There’s a lot of action in your Horoscope and in the world at large this month. Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 14th and will be there through most of July. We have a Lunar Eclipse on the 26th. Saturn, your career planet, starts to go retrograde on the 23rd and Venus, your love and financial planet is “out of bounds” from the 25th to the 31st. Jupiter will be in your 12th house of spirituality from the 14th onwards. This will enhance the spiritual life and spiritual practice. Those on the path will make important progress and have breakthroughs. Your 12th house has been strong for many years but now becomes even stronger. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 9th house and seems basically benign to you. College level students make important changes to educational plans. There can be disruptions at their school as well. Not a good idea to be traveling this eclipse period. Schedule around it if travel is a must. If you are involved in legal issues, they take a dramatic turn – one way or another. Every Lunar Eclipse brings family dramas. This is because the Moon is your family planet. So be more patient with family members now. Perhaps repairs are needed in the home as well. Venus “out of bounds” from the 25th to the 31st shows that in love and finance you’re going outside your normal sphere. Perhaps your love or financial goals dictate this. This is a prosperous month however. You’re still in the midst of a yearly financial peak until the 21st.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 8th house bringing encounters (generally psychological encounters) with death. This is not punishment only love letters from above to get you to be more serious about life and to focus on the reason for your incarnation. Life is short. It can end at any time. Focus on your destiny. Also these encounters have an educational purpose – they lead to a deeper understanding of death. One loses the fear of it. Take a more relaxed schedule during this eclipse period and avoid risk taking, stressful activities. Jupiter’s move into Pisces on the 14th is happy for you. It improves the health and energy and brings new and significant friends into the picture. It expands your circle of friends. You’re still in a basically happy and prosperous period. You’re still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 21st. The personal appearance shines. There is good self esteem and confidence. Personal independence is very strong and if there are changes to be made to enhance your personal happiness, now is as the time to make them. On the 21st the Sun moves into your money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. This is Taurus heaven. You focus on what you most like to do – attain wealth. Your financial planet, Mercury, goes retrograde on the 29th so wrap up important purchases and investments before then. Health is good this month, though you seem to be exploring therapies that are outside of your normal sphere. Enhance the health with neck and throat massage until the 9th and with arm and shoulder massage afterwards.

Basically a happy month ahead and even the Lunar Eclipse of the 26th will not dampen it overmuch. It adds some excitement to the month ahead. The eclipse is strong on you – and especially on those of you born early in the sign of Gemini – from May 21 to May 29. So take a nice easy schedule that period and avoid stressful kinds of activities. What you need to do, you must do, but electives can be rescheduled. This eclipse occurs in your 7th house of love and grazes your love planet, Jupiter. So this can test a current relationship. Sometimes the testing is not due to the relationship itself but due to dramas in the life of the spouse, partner or current love. Be more patient with him or her this period. Good relationships weather these things and get even better. It is the flawed ones that are in danger. Because the Moon is your financial planet, every Lunar Eclipse brings financial dramas – often disturbances. You are forced to do a course correction in finance. Your thinking and strategy has been unrealistic.. Health is basically good. Jupiter’s move into Pisces brings career success and opportunity to you. (You will feel this even more next year – in 2022). The Sun moves into your 1st house on the 21st and you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. These personal pleasures are more about the physical and sensual kinds of pleasures than about the creative and leisure pleasures of the 5th house. Jupiter’s move into Pisces shows a shift in your love needs. Now you are attracted to successful people – people of high status and prestige.

Health is good and will get even better after the 14th as Jupiter starts to make nice aspects to you. Jupiter’s move into Pisces on the 14th brings changes to the health regime and health needs. The feet become important in health and foot massage is good to do. More importantly it shows that you respond well to spiritual healing and this is a period (for the next few months) to go deeper into it. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 6th house of health and sideswipes the health planet, Jupiter. So there are important changes happening in your health regime in coming months. This eclipse might also bring job changes. This can be within your present situation or with a new one. If you employ others there can be dramas in their lives and perhaps employee turnover. Every Lunar Eclipse is strong on you. This is because the Moon is the Lord of your Horoscope. So this is a time to review your self concept, your opinion of yourself, and the way you want others to see you or think of you. This is a healthy thing, though not always pleasant. We are growing and evolving and it is good to update or opinion of ourselves. In coming months you will dress differently and present a different kind of appearance. Jupiter’s move into Pisces will bring religious, philosophical and theological expansion to you. It is especially good for college level students and for those applying to college. It shows good fortune here – success in these ventures. Many of you will travel more in the next few months as well.

