Scorpio season is here! Find out what's in store for you in November and see which style best matches with your sign, carefully curated by our editors.
A lowly lunar eclipse on the eighth is much stronger that the imperial solar eclipse of last month. First off, this is a total eclipse. Secondly it affects more planets than the solar eclipse did, so it has much more clout. So, take it nice and easy during this eclipse time. This goes not only for you but for your spouse, partner, or current love. Also, for your friends. The eclipse occurs in your money house and has a big financial impact. For not only is it in the money house, but it impacts Venus, your financial planet. So major financial changes are foot. Sometimes it takes a major drama to get you to make the changes necessary for your happiness. The impact on Venus will also test your current relationship. A good relationship will withstand the stress. But a faulty one is in danger. There are dramas in the life of the spouse, partner, or current love. A surgery is recommended to him or her. In general, the social circle is disrupted. Friends too are having personal dramas. Computers, high tech gadgetry, and software can behave erratically. Sometimes repairs or replacements are necessary. Every lunar eclipse impacts the home and family. So, there are dramas in the lives of family members. Passions in the home run high. Often repairs are needed in the home. With Mars, the Lord of your horoscope now retrograde, wait until the dust settles from the eclipse before making important changes. Get the lay of the land first.
The lunar eclipse of the 8th is very strong on you and eventful, so, do take a nice, easy, and relaxed schedule. Things that need to be done should be done, but electives, especially if they are stressful, should be rescheduled. This eclipse occurs in your own sign which amplifies its power. Thus, it brings a need for a personal make over. You need to redefine yourself, your self-concept, and the kind of image you present to others. Sometimes this kind of eclipse can bring a physical detox of the body as the body gets rid of things that don’t belong there. While this is not pleasant, it is not disease. In coming months, you will be presenting a new image, a new look to the world. Uranus, your career planet is also impacted here. Thus, important career changes are happening. There are many scenarios as to what happens. Sometimes there is a shake up in the hierarchy of your company, sometimes there are changes in your industry, or the government changes the rules governing your industry. Sometimes bosses are having personal dramas. The rules of the game change since Venus, the Lord of your horoscope is also affected here. There are job changes, changes in working conditions, and perhaps dramas at the workplace. Job changes can be with your present company or with another one. There will also be changes as the months go on to your health regime. If you employ others, there will probably be employee turnover in coming months and perhaps dramas in the lives of employees.
A seemingly lowly lunar eclipse on the eighth will pack more clout than the last solar eclipse that we had last month. Happily, it seems rather mild on you as far as eclipses go, however it is probably not so mild for the people around you, or on the world at large. So, spend more quiet time at home while the eclipse is happening and even a day or two before and after. Sensitive people will feel an eclipse even two weeks before it happens, but every person will get a personal cosmic message — something you will understand when the eclipse is in effect. This eclipse will bring financial dramas and a need to make important financial changes. Your planning and strategy will need to be changed. Many people change their investments under such an eclipse. It occurs in your 12th house and impacts on the Lord of the 12th. So, very important spiritual changes are happening. The invisible world is letting you know that it’s around. People not on the path can suddenly go on it. People already on the path will change the practice, teachings, and sometimes teachers. There are major disruptions and perhaps crises in spiritual or charitable organizations that you are involved with. Guru figures in your life have major personal dramas. And, because the eclipse affects the Lord of your ninth house, your religious and theological beliefs will get tested. Some beliefs will get amended or revised; others will get tossed out. This is a healthy thing but not so pleasant while it’s happening. In coming months, you will live your life in a different way, with different and more enlightened values. Children and children figures in your life are also affected here and they too should take a more relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. They are having personal, and often life-changing kinds of dramas. There are dramas in your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders. College level students have disruptions at their school and change in educational plans.
