Cancer season is upon us. Find out what's in store for you in July and see which style best matches with your sign, carefully curated by our editors.
Health needs more watching until the 23rd. In the meantime, make sure to get enough rest and enhance health with arm and shoulder massage until the fifth with right diet from the fifth to the 19th and with a chest massage after the 19th. Mars makes dynamic aspects with Pluto on the first and the second so be more mindful on the physical plane those days the same holds true on the 31st as Mars travels with Uranus. There will be a tendency to test your physical limits but this should be done in a mindful way. The month ahead seems prosperous Jupiter is still in your sign and Mars moves into your money house on the fifth. So you seem very focused on finance, personally involved. You would spend more on yourself and personal appearance seems very important in your financial life. Family support seems very important from the 18th onward. Family connections also seem important in your romantic life. Perhaps they play Cupid or otherwise make important introductions. Until the 18th love is in the neighborhood and in educational settings. Perhaps at school, a lecture, a seminar, the bookstore or the library. The gift of gab and the sharing of ideas seem important romantically. But after the 18th things change. We are interested in people who have strong family values. You like people with whom you can share feelings and emotions. Emotional intimacy can be just as important as physical intimacy. Your fourth house of home and family is very important this month, especially until the 23rd. This is a time for working on your emotional wellness, For resolving old traumas from the past, for re-interpreting past events in the light of your present consciousness.
Retrograde activity increases this month so the pace of life is slower. Usually Taurus handles this very well. But Mars moving into your sign on the fifth can make you more impatient and in a rush. Your impatience will not change anything but perhaps make things worse. So do what is possible and then let go. Mars is also your spiritual planet, so, aside from bringing you physical energy he will bring you spiritual teaching. Conflicts with a beloved on the first and second have a spiritual agenda behind them.Your spiritual understanding helps the career on the 31st. Finance was good last month and continues to be good in the month ahead. Your financial planet, Mercury is in his own sign and house until the fifth increasing your earning power. After the fifth he moves to the sign of cancer and stays there until the 19th. This is good for earning from real estate, restaurants, the food business, hotels or motels. Although this position increases the financial intuition it also increases your moodiness about finance. In a good mood you feel rich in a bad mood you feel poor and probably neither are true. You’re somewhere in the middle.Finances are neither as bad nor as good as you feel. Mercury in your third house favors buying, selling, trading and retailing. On the 19th Mercury enters Leo, your fourth house. This shows someone who spends on the home and family and who earns from this source as well. Family support should be good. Love seems stressful early in the month. Your love planet, Pluto, is retrograde and receiving stressful aspects. So romance is challenging. However after the 23rd things will improve. Still this is not a time to walk down the aisle or make other important romantic decisions. Health is good this month but needs more watching after the 23rd . Enhance the health with right diet and staying in emotional Harmony.
A healthy and prosperous month ahead Gemini. This transits is still in your money house until the 23rd so you are still in the midst of a yearly financial peak. But other planets are also in the money house or passing through there. Mercury the Lord of your horoscope is there from the fifth to the 19th and Venus will be there from the 18th onwards. These are all benefic planets, they are helpful. Will you earn millions and opt for early retirement? Probably not, however, you should be richer at the end of the month then when you began. Health is good as there are no long-term planets stressing you out. Venus in your sign adds beauty to the image and appearance. You have personal grace Mercury in your own sign add self-confidence and self esteem. With your health planet still retrograde it’s still not advisable to take medical tests or procedures. Also not advisable to make dramatic changes to the health regime. Your love planet is still in your 11th house all month. Thus, singles want equality in their relationships. They want relationships of peers and equals. Love and social opportunities happen as you get involved with friends, organizations and groups. The social media sites also look Interesting for romance. Mercury in your money house from the fifth to the 19th shows a more personal involvement with finance you are taking charge here. Also you are dressing for success. You spend on yourself and your image. Personal appearance seems important in earnings. Venus in the money house from the 18th onwards brings a strong financial intuition. This is the shortcut to wealth. Also would show luck in speculations but of course always do this under intuition never blindly. Your career planet is still retrograde so career issues need time, and time alone to straighten out. Mars dynamic aspect with Pluto on the first and second suggest that friends need to be more mindful on the physical plane this is also true on the 31st. Mars moves into your 12th house on the fifth and stays there for the rest of the month. This suggests the need to act on your spiritual ideals. It favors yoga, the yoga of action. Spirituality for you is not just sitting in meditation and contemplation but being active on the physical plane.