Jupiter’s move into Pisces on the 14th brings prosperity to the spouse, partner or current love. It also brings your 8th house into focus. Projects involving personal re-invention and transformation become very successful. It is also a good aspects for your health – it reduces the long term stress on you. However, health still needs more watching and care until the 21st. After the 21st you should see dramatic improvement. Health is far from perfect, but improved. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 5th house of children. Also it sideswipes the Lord of the 5th house. So children are affected here and they should take a more relaxed schedule and kept out of harm’s way as much as possible. Children and Children figures are redefining themselves and in coming months will present a new image to the world. Like every Lunar Eclipse this one brings changes to the spiritual practice, attitudes to spirituality and often changes in teachers or teachings. Often this is good. Your progress dictates some new change. There can be disruptions in a spiritual or charitable organization that you’re involved with. Guru figures in your life have personal dramas. Until the 21st be sure to rest and relax more. The month ahead is successful as you are still in a yearly career peak until the 21st. You seem on top of things. People look up to you. You are honored and appreciated for who you are. Venus, your career planet, goes “out of bounds” from the 25th to the 31st. So in career matters you need to go “outside the box” to attain your goals. After the 21st the focus shifts to your 11th house of friends, groups and group activities. So the social life becomes active.

Jupiter’s move into your 7th house is going to bring love and romance into your life. Its going to expand the whole social life - the circle of friends - the socializing in general. New and significant people are coming into your life both romantically and socially. (Your love life will be even better in 2022 but this is just a foretaste of things to come.) The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th is strong on you so take it nice and easy that period - a few days before and after it actually happens. It occurs in your 4th house of home and family and sideswipes the Lord of the 4th house, so this eclipse impacts on the home and family. (Keep in mind that the eclipsed planet, the Moon, is the generic ruler of home and family as well.) So there are likely to be dramas in the lives of family members. Passions run high in the family. Family members should also take a reduced schedule that period. If there are hidden flaws in the home, this is when you find out about them and make the corrections. Health needs more watching this month especially from the 21st onwards. The good news is that being a Virgo, you are always focused on health. You’re not ignoring things. If you feel more tired after the 21st or lackadaisical, don’t be alarmed. Its temporary. Just rest and relax more. Enhance the health with neck, throat, calf and ankle massage. The demands of the career will be strong this month - especially after the 21st. So, you have to conserve energy by working rhythmically and alternating activities. In spite of the low energy you are successful this month.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 26h is relatively mild on you. But, still it is advisable to take ir more easy that period. It might not be so easy on the people around you. This eclipse occurs in your 3rd and impacts (but not directly) on the Lord of the 3rd house. So, siblings, sibling figures and neighbors are impacted. There can be dramas in their lives. There can be dramas and disturbances in your neighborhood as well. Students below the college level are making changes in educational plans. Sometimes they change schools. There can be disruptions and dramas at their school as well. Since the Moon is your career planet, every Lunar Eclipse brings career changes. The government or your industry can change the rules and you must pursue things in a different way. There can be shakeups in your corporate hierarchy. Bosses, parents and parent figures - authority figures in your life - have personal dramas. Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, and a very important planet in your chart goes “out of bounds” from the 25th to the 31st. This shows that you moving outside your normal sphere - outside your normal orbit. Perhaps you will dress in ways that are not usual for you. Perhaps you present an image that is unusual. You probably feel that you can’t attain personal goals unless you go “outside the box”. Jupiter’s move into Pisces, your 6th house on the 14th brings very happy job opportunities to you - dream job opportunities. It is also a good signal for you health. If there have been preexisting conditions, you can expect best case scenarios.

