May 2017 Horoscopes
The retrograde of your career planet, Saturn, is nothing to panic about. True, it slows down career progress, but it seems to need a bit of a slow down. The planetary power is mostly in the night side of your Horoscope, so career issues are less important now. You might not be a household name, but the money is rolling in. You are still in a yearly financial peak. Speculations are favorable. Now that your Financial Planet, Venus, is moving forward, the financial judgement is good. Venus in your own sign also shows prosperity. Financial opportunities seek you out rather than vice versa. You don’t need to run after money—money is seeking you. There is a short term crisis on the 25th and 26th, but it passes quickly. It doesn’t affect overall prosperity. Health is excellent. You look good and have good self esteem. It has been said that if you raise your self esteem, your bank balance gets naturally raised as well. Venus in your own sign is also wonderful for love. Your current love seems devoted to you and putting your interest ahead of his or her own. Singles do not need to do much to attract love, just go about your daily business - you won’t escape it. The month ahead is excellent for students below the college level. Mars, the Lord of the Horoscope, spends the month in your 3rd House, and on the 20th, the Sun joins him. This focus on study tends to success. It is also a good period for writers, journalists, sales and marketing people. The gift of gab is strong in you.
The glitches and delays of the past two months are behind you. Now you can see why they needed to happen. You’re clear headed now and have a lot of personal power and independence. You have the power to create conditions as you want them to be and its time to do it - time to have things your way - time to create your own happiness. Later on it will be more difficult to do. Last month, on the 19th, you entered one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks and it continues this month until the 20th. So enjoy the pleasures of the body and show appreciation for its yeoman service to you. Too often we take it for granted. The month ahead is also a prosperous one. Your Financial Planet, Mercury, goes forward on the 3rd. Until the 16th, it is in your 12th House of spirituality so the financial intuition is excellent and reliable. On the 16th, Mercury crosses your Ascendant and enters your 1st House. This brings financial windfalls and opportunities. You have more financial independence. You spend on yourself and dress expensively. People see you as prosperous. On the 20th, the Sun enters the money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. There is good family support. Family connections are important in finance too. Mars spends the entire month in your money house, which further emphasizes the role of intuition. Health, which is another form of wealth, is excellent now. If you like, you can enhance it further with scalp and face massage. Physical exercise is also important.
Mars spends the whole month camped out in your sign. Geminis are not usually physical people - they’re more intellectually inclined - but this month you are very physical. Much more aggressive and forceful than usual. If you’re not careful, it can make you more combative (usually unconsciously) and attract all kinds of conflict in your life. (Your spouse, partner or current love probably feels that you’re more combative than usual.) Another problem with Mars is that there is more impatience. You want things done in a hurry. Rush can lead to accidents and injury. So, as the ancient wise men say, “make haste slowly”. The good news here is that you’re independent. You have initiative. You have “fire in the belly”. You can have things your way and your way is probably the best way these days. If there are changes that need to be made, this is the time to make them. Create the conditions of your happiness. Health is good. Mars and the Sun both in your sign give charisma and energy. You’re a firebrand this month, especially after the 20th. Finances still don’t seem that important which shows a status quo kind of month. The New and Full Moons are always strong financial days for you, but this New Moon of the 25th seems especially strong - the Moon is very near perigee (her closest distance to earth.) The 7th and 8th are also good financial days. Love is challenging. It needs more work to keep things together. You have to work harder on your existing relationship.
Love needs a lot of patience this month. The two planets involved in love - Pluto and Saturn - are both retrograde all month. Your love life is under review right now. Important decisions shouldn’t be made. Love opportunities for singles are at the work place, the gym, the doctor’s office or with people involved in your health. Nevertheless, go slow in love. Finances are not a major focus these days. Generally this shows a status quo kind of month. You seem basically satisfied with finances and have no need to make major changes. Until the the 20th your Financial Planet is in your 11th House and this favors online activities, high tech and new inventions (or companies involved in those things). Social connections seem important. On the 20th, your Financial Planet enters your spiritual 12th House. You’re giving more to charities and causes. The financial intuition rather than logic leads to success. Dreams and other worldly revelations bring financial guidance. Health is basically good. Avoid making important changes to the health regime as the two planets involved with health - Jupiter and Saturn - are retrograde. This applies to your job situation too. The month ahead is social and spiritual. Until the 20th, your social life - different from the romantic life - sparkles. You’re involved with friends, groups and group activities. These activities are also good for the bottom line. After the 20th, you’re more involved with spiritual and charitable activities - these too help the bottom line. The New Moon of the 25th seems likes a powerful financial day. Not only is the Moon new, but she is very near perigee - her closest distance to the earth. We could call this a “Super New Moon”.