With the Moon as the lord of your horoscope, you are always more sensitive to lunar phenomena than most people. So, this total lunar eclipse of the eighth is unusually strong on you. So, take a nice easy, relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. First off, it will bring an important personal make over, much stronger than the previous one. Perhaps others are defining you in an unpleasant kind of way or even slandering and bad mouthing you. So, you need to define yourself for yourself and not leave this job to others. When you change the way you think about yourself, your image and presentation to the world will also naturally change. This will not happen overnight but over the next few months. Since Venus is also affected here, there are personal dramas in the lives of family members, and especially of a parent or parent figure. These can be life-changing kinds of dramas. Family members should also take a more reduced and relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Siblings and sibling figures are forced to make important financial changes. Since the eclipse happens in your 11th house of friends, there are dramas in the lives of friends as well. Friendships will get tested. Computer equipment, high tech gadgetry, software and the like can behave erratically. Internet service can be intermittent. Scammers seem on the loose. Avoid opening suspicious emails. Make sure important files are backed up and keep your antivirus, anti-hacking software up to date. This eclipse can also bring psychological type encounters with death. Perhaps you hear of someone you know who died, perhaps you would attend a funeral or a wake, or a memorial service. Sometimes people have dreams of death. The spouse partner or current love also has to make important financial changes. This eclipse is not only strong on you but seems to be very strong on the world at large.
Brace yourself for an eventful kind of month. Many changes and shake ups are happening and when the dust settles things should be better than before. The main headline is a powerful lunar eclipse on the eighth. This occurs in your 10th house of career and impacts Venus, your career planet. So, important career changes are happening. The career has been unstable for many years now and this Eclipse adds to it. So, there can be shakeups in your corporate hierarchy, personal dramas in the lives of bosses, parents, parent figures, and authority figures. Usually, people don’t change their actual career but the rules of the game change — the career is pursued in a different way. Important adjustments need to be made. The current love relationship gets tested by this eclipse. If the relationship is fundamentally sound, it will weather the storm. But even sound relationships are challenging right now. Unsound relationships are in danger. The beloved should take a nice reduced, easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect. He or she is having personal dramas, perhaps with the family. Siblings and sibling figures are also having personal dramas. They too should take a more relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Students below the college level are also affected. There are changes in educational plans, and perhaps changes of school. Cars and communication equipment will get tested as well. A good idea to drive more carefully and defensively while the eclipse is in effect.
Every lunar eclipse impacts your friendships, but this lunar eclipse of the eighth is much stronger than usual. So, this area is more affected than usual. While this eclipse is very strong on the world level, and brings important changes in the world at large, for you personally it is mild as far as eclipses go. However, if it hits a sensitive point in your personal horoscope, the one cast especially for you, it can be very strong indeed. So, it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed, non-stressful schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Friends and people involved in your finances should also take a more relaxed schedule. There are not only dramas in the lives of friends, but also shakeups and disruptions in trade or professional organizations you’re involved with. Computer equipment, high tech gadgetry can behave erratically. Perhaps some new virus or scam is unleashed. Internet service can be spotty as well. Make sure important files are backed up and that your anti-virus, anti-hacking software is up to date. Your health and work planet are affected by this eclipse. This would show job changes. These changes can be within your present situation or with another company. The conditions of work change. If you hire others, there is instability and turnover in the workforce. Important changes will happen in your health regime. Financial dramas are also happening now. There is a need to make important financial changes, changes in your thinking, planning, and strategy. Your planning and thinking have not been realistic as the events of the eclipse will show and now need to be changed. Over the long term the changes will be good.
A strong lunar eclipse on the eighth shakes up the world and guarantees that the month ahead will be eventful. It occurs in your eighth house and shows that the spouse, partner, or current love is forced to make important financial changes. There are financial dramas in his or her life. There can be psychological encounters with death, a very common experience under this kind of eclipse. Sometimes it is caused by a near death kind of experience, sometimes you read of a grizzly crime, sometimes you attend a funeral, wake or memorial service. A boss, parent or parent figure can also have a near death kind of experience, perhaps a surgery of some sort. The cosmos has its way of forcing you to deal with this issue. Until we understand death we cannot live properly. Since the eclipsed planet, the Moon, is your career planet, you can have a near death kind of experience in the career. Keep in mind however, that resurrection always follows death. So, the career will resurrect in a new and better way. While it’s happening, however, it is not always pleasant. Since the Lord of your horoscope, Venus, is also affected, a personal make over is happening— this will go on for a few months. You need to redefine yourself, your self-concept, the way you think about yourself, and the way you want others to think about you. So, this will lead to a new wardrobe, new hairstyle, a new presentation to the world in coming months. Sometimes this kind of eclipse will bring a detox of the physical body. This is not a disease, though the symptoms can be similar. It is just the body getting rid of things that don’t belong there. Children and children figures are also affected by this eclipse. They are having personal dramas and need more patience and understanding. You should take a non-stressful schedule while the eclipse is in effect. A parent or parent figure has financial dramas and is forced to make important financial changes.
