous month ahead Virgo, enjoy. Mars is in your sign until the 22nd. This gives energy and drive, but it can also create feelings of rush and impatience. This can lead to accidents. Achieve, do, be active, but in a mindful kind of way. Love is improving this month. Much of the stress on the beloved is easing up. He or she should be feeling better. On the 17th, Mercury will move into good aspect with Neptune, your love planet. This brings happy romantic and social opportunities. Keep in mind that Neptune is still retrograde, so let's not rush into anything. You’re in the midst of a yearly financial peak. For some of you (much depends on your age), it is a lifetime peak. The power in the money house is simply awesome - 60% of the planets are either there or moving through there. This means that money and financial opportunity is coming for a plethora of different places and people. You have the Midas Touch these days. By the 23rd, your short term financial goals are achieved and you focus more on your intellectual life. Jupiter will move into your 3rd House of communication on the 11th, Mercury on the 17th and the Sun on the 23rd. Students below the college level are going to be successful in their studies this period - and for the next 12 months. A new car and good communication equipment is coming to you. Siblings and sibling figures are prospering. Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter on the 18th and 19th and the Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter on the 26th and 27th bring nice financial windfalls.
A happy and prosperous month Libra, enjoy. Your sign is chock full of planets this month. You’re in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak. You have loads of energy and your challenge will be to use it wisely and effectively - to attain your goals. Sometimes people with abundant energy just fritter it away and you don’t want to do this. This is a month where you have things your way. Your way is the best way. Even your spouse, partner or current love - even friends - will accede to your wishes this month, so take the opportunity to create the conditions of your happiness. You have the power to shape and mold conditions to your liking. Love is happy this month — Venus (you) and Mars (the lover) are in beautiful aspect from the 3rd to the 17th. If you are not in a relationship - it can happen that period. On the 22nd Mars, your love planet, enters your sign. No need to exercise your social genius. Just go about your business. Love will find you. You won’t even escape it. On the 11th, Jupiter makes a major move out of your 1st House into your money house. He will be there for the next 12 or so months. This spells prosperity. On the 23rd, the Sun enters the money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. This will be a strong one. Mercury’s conjunction with Jupiter on the 18th and 19th shows good financial intuition and a nice payday. The Sun’s conjunction with Jupiter on the 26th and 27th shows rich and supportive friends. A good love day for children and children figures in your life.
An important “turning point” month, Scorpio. As the spiritual law dictates, first the within changes, then the without. As within, so without. The past year has been one of intense spiritual, interior growth. Like a seed germinating underground and finally bursting through its shell, so is your life. You begin the month in an intensely spiritual kind of period (even more than the past year). Your 12th House is ultra powerful with 60% of the planets either there or moving through there. All the important planets are there - including your love, career and financial planets. A very clear message. Get right spiritually and everything else will fall into place. It is a month for spiritual breakthroughs, and when these happen, everything changes. There is a new and deeper perspective on your life and circumstances. On the 11th, Jupiter, your Financial Planet, crosses the Ascendant and moves into your sign. This denotes strong prosperity - not just in the month ahead but for the next few years. The Financial Planet in your 1st House brings financial windfalls and wonderful opportunities. Money chases you rather than vice versa. More importantly you begin to adopt the”image and persona” of wealth. You dress expensively. You spend on yourself. People see you as a “money person”. The Sun, your career planet, will move in to your 1st House on the 23rd. This brings happy career opportunities as well. You are seen as “successful” - as someone of high status. Bosses, elders, parents and parent figures seem very supportive - devoted to you and in your corner. Health is good and gets even better after the 23rd. Your Health Planet will move into the 12th House on the 22nd and this shows that you respond well to spiritual healing techniques.
