We welcome in the Scorpio season and the new month of November! Read below for your monthly horoscope and see what style best matches with your sign.
Venus, which rules both your money house and your 7th house, spends the month “out of bounds" so in financial and love matters you are outside your comfort zone. There are risks to this as you are in unfamiliar territory. The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th which occurs in your money house will show the risks. There is a need to make important financial changes. (Keep in mind that Venus is also impacted by this eclipse, reinforcing what we say here.) There are also social disturbances both in your love relationship and with friends. The spouse, partner or current love is seeing some of the risks involved in being outside the normal sphere. Good relationships will survive these kinds of eclipses, but the flawed ones are in danger. Since Jupiter is impacted here foreign travel is best scheduled around this period. College level students make changes to educational plans. There are disruptions in your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders. Take it nice and easy that period – and the spouse, partner or current love as well. Health is basically good this month. You have plenty of energy. Also the forward momentum of the planets is also comfortable for you. Events move quickly – in your life and in the world. Your 8th house is strong until the 22nd. So, this is a period for detoxing your mind, body and financial life. Get rid of the extraneous – the non helpful. On the 22nd the power shifts to the 9th house. A happy period. Travel and educational opportunities come to you.
Health still needs serious attention this month – especially until the 22nd. With your health planet, Venus (who is also the Lord of your Horoscope) “out of bounds” all month. You’re going outside the box and outside your normal sphere - for health solutions. Often this works. The important thing is to maintain high energy levels and to listen to the messages the body is sending you. Hip massage and massage of the kidney reflex is always good for you. Until the 5th thigh massage and massage of the liver reflex is also helpful. After the 5th back and knee massage is good. If you feel under the weather a visit to the chiropractor or osteopath would be good. Dental hygiene is important after the 5th as well. Love is one of the main headlines this month. Your love planet is moving forward and receiving positive aspects and you’re still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak. The other headline is the Lunar Eclipse on the 19th. It occurs in your sign and impacts on Venus, the Lord of your chart. So it is very strong on you. Take it easy that period. This eclipse brings a need to redefine yourself – how you think about yourself and how you want others to think of you. So in coming months you will present a new look to the world. It can bring up impurities in the body as well – especially if you haven’t been careful about dietary matters. The spouse, partner or current love is having financial and social dramas. Since Venus is affected it can bring job changes and important changes in the health regime in coming months.
Health will need more watching from the 22nd onwards. But nothing serious seems afoot, this is short term stress caused by the short term planets. Just make sure to get enough rest. A Lunar Eclipse on the 19th is relatively mild on you, but it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule that period anyway. It occurs in your 12th house bringing spiritual changes – changes in your practice, teachers or teachings. Often this is very positive. Your spiritual progress has brought you to a place where you need to go to another level. There can be dramas and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with. There can be personal dramas in the life of your guru or guru figure. Since this eclipse impacts on Jupiter (a sideswipe) your current relationship gets tested – but not too badly. Usually dirty laundry in the relationship is brought up to be resolved. Children and children figures are also affected. They too should take a nice easy schedule this period. They are redefining themselves and their image. They will be presenting a new image to the world in coming months. Often this is normal – they grow, they reach puberty or have a sexual awakening or they go off to school. A parent or parent figure has a financial drama. After the dust settles from the eclipse the love life should be very good. On the 22nd you begin a yearly love and social peak. Your love planet is moving forward. There is good social grace and plenty of romantic opportunity.