A very strong lunar eclipse on the eighth is a powerful on you and brings all kinds of changes and disruptions into your life. However, you are strong and well able to handle this. The cosmos never sends us things that we can’t handle. If it is sent, it means we can handle it and grow from it. You can minimize some of the effects by taking a more reduced, relaxed schedule while the eclipse is in effect. It occurs in your seventh house of love. Love has been unstable for many years and this eclipse adds to it. Perhaps you got involved in relationships that were not so good for you. Now the eclipse will explode them. But it is more than just about your current relationship — there are changes, dramas, and shake ups in your whole social circle. Uranus, your family planet is affected by this eclipse, thus there are dramas in the home and in the lives of family members. A parent or parent figure seems especially affected. Be more patient with the family these days. Repairs might be needed in the home. The impact on Venus also shows dramatic spiritual changes. There are changes in your practice, teachings, and perhaps teachers. There are disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you are involved with. Guru figures in your life have personal dramas. The eclipsed planet, the Moon, rules your ninth house. So, college level students are affected here. There are disruptions at their school and in their educational plans. Sometimes they change schools or majors. More importantly your philosophical, religious, and theological beliefs will get tested by the events of the eclipse. While this is not usually pleasant, the end result is good. By discarding beliefs that are not true or only partially true, you will live your life in a better way. There will be dramas and disruptions in your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders.
A strong lunar eclipse on the eighth shakes up the world at large and impacts on many areas of your life. These shake ups are sometimes necessary so that the cosmos can answer our prayers. The eclipse occurs in your sixth house of health and work, showing job changes and changes in the health regime. Job changes can be within your present situation or with a new one. If you hire others, there is instability in the workforce and employee turnover in coming months. Sometimes, an eclipse in the sixth house can bring a health scare, but since health is good these days it is not likely to be more than just a scare. Children and children figures in your life have financial dramas and are forced to make important financial changes. Friends are Impacted by this eclipse and there are shake ups and dramas in your social circle. There are also shake ups in trade or professional organizations that you’re involved with. Computers and high-tech gadgetry can be erratic. Internet service can be spotty and erratic as well. Sometimes new viruses or scams are unleashed under this kind of eclipse. So, take normal common-sense precautions. Make sure important files are backed up, avoid opening suspicious emails. Keep your anti-virus and anti-hacking software up to date. Avoid web sites that you’re not familiar with. Sometimes computer problems are hardware issues and sometimes they are software issues. If the issue is hardware repairs, a replacement might be needed. When technology works it is a dream come true. But when it doesn’t work it is hell on earth. Everything stops. Uranus, The Lord of your third house is affected by this eclipse. Thus, siblings and sibling figures are having personal traumas and they should take a more relaxed and easy schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Students below the college level are affected here. There can be disruptions at schools. Siblings and sibling figures are having emotional issues. Cars and communication equipment also get tested by this eclipse. Sometimes repairs or replacement are necessary. There can be issues with the mail and the post office. A good idea to drive more carefully and more defensively while the eclipse is in effect. In fact, nonessential driving should probably be avoided.