A happy and prosperous month ahead Cancer. Enjoy. The planetary power is mostly in the independent east this month. Your first house is very powerful while your seventh house is less powerful. So you are in a time for personal independence. This might seem selfish but really it’s not. Your happiness is important for the world. Your financial planet spends most of the month, until the 23rd, in your own sign. This brings financial windfalls and opportunities to you. The money people in your life are devoted to you and eager to please. Although you look good and are attracting the opposite sex, love and romance don’t seem that important this month. The focus is more on yourself and your personal happiness. With your love planet still retrograde there is no rush to get involved in any serious relationship. The social life is less active than usual. On the 23rd the Sun, your financial planet, moves into your money house. This is also excellent for prosperity as you begin a yearly financial peak. The Sun in his own sign and house is very powerful on your behalf. Earnings should increase. Health is good this month but with the retrograde of your health plan it avoid making dramatic changes to the health regime. Study things more carefully. Things are not what they seem. Your good work ethic impresses your superiors and enhances the career.
Though Saturn is still affecting you, health looks good this month. The short-term planets are in harmonious aspect with you. This is still a good month for pursuing higher educational plans, for foreign travel, and for religious and theological studies. A foreign trip is better off being planned and than actually executed. Until the 23rd your spiritual life seems the main focus. This is a time for making spiritual progress in developing your spiritual talents. On the 23rd as the Sun enters your sign and your first house you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. It is a happy time. Personal charisma is very strong. You are more of a Leo than usual and all the strengths and weaknesses of the sign are greatly magnified this period. Your love planet Uranus, has been in your 10th house of career for many years. Thus much of your socializing is career related. Also you are attracted to high status people and people involved in your career. Mars will travel with your love planet on the 31st this would show a romantic opportunity with a foreigner or in a foreign land. The stability of this relationship is in question, however it does look hot and passionate. With Saturn in your seventh house of love for some years now, marriage is either denied or delayed. The time is just not right for it yet. Finances look excellent this month especially from the 19th onwards as your financial planet moves through Your sign. Money begins to seek you out rather than vice versa. Financial windfall’s come. Financial opportunities come with very little effort on your part. You will dress more expensively and spend more on yourself and image.
Health and energy are much improved over last month. As has been the case for many years now you can enhance the health even further with back, knee, ankle and calf massage. Neck and throat massage will also be helpful. But health should be good this month. Love is slowing down this month but still very positive. You are still in a yearly career peak until the 23rd. Mercury, the lord of your horoscope, moves through your 10th house from the 5th to through the 19th. This shows personal elevation, recognition and perhaps honors for both your career and professional achievements and for who you are as a person. On the 23rd the Sun enters your spiritual 12th house. Mercury will enter this house on the 19th. So, there is a strong interest in spirituality and your spiritual practice. This is a time to make spiritual type of breakthroughs. The new Moon of the 28th occurs in your 12th house. This will clarify many spiritual issues and questions that you have. This clarification will go on until the next new Moon. Finances are reasonable this month. Not spectacular but OK. Until the 18th Venus will be in your 10th house. This show earnings from your good career reputation and the financial favor of bosses, parents or parent figuresOn the 18th Venus will move into your 11th house. This brings the favor of friends and social connections Pay raises, official or unofficial, can happen before the 18th.
Health needs a lot more watching this month, overall energy could be a lot better. When energy is low a person becomes more vulnerable to outside invasions. Very often pre-existing conditions seem to get worse. So the best cure is to maintain high energy levels. Rest when tired. Sounds simple but not so easy to do when we are caught up in outer affairs. You are still in the midst of a yearly career peak. This goes on until the 23rd. Much success is happening. The demands of the career are strong and you probably will not be able to avoid them. However, you can work in a more rhythmic way. Also let go of the nonessential in your life, the minutia and focus only on the important things. This will improve your energy levels. Love is still active and happy. But the challenge is balancing a very active social life with a very active career. You have to juggle between the two. Enhance the health this month with foot massage and spiritual healing techniques. Health and energy will improve after the 23rd. The Sun will enter your 11th house of friends and adds to the already strong social activity happening. Your natural networking abilities boost the career. Children and children figures are not likely to marry these days - their love and social life improves after the 23rd. Finances are reasonable this month. Pluto, your financial plan it is still retrograde, and will be in retrograde for many more months. However he is receiving good aspects this month so earnings will happen. A sudden romantic opportunity comes on the 31st. The stability of this is very questionable.