The power in your 11th House is the main headline this month. This makes the month unusually social. New and significant friends come into the picture. You’re much involved with friends, groups and group activities. You also seem more involved in the online world. A very good month to increase your knowledge of high tech, science and astrology. Many people get their Horoscopes done when the 11th House is strong. It is also a good month to buy high tech equipment - your choices will be good. The 11th House is where “fondest hopes and wishes” come to pass. So, it is a happy month. Jupiter, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your chart makes a major move this month. He moves from the 11th House to the 12th House. The year ahead (and the coming month) is going to be more spiritually oriented. Those of you already on a path are going to make great progress this month (and for the next 12 months). You can expect peak spiritual experiences. Your love planet, Mercury, will enter the 12th House on the 17th. Though this is more a friendship month than a romantic one, there is happy romantic opportunity on the 18th and 19th as your love planet travels with Jupiter. From the 17th onwards, love is in spiritual venues - at the meditation or spiritual seminar, the charity event or the yoga studio. Health and finances are good all month. Career is going well, but by the 22nd, you seem to have attained the short term goals and is becoming less important. Your spiritual practice and involvement with charities and causes helps your career after the 17th.
Wow! Career is stratospheric this month. Almost the whole cosmos, with its dazzling affray of powers and genius, is conspiring to make you successful. It's as if the planetary genii are holding a meeting in your 10th House of career, counseling, cajoling, advising, moving away the obstacles to insure your success. Definitely, the focus is on the career now. It is noon time in your year and the Sun is blazing hot. You can safely let go of home and family issues and serve them by attaining your outer goals. In fact, family seems to support the career. It feels like a family project. The demands of your career are strong and you’re working very hard - probably overtime - but health needs watching. What good is all the success if your health suffers? Do your best to schedule rest periods. Lesser things will have to be sacrificed - perhaps entertainment or the social life - but keep the focus on health. There will be improvement after the 23rd, but health is delicate all month. Until the 17th, hip massage will be powerful. Do your best to keep harmony in your relationship and friendships. After the 17th, give more attention to the colon, bladder and sexual organs. Safe sex and sexual moderation is important, but rest is probably most important. See if you can sneak away to a spa or schedule extra massages this month. Jupiter will move into your 11th House on the 11th and stay there for the next 12 or so months. The year ahead is very social, not necessarily in a romantic kind of way, but in terms of friendships and group activities. New and important friends are coming into the picture.
Love is still challenging most of the month. You and the spouse, partner or current love seem distant from each other. Very far apart. You have opposite perspectives on things. But if you can bridge your differences - recognize that the other’s view point is valid, though you don’t agree - the relationship can be even stronger. Still it will take work. For singles, this shows attracting people with opposite perspectives. There will be improvement in love from the 23rd onward, but real improvement will happen next month. Your 9th House is ultra strong this month, thus it is good for travel, religious and theological studies and higher education. A great month for college students as they are focused on their studies and seem successful. The month ahead (and the next 12 months) is very successful. Jupiter will move into your 10th House of career on the 11th. This shows successful friends who are supporting your career. Also it shows career expansion and elevation. The Sun enters your 10th House on the 23rd. You begin a yearly career peak. Even family seems supportive, but they will be more supportive next month. Health is excellent until the 23rd, but after that, needs more attention. As always, enhance the health through right diet and abdominal massage. More important than that, is simple rest. The love planet in the 10th House shows attracting romantic partners who are above you in status. It is also good for pursuing your career through social means. The danger with this position is pursuing relationships of convenience rather than real love.
Your career planet, Jupiter, makes a major move on the 11th. He moves into your 9th House and stays there for the next 12 or so months. This shows a change in your career orientation and approach. Now there is a need to take all educational opportunities that relate to the career. They might cost money, but it seems worth it. There will be more career-related travel now and your willingness to travel seems important careerwise. Mars is still in your House of love until the 22nd. Avoid power struggles in love. Avoid needless conflict. Mars is your Financial Planet. Thus this would show the importance of social contacts (and general likability) in finance. A business partnership or joint venture is likely. The Financial Planet enters the 8th House on the 22nd. This shows a need to focus on making money for others. The financial interest of others always needs to be taken into account and perhaps even put before your own. To the degree that you prosper others, to that degree you personally prosper. Your 8th House is unusually strong this month. So this favors detox regimes on all the levels - physical, emotional and mental. Time to de-clutter your life. Possessions that you don’t use should be given to charity or sold. It is a good period to attract outside investors to your projects. Also good for borrowing or paying down debt – according to your need. Your 9th House becomes powerful after the 23rd. Thus many of you will be traveling, planning trips or involved with foreigners or foreign countries. There is a strong interest in religion, philosophy and theology. Love is very erotic until the 17th. After the 17th, love opportunities happen at your place of worship, religious and educational functions. A foreign trip can lead to love as well.