A strong lunar eclipse on the eighth shakes up the world at large and various aspects of your life. However, as far as eclipses go, this is not as strong on you as it could be. However, it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule during this time. It might not be so kind to the people around you. Also, if it hits some sensitive point in your personal horoscope, the one cast especially for you, it can be powerful indeed. The eclipse occurs in your fifth house of children and creativity. So, children and children figures should also take a more relaxed, non-stressful kind of schedule while the eclipse is in effect. No need for daredevil types of antics while the eclipse is in effect. A parent or parent figure has financial dramas and needs to make important financial changes. Children and children figures are having personal dramas, often life-changing kinds of dramas. Be more patient with them these days. Those of you in the creative arts will make important changes to your creativity. You will change your leisure activities as well, as the months progress. Venus, your career planet, is affected by this eclipse. So, career changes are afoot. There are many scenarios as to how this comes about. Sometimes there are changes in the hierarchy of your company and changes in your industry. Sometimes the government changes the rules governing your industry. The rules of the game change. Sometimes people change the actual career. There are dramas in the lives of bosses, parents, and parent figures. Since your money planet Uranus is affected, you need a course correction in finance. Your strategy, thinking, and planning have not been realistic as the events of the eclipse will show. Every lunar eclipse tests your current relationship and creates dramas in your social circle. This one is stronger than usual. So, your current love can have personal dramas. Dirty laundry in your relationship, repressed grievances often come up to be resolved. This is not usually pleasant but at least the hidden problems are revealed and can be dealt with. Though you go through this kind of thing twice a year, this one is stronger than usual.
The lunar eclipse of the eighth is very strong on you, so take a nice, easy schedule while it is in effect. Health needs watching this month, in general, but especially during the eclipse. So, make sure to get enough rest and do your best to maintain emotional equilibrium. Meditation will be a big help here. This eclipse occurs in your fourth house of home and family, bringing dramas and perhaps crises in the lives of family members. Emotions and passions run high in the family. Sometimes hidden flaws are revealed in the home, things that you knew nothing about, and now you need to deal with them. Often, these flaws take time to clear up. Usually, it’s not a quickie solution. Uranus, the Lord of your horoscope is affected here too. So, there is a need to take stock of yourself, to redefine yourself, and embark on a personal make over. There is a need to change the way you think of yourself and the way that you want others to think of you. So, in coming months you will present a new image to the world that better reflects your new opinion of yourself. Every lunar eclipse affects the job and your health regime. You go through this twice a year. But this time it looks much stronger than usual. So, there can be job changes and changes in the conditions of work. These job changes can be with your present company, you get shifted to another position, or it can be with a different company. There can be dramas and disruptions in the workplace and dramas in the lives of coworkers. If you employ others there can be employee turnover in coming months. There can be a health scare. But, don’t take it at face value and make sure to get other opinions. When the astral plane is all roiled up, as is normal during any eclipse, it can affect medical tests. The health regime requires changes.
The lunar eclipse of the eighth, the main headline of the coming month, roils up the world at large but seems relatively easy on you, as far as eclipses go. However, if it hits a sensitive point in your personal horoscope, the one cast especially for you, it can be strong indeed. So, it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed, non-stressful, schedule while the eclipse is in effect. Pisces are sensitive people and will tend to feel the eclipse long before it happens. When you start to feel it, this is when you start taking it easy. Avoid stressful activities. Avoid unnecessary driving. It occurs in your third house and thus will affect students below the college level. There can be disruptions at school, a common occurrence these days. There can be changes in educational plans and sometimes even a change of schools. Cars and communication equipment can be erratic. Sometimes repairs or replacements are necessary. A good idea to drive more carefully and more defensively while the eclipse is in effect. And, as we mentioned, best to avoid unnecessary driving. Siblings and sibling figures are having personal dramas, perhaps life-changing kinds of dramas. Uranus Is also affected here. This shows important spiritual changes going on. This can be with your practice, your attitudes, teachings and /or teachers. Practices that were perhaps good six months ago or even a year ago are perhaps no longer valid due to spiritual growth. Spiritual organizations and charities that you’re involved with seem to be internally chaotic. Guru figures in your life are having personal dramas. The dream life will probably be hyperactive, but this should not be taken too seriously.
For more information on astrology and metaphysical subjects, visit our astrologer Joseph Polansky's website.