Health is good this month and even though the Lunar Eclipse on the 19th sideswipes your health planet and can cause a scare it is not likely to be more than that. However you will be changing your health regime in coming months. This eclipse occurs in your 11th house and impacts on your friendships. Friendships can be tested. Often there are dramas in the lives of friends. There are shakeups and disruptions in professional or trade organizations that you’re involved with. Computers, software and high tech equipment can behave erratically. Often repairs or replacement are necessary. Don’t open suspicious e-mails and keep your anti virus and anti hacking software up to date. The impact on Venus (also a sideswipe) impacts on the home and family. There can be dramas in the lives of family members. Passions run high at home. Family members are more temperamental so be patient with them. Sometimes repairs are needed in the home. Every Lunar Eclipse is strong on you because the eclipsed planet, the Moon, rules your chart. This forces you to redefine yourself, your image and personality. This redefinition will change your wardrobe and whole image in coming months. You go through this twice a year and by now you know how to handle it. In spite of the dramas brought on by the eclipse, the month ahead is happy. You’re still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 22nd. There is a focus on children and leisure activities. Mars in your 5th house shows that you pursue your career in fun ways. You get more serious after the 22nd. A good time to do those detail oriented jobs and chores that you keep putting off. You’re in the mood for work and these chores are more easily done.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th is strong you so take nice easy schedule that period.. You need to be taking it easy until the 22nd anyway, but especially during the eclipse period. Sensitive people feel an eclipse as much as two weeks before. But generally the cosmos will send you a message – some weird event happens that signals you are in the eclipse period. All of you will feel this but those of you born late in the sign( (August 16-22) will feel it strongest. It occurs in your 10th house of career and signals career changes. Sometimes these things can be dramatic – one changes the actual career and chooses a new path. But usually it shows that you must change your career strategy and planning. Sometimes there are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy and dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures. Sometimes the government changes the rules in your industry and so you have to play by different rules. Every Lunar Eclipse brings spiritual changes. Generally these are good – you receive new revelation making the old practice and teachings irrelevant. There can be shakeups in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with. Solar Eclipses are always strong on you since the Sun rules your body, image and personality. Thus changes are happening here. This is no big deal as you go through this twice a year. It's time to upgrade your image and in coming months you’ll present a new image and look to the world. You are still in a period for emotional healing until the 22nd. After that its party time – Leo’s favorite activity.
The planetary power is now overwhelmingly in the night side of your Horoscope - the bottom half. So the focus is now on family and emotional wellness. It's about getting into emotional harmony. From this base - this foundation - you will build your career later on. But get the foundation ready. A Lunar Eclipse on the 19th is the main headline of the month. It occurs in your 9th house and will test - cause changes - in your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs. If you keep in mind that theological issues are the root cause of EVERY problem we face, you can see why these changes are important. This eclipse also affects college and post graduate level students. So there are changes of educational plans and sometimes changes of school. There can be disruptions at the university. There are shakeups in your place of worship as well. Worship leaders and perhaps professors are dealing with personal dramas. Every Lunar Eclipse impacts on your friends. They should take it easy this period. There can be life changing kinds of dramas in their lives. There are shakeups in trade or professional organizations that you’re involved with. Computer equipment, software and high tech gadgetry can behave erratically. Be sure to have important files backed up and don’t open e-mails from people you don’t know. (And even if you know them don’t click on suspicious links). Financial changes will be necessary and there can be dramas at home and in the lives of family members. Health needs more watching after the 22nd. There is nothing serious afoot only short term stress caused by short-term planets.
Though the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th will precipitate some financial changes, the month ahead is prosperous and the changes will most likely be good ones. You’re in the midst of a yearly financial peak until the 22nd. The month ahead is prosperous. The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th occurs in your 8th house - so take it easy this period. This can bring encounters with death or near death kinds of experiences - generally on the psychological level. This happens with bosses, a parent or parent figure too. Career changes are likely. Sometimes they are dramatic, but usually they involved changes in the industry or government regulation. You have to pursue things in a different way. Since Jupiter is impacted, cars and communication equipment can behave erratically. A good idea to drive more carefully. Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your chart is also sideswiped by this eclipse - happily it is not a direct hit. So this will bring a need to review your image, appearance and the way you think about yourself - also the way you want others to think about you. So in coming months you’ll be presenting a new image - a new look - to the world. You’re in a home and family kind of period now with 90% of the planets below the horizon - the night side of your chart. And, Venus will spend most of the month, from the 5th onwards, in your 4th house. So you seemed very involved with the family these days - more so than usual.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th is strong on you - and especially those of you born late in the sign November 17-22. It is not only strong personally but impacts on many areas of your life. So take it nice and easy that period. The cosmos will send you a message when the eclipse period is in effect. It will send it to you in a way that you understand and you’ll know to start taking it easy. It occurs in you 7th house of love and impacts on Venus, your love planet. So your current relationship is getting tested. Love has been tested for some years now, but now even more so. Finances are also impacted as Jupiter gets sideswiped by this eclipse (happily its not a direct hit). So important financial changes need to happen. Because your money house is powerful from the 22nd onwards and because you will be in a yearly financial peak that period the changes are likely to be good and overall prosperity doesn’t seem affected. Every Lunar Eclipse impacts on your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs. They get tested so that you can refine them further. Many things - superstitions and false beliefs - need to go. Other beliefs might need adjusting. College and post graduate level students make changes in educational plans and sometimes change schools or majors. There are disruptions in your place of worship and personal dramas in the lives of worship leaders. There can be dramas in the lives of friends or the beloved.