A successful and prosperous month, Leo. Your success is as much about who you are as about your professional achievements. You were born with leadership skills, but this month they are even stronger. Your image, personality and overall demeanor is important career-wise. The financial life is also much better than last month. Your Financial Planet, Mercury, moves forward on the 3rd. This gives financial confidence and clarity. You are moving forward financially. Until the 16th, Mercury is in Aries, your 9th House. This shows a speculative bent - a risk taking attitude - a desire for quick money. But it also shows good luck in these things. The 9th House is benefic. It can bring business related travel, investments in foreign companies or countries. Foreigners in general seem important in the financial life. On the 16th, Mercury crosses the Midheaven and enters your 10th House. This gives many messages. It can bring pay raises, official or unofficial. It brings the financial favor of bosses, elders, parents and parent figures. Your good professional reputation is like money in the bank. Guard it. Mercury travels with Uranus, your love planet, from the 1st to the 11th. This gives many messages. It can bring a lucrative partnership or joint venture. The spouse, partner or current love is very involved and supportive financially. Money can come suddenly and unexpectedly. The feeling is that anything can happen at any time. An exciting financial period. Love is OK this month. Reasonable. Nothing special, but no disasters either. Health will improve after the 20th. Until then, make sure to get enough rest. Enhance the health with back and knee massage. An herbal liver cleanse might also be a good idea.
A T-square in the heavens all month becomes a Grand Square when we include your Sun. This shows that you’re involved in some big project - a new business or institution - you’re involved in manifesting something big. These projects are always complicated and tend to be stressful, so work hard but make sure you get enough rest as well - especially after the 20th. The month ahead is successful. With your Financial Planet, Venus, now moving forward, prosperity is increasing. You might be a little too impetuous in financial matters - Venus is in Aries. Sleep on things before making important financial decisions. On the positive end, this would show fast financial progress. Mars spends the entire month in your 10th House of career. This shows much action in the career. There is a need to be more aggressive there. Perhaps you’re fending off competitors. On the 20th, the Sun enters your 10th House and you begin a yearly career peak. Much success is happening, but you’re working harder for it. Bosses and people involved in your career are having personal dramas - perhaps surgeries or near death kinds of experiences. The love life is easier until the 20th than afterwards. Perhaps your career is distracting you. Your challenge this month is to balance a successful career with a successful love and social life. It takes effort to do this. Enhance health with ankle, head and face massage this month - especially after the 20th. Job changes are likely from the 1st to the 11th - this can be with your present company or with a new one. Job opportunities happen suddenly and out of the blue.
Libras are “other oriented” people by nature. If you talk to a Libra, they will tell you that“relationships are everything”, but this month you are even more so. Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, spends the entire month in your 7th House of love. Thus you are especially popular. You reach out to others. You’re there for your friends and current love (there have been many over the years). While marriage or a serious relationship is not in the cards, there is romance happening. With your 8th House very strong until the 20th, there is more than usual sexual activity. The current love is having a banner financial month and is likely to be more generous with you. Your personal finances are good - earnings are happening - but your Financial Planet is retrograde all month - so things happen more slowly. The job situation seems tense after the 20th. The demands at work are strong. The New Moon of the 25th - a super New Moon - brings happy career experiences. You are soon to enter a yearly career peak - this is just an announcement. Health is reasonable this month. You need to watch your weight. Foot massage and spiritual healing techniques are always good for you. Your love planet spends the month in your 9th House and your 9th House becomes even stronger from the 20th onwards. This shows love opportunities in foreign lands or with foreigners, also at religious or educational functions. You’re allured to mentor types - people you can learn from.
Love is much improved over last month especially now that Venus, your love planet, is moving forward. You’re also in the midst of your yearly love and social peak until the 20th, so your social life is the main headline of the month. Like last month, you’re mixing with high and powerful people - people of high status and position. You’re meeting people who can help you career-wise. And, it is good to advance your career by social means - by hosting or attending the right kinds of parties and gatherings. Your 6th House of health and work is also strong this month - good news for job seekers or those who hire others. Your love planet spends the month in impetuous Aries, thus you seem a “love at first sight” kind of person this month. You jump into relationships rather quickly. Perhaps too quickly. You go after what you want. You don’t play games. You’re honest and up front. Your love planet will in your 6th House, which would show romantic opportunities at the work place and with co-workers. It would show an allurement for health professionals or for people involved in your health. The doctor’s office, the gym or yoga studio are valid venues for romance. On the 20th, your 8th House - your favorite House - becomes powerful. So the cosmos urge you into areas that you already love and are good at - detox and weight loss regimes, the elimination of the effete and useless in your life - on the mental, emotional and physical levels. You go deeper into the science-art of resurrection. Your spouse, partner or current love is having a strong financial month.
