Meet Our Muse: Sophie Jaffe
To celebrate Mother's Day all month long, we met with our Mama Muses and discussed the beauty of motherhood, how they stay grounded and got a peek at what is on their wishlist this year.
In honor of Mothers Day, we sat down with founder of organic superfood company, @philosophielove, fitness, wellness and mental health advocate, wife, and mama to three adorable kiddos, Sophie Jaffe. Sophie shares with us how she moves with intention and infuses love into every aspect of her life, plus her favorite high vibrational songs, workouts, and Spiritual Gangster picks below.
What keeps you grounded as a mom?
My own mental health and sanity are THE most important priority, above everything else. I love me more than anything else. We can not give from an empty cup. Until you are filled UP, you can not give fully to your little loves, friends, husbands, and others in your life. Take long baths when the kids are asleep, drink that glass of wine, book that massage, go out with your best friend. This is okay AND necessary in order to truly be present with your babes.
Being the perfect mother doesn’t exist and NEVER HAS. And if there’s one experience that teaches you to expect things NOT to go as planned, it’s motherhood. You are following your heart, your intuitive voice to guide you. Even when you screw up, even when life gets messy, even when you forget. Even when you need/WANT a break. Let go of that guilt. When it comes to motherhood, you can look up how to do this or how to do that and read tons of articles and parenting books that will all tell you some version of the same thing but ultimately, it comes down to YOU and how you choose to be a parent and whether or not you’ll lean in, let go and trust your intuition.
Trust that you KNOW, your primal intuitive body KNOWS.
This month is Mental Health Awareness Month and while this is always an important pillar to us, we hope to bring more awareness to the importance of prioritizing mental health and want to know how you support yours on your motherhood journey?
On April 17, I lost my mama, in me and my sisters arms, at 6:45am. A gust of wind stronger than I’ve ever heard came just before her soul left her physical body. We watched her take her last full body breath. I’m still grieving, healing, and processing because there’s no blueprint for death. There’s nothing that can fully prepare you for losing your parent. Just as there’s no more layered or complicated relationship in my life than the one I shared with my mother.
If I didn’t have tools and rituals in place to lean on through this confusing, heartbreaking time I would not be able to continue showing up as a mama to my own babes. When I can’t control much else, I CAN control how I take care of my needs. I’m so grateful for a strong community that surrounds me & supports me, for family & friends that HOLD me, for a partner that steps in when I need to pull back.
The complexities of motherhood are vast & deep. Layered. These small humans are an extension of your entire being. Carrying each of them for almost 10 months inside my body, breastfeeding them, being their entire world. Being the one to comfort them when they are sick or sad or mad. At every stage & phase feeling this intensity.
We need to talk more honestly and openly about the rawness of birth, life and death. We need to allow mothers to prioritize themselves above ALL else, without guilt or shame. Life is so short and flashes by in the fastest way- it’s honestly so hard to fathom. Hold your loved ones. Kiss them too much. Forgive yourself, forgive them.
How do you prioritize your practice while being a mama? Are there any tips and/or tricks you can share to find time for yourself/yoga during your busy days?
No day is ever the same and I prefer it that way. When I have nothing left to give and my tank is completely used up, it’s in those moments I know I NEED to give back to myself. No matter how small. No matter what it looks like, as long as it’s for me, for my energy. I create intentional and mindful micro-moment to reset my nervous system, ground me to the Earth, and bring me back to the present moment. My micro-moments look like a few lunges or squats while making dinner or brushing teeth, 1 min of breathwork while hiding in the closet, savoring your coffee and elevating it with superfoods, integrating the kids by getting a 10 min walk and putting the littles in a stroller with a blanket or having the bigger ones scooter beside you. It all adds up. It all counts. It makes a huge difference in the day!