The spiritual focus early in the month will help you deal with the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th. Meditation and spiritual practice is always the best way to deal with disruptions and changes. This eclipse occurs in your 6th house and signals job changes and changes in the health regime. Employees ( if you have them) are more erratic now and turnover can happen in coming months. Sometimes there are health scares with this kind of eclipse, but your health is good this month and these will not turn out to be much. Since Jupiter, the Lord of your Horoscope, is impacted (but slightly) it is time to review your personal concept of yourself - redefine yourself in a better way. This will lead to wardrobe changes in coming months and a new presentation to the world. You want people to think of you and see you in a different way. The eclipsed planet, the Moon, is the Lord of your 8th house. So every Lunar Eclipse affects this area. It can bring encounters with death - near death experiences and perhaps dreams of death. These encounters are generally psychological. The cosmos is taking you to a deeper understanding of it. It wants you to get more serious about life and do the work that you came here to do. Life is short and can end at any time. Remember your mission. Aside from the eclipse, the month is a happy one. On the 22nd the Sun enters your 1st house and you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. Time to enjoy all the bodily and sensual delights. Time to reward the body for its years of faithful and selfless service to you.
Venus, your career planet, spends the month “out of bounds”. So in career matters you’re outside your normal boundaries - in unknown territory. This is sometimes risky as the events of the Lunar Eclipse (on the 19th) will show. But sometimes we need to take risks in order to achieve our goals. Life on the 3D level is risky. (Only in heaven is there no risk.) The Lunar Eclipse is relatively mild on you but it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule that period anyway. It occurs in your 5th house of children and impacts on them. They too (and children figures in your life) should take it nice and easy and avoid risk taking activities. They are redefining themselves now and in the next few months will present a new image to the world - the way they dress, accessorize and carry themselves will change. Career changes are happening as well. And, often there are personal dramas in the lives of people involved in your career, bosses, parents and parent figures as well. Every Lunar Eclipse tests your relationship. This one is no different. You go through this twice a year and by now know how to handle it. Dirty laundry in the relationship - repressed grievances - tend to come up for cleansing and resolution. The spouse, partner or current love can be having personal dramas as well. Jupiter, your spiritual planet, is also impacted by this eclipse - happily not too directly. So there can be changes in your spiritual practice - in your attitudes - in your teachings and teachers. This is often a good things as new revelation - progress - actually is the cause behind it. There are disruptions in the lives of guru figures and in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th is strong on you (especially for those of you born late in the sign - February 13 to February 18). Take a nice easy schedule that period (you should be taking it easy until the 22nd anyway, but especially during the eclipse period). This eclipse occurs in your 4th house of home and family bringing family dramas to the fore. There can be a health issue with a family member or other kinds of dramas. Hidden flaws in the home can come up so that you can correct them. Often repairs are needed and they can take a while to resolve. Since Jupiter and Venus are affected by the eclipse, other areas of your life are also affected. There are dramas in the lives of friends and the testing of friendships. There can be upheavals in trade or professional organizations you’re involved with. Computers, software, networks and high tech gadgetry can be erratic. Increase your protection against hackers and viruses. The impact on Venus affects the home and family which was discussed but it also affects college or post graduate level students. They change their educational plans and are dealing with disruptions in their schools. Important professors cam be having personal dramas. There are upheavals in your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders. Perhaps more important than all of this is the need to review and revise your theological and religious beliefs. They will get tested. Some will be discarded, some will be revised - fine tuned. Every Lunar Eclipse brings job changes and this one is no different. There will be important changes in your health regime as well.
The Lunar Eclipse of the 19th is relatively mild on you but will be strong for the world at large. It impacts on many areas of life. This eclipse occurs in your 3rd house and affects siblings, sibling figures and neighbors. They have personal dramas. They need to redefine themselves. There can be disruptions in the neighborhood. Students below the college level have disruptions at school. Perhaps they change educational plans. Cars and communication equipment get tested. It’s a good idea to drive more carefully that period. This eclipse impacts on Jupiter and Venus (happily not direct hits) so career changes are happening and I feel for the better. This is preparation for the real career success that will happen next year. The impact on Venus can bring encounters with death - generally psychological type encounters. Sometimes people have dreams of death or there is a death or near death experience of someone close to them. This is to give you a better understanding of what death is all about - these are not meant to punish you. Every Lunar Eclipse impacts on children and children figures in your life and this one is no different. They should take a reduced schedule and stay out of harm’s way. They will be redefining themselves in coming months - dressing differently and changing the way they want others to see them. Health is good until the 22nd, but afterwards needs more watching. You begin a yearly career peak on the 22nd and there is much success happening. (Even the eclipse of the 19th will enhance your success.)
For more information on astrology and metaphysical subjects, visit the author’s website.