Love is the main headline this month. Now that your love planet, Mercury, is moving forward (from the 3rd onwards), there is more confidence and good judgement in love. Your 7th House of love is strong all month, but especially after the 20th. You still have to work on being less serious - more light hearted - when it comes to love. Your love planet will be in your 5th House until the 16th, thus you don’t seem to want serious committed relationships. You just want fun and games (and often these are the kinds of people you attract.) Mars, the Lord of your 5th House, spends the month in your 7th House of love - more confirmation of this. But often, serious committed relationships start off as “fun and games” and develop from there. This could be the case this month. Love can happen in many ways this month. Until the 16th, it can happen in the usual ways - at parties, resorts and places of entertainment. After the 16th, as the love planet moves into your 6th House, it can happen at work or work-related social events. People involved in your health are alluring. And often, with this aspect, romance happens at the gym, the doctor’s office or the lab. The Sun in your 7th House from the 20th onwards shows an allurement with foreigners. Romance can happen at school or educational functions and perhaps at your place of worship. The important thing now is to avoid power struggles in love. Health needs more watching from the 20th onwards. As always, make sure to get enough rest.
The night side of your Horoscope is still the most powerful this month. Your career planet, Venus, is in the 4th House of home and family. A clear message. Your career right now - your mission - is the home and family. Your outer career is very successful these days - and will be even more in coming months, but right now, get the family situation in order. Your family planet, Mars, spends the month in your 6th House. This would show a need to see to the health of the family as a whole and to family members (especially parents or parent figures). Your 5th House is still strong until the 20th, thus you’re still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak. Good to be involved with the children or children figures in your life. Good to have some fun. Love is not a big issue this month, but the New Moon of the 25th - a super New Moon - is a powerful love and social period. Your love planet, the Moon, will be very close to the earth. The Full Moon of the 10th, the 1st and 27th and 28th are also powerful love and social days. Health and energy are good - especially until the 20th. You can enhance your health even further through scalp and face massage until the 16th, and through neck and throat massage from the 16th onwards. Cranial sacral therapy is powerful all month. Mercury spends a lot of time (from the 1st to the 11th) traveling with Uranus, your Financial Planet. This shows earning from work and perhaps from foreign companies or foreign investments. A business trip - sudden and unexpected - could happen.
Home and family is the main headline for the month. The night side of your Horoscope is chock full of planets. There are only two planets on the day side. So, you are in the night time of your year - the magical midnight hour - the deepest part of night. Outer activity is practically nonexistent (there is some), but the main activity is internal. This is not only good for handling the home and family, but very good for making psychological progress. Those of you involved in therapy will have breakthroughs. Love, like last month, is close to home. No need to travel far and wide in search of it. Family members like to play cupid - family connections too. A good psychological breakthrough will not only bring more emotional harmony, but will help your love life as well. Get into right inner state and love will naturally happen. There is still a tendency to meet past flames. This is to resolve old issues - to clear the decks so to speak - so that future love progress can happen. With the love planet in the 4th House until the 20th, this is an excellent time to re-decorate, paint, buy art objects or otherwise beautify the home. There will be more socializing with the family this month. On the 20th, the love planet will move into your 5th House. This will bring opportunities for love affairs rather than real romance. But this seems to be your mood. Finances are good - flow easily - until the 20th, but afterwards there is more work involved.
Health will need more attention this month, but especially after the 20th. Give the heart more attention all month. Until the 20th, neck and throat massage will enhance your health - Cranial Sacral therapy too. You would respond well to music therapy - singing and chanting of mantras. After the 20th, arm and shoulder massage will be beneficial. Don’t allow too much tension to collect in the shoulders. The month ahead is prosperous. While your yearly financial peak is over, the money house is still strong. Your family, spouse, partner or current love seems very supportive - siblings, sibling figures and neighbors likewise. There will be opportunities for partnerships or joint ventures. Your financial intuition - always super - is even better this month. If you need to borrow or refinance debt, this is a good month to do it. Family support is strong and probably you’re spending more on the home and family. A good month to earn money from home. Love is much improved over last month now that your love planet, Mercury, is moving forward. Singles can have sudden romantic meetings from the 1st to the 11th. The only question is the stability of these things. Wealth and material gifts are a romantic turn on until the 16th. After the 16th, you’re allured to intellectuals, the smart set, people who have the gift of gab. Until the 16th, avoid jumping into relationships too quickly - look before you leap. After the 16th your social judgement will be more realistic.