Health still needs watching early in the month but as the month progresses you will see improvement. On the 14th Jupiter moves away from his stressful aspect and actually starts to help you. By the 21st the other short term planets will move away from their stressful aspects. Jupiter’s move into Pisces on the 14th makes the coming months fun filled. You will spend more time in leisure pursuits and the opportunities will come for these things. Jupiter’s move also has important financial consequences. It increases your prosperity. You earn money in happy ways and spend it on happy things. It is a transit for “happy wealth” - someone who enjoys the wealth that they have. Women of childbearing age have been more fertile all year, but now even more so. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your money house and impacts (but not exactly) on your financial planet. So you are forced to make important financial changes. The events of the eclipse will show that your thinking and planning have been unrealistic and you have to change course. Since the Moon, the eclipsed planet, rules your 9th house it might not be advisable to make long journeys that period. (Keep in mind that Mercury will go retrograde on the 29th.) If you must travel do so before the eclipse. College level students make important changes to educational plans - sometimes they change majors or even schools. Your religious belief system gets tested and adjustments will have to be made.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th is strong on you (and especially for those of you born from November 23 to November 29) so take it nice and easy this eclipse period. It occurs in your own sign and signal a need to redefine yourself - your image and self concept. Now generally this is a healthy thing. But here it is sort of forced on you by the events of the eclipse. So, in future months you will be changing your image - your presentation to the world - to fit in with your new opinion of yourself. But there’s more here. The Moon rules your 8th house. Thus there can be near death kinds of experiences - either personally or with family members. Usually there are psychological encounters with death - not actual death. The cosmos is urging you to get clearer about this and to lose your fear of it. The fear of death is the main reason why people don’t fulfil their true potential. The spouse, partner or current love has some financial disturbance and is forced to make dramatic financial changes. Jupiter makes an important move into Pisces on the 14th. Thus, the family circle is likely to expand - usually through birth or marriage. Moves could happen too (and if not now, in 2022 for sure). Women of childbearing age become more fertile these days. Health needs watching from the 21st onwards, so be sure to rest and relax more. Enhance the health with arm and shoulder massage from the 19th onwards. Massage of the lung reflex will also be beneficial.

The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 12th house of spirituality (and sideswipes the Lord of the 12th house). On top of this Jupiter, the Lord of the 12th house, changes signs on the 14th. He moves into Pisces your 3rd house. So, no question important spiritual changes are happening. You’re changing your practice, teachings and perhaps teachers. Whereas up till now you were more scientific and rational about spirituality, now you become more experiential. Knowledge is wonderful, but without faith - which you are developing now - you won’t make spiritual progress. The eclipse can bring upheavals in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with and personal dramas in the lives of gurus or guru figures in your life. Jupiter’s move into your 3rd house brings new communication equipment - and perhaps a car - to you. Students below the college level succeed in their studies. Siblings, sibling figures and neighbors seem more prosperous (and fertile too). Venus, your career planet, will be “out o bounds from the 25th to the 31st (and this will go on next month too). Thus you will need to go outside the “norm” - outside your comfort zone - to achieve your career goals. The month ahead is a fun oriented period until the 21st. Have fun, enjoy the wealth that you have, and more will be added. On the 21st the Sun enters your 6th house of health and work, joining Mercury and Venus there. So job seekers have many job opportunities. Those who hire others have an abundance of applicants. Health is good this month.

Jupiter’s move into Pisces, your money house, on the 14th brings financial increase and opportunity. Some big financial deal is happening. There is prosperity for the next few months. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 11th house of friends and impacts on the Lord of the 11th house as well. So friendships are getting tested. Often the problem is not due to the relationship itself but to personal (and life changing) dramas in their lives. Computer equipment, high tech gadgetry and software can become more erratic. Make sure important files are backed up and that your anti-virus, anti hacking software is up to date. Parents or parent figures are making important financial changes. Generally this happens because of some financial disruption. Since the eclipsed planet, the Moon, rules your 6th house of health and work, this eclipse affects those areas. There can be job changes. If you employ others there can be employee turnover. Sometimes there is a health scare, but because health is good these days, it not likely to be more than that. You will be making important changes to your health regime in coming months. Your career planet, Pluto, is retrograde now. Your 10th house of career is basically empty - only the Moon moves through there on the 24th and 25th. Your 4th house of home and family is chock full of planets (especially until the 21st) so the focus now is on the home, family and emotional wellness. Career issues need time to resolve. You may as well focus on the home front.

Jupiter’s move into your sign on the 14th is very positive for you. It brings career opportunity - nothing you need to seek - it will seek you out. It brings the devotion of parents, parent figures and bosses. The authority figures in your life are on your side. Those of you born early in the sign - February 19 to February 21 - will feel this the strongest. But all of you will feel it to some degree. You are seen by others as someone successful and of high status - you project this image - consciously or subconsciously. The Lunar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 10th house of career and impacts on your career planet as well. So career changes are happening - and as we have mentioned - they seem positive. There can be personal dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures. The government or its hosts of agencies can change the rules that govern your industry or business and you must adapt to them. There can be some financial crisis or disturbance in your place of worship. Children and children figures are impacted here and there can be dramas in their lives. Let them take it easy that period and avoid stressful, risk taking kinds of activities. Those of you born early in the sign of Pisces - from February 20 to February 25 - will feel this eclipse the strongest. If you fall into this category, take a more relaxed schedule that period. Health needs watching from the 21st onwards but nothing serious is afoot, just short term stress caused by the short term planets. In the meantime rest and relax more.