With your financial plane in the sign of Aries since May 11, you are attracted to the quick buck. You want wealth fast, in a hurry. This poses many dangers as there are people, unscrupulous people, who will exploit this urge. The good thing about this position is that you are learning financial fearlessness. Win or lose, if you overcome your fears, you have succeeded. Pluto, the lord of your horoscope, is in retrograde. So you seem to lack direction. You’re not sure about where your path to personal happiness will be. But with most of the planets in the social western sector, you do not need to be sure of what you want. Let others have their way (so long as it isn’t destructive) and your own good will come to you in due course. Like last month the social life is very active but also very unstable. Romantic opportunities come suddenly and unexpectedly and can depart just as suddenly and unexpectedly. With Uranus in your seventh house for many years now a marriage would not be advisable. Enjoy love for what it is but there’s no need for commitment. You could be spending more on health issues but also earning from this field. Health should be good this month; if there have been health problems in the past you should hear good news about them. You should be getting a best case scenarios. Career is not a big issue this month but you can further it through good communication skills. Career related travel is likely after the 21st.
Health is good this month and will get even better after the 23rd. And you can improve it even further with arm and shoulder massage until the 18th and with right diet from the 18th onwards. Mars will enter your sixth house of health on the fifth and stay there all month. So head and scalp massage and vigorous physical exercise will also enhance the health. And you seem more open to new and innovative therapies on the 31st. Joy itself is a powerful healing agent from the fifth onwards. Avoid depression like the plague. You are popular this month especially until the fifth. Love is there for you but the problem seems to be you. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 28th but you’ll feel it even before then as he slows down in his motion. You seem uncertain as to what you really want. There is no rush to make dramatic financial decisions this month. Your financial plan it, Saturn is still retrograde. This is not your fault and you shouldn’t get down on yourself. It’s just the astrological weather. Until the 23rd there is much power in your eighth house. The eighth house is about death and resurrection. So this is about resurrecting things that you long thought were actually dead. Perhaps it was a relationship. Or a financial project or some other goal. This is a time to revivify these things. It is good to understand that there is no death without resurrection. And no resurrection without death. They are two sides of a coin. Also this is a great time to rid yourself of things that no longer serve your interest. This applies to possessions that you don’t need or use and especially to thought and emotional patterns that no longer serve you.
Health still needs watching until the 23rd. As always the first line of defense against sickness is high energy. So, don’t allow yourself to get depleted. Rest when tired. Your health planet, Mercury, will be in your sixth house until the fifth. This is a good health signal. Mercury is strong in his own sign and house. Enhance the health with arm and shoulder massage. After the fifth he moves into your seventh house of love and social activities. Thus, good health for you means good social health. If health problems, God for bid, arise ,restore harmony with the current love and with friends as quickly as possible. From the fifth onwards diet becomes more important. make sure to eat right. It won’t hurt to consult with a professional about this. Good emotional health is also very important. Health will improve after the 23rd. The month ahead is a very strong romantic and social month. You are still in the yearly love and social peak until the 23rd. Singles have many romantic opportunities. The opportunities are out there, for sure, but the problem seems more about you. With Saturn retrograde you are not sure of what you really want. Singles perhaps have too many opportunities and feel confused. However this is a good problem to have. Finances are reasonable this month. But, much better and easier before the 23rd then after. Family support seems strong on the 31st and perhaps you spend more on the home and family as well. Your eighth house becomes super powerful from the 23rd onwards. This increases libido and also the earnings of the spouse, partner, or current love. You enter a time where expansion comes from cutting back, from getting rid of things, possessions, emotional and mental patterns that no longer serve you.
Saturn in your sign, I can make Aquarius feel more pessimistic than the facts warrant. It’s OK to look at the dark side, but don’t forget there is also a bright side which balances things out. A good time to count your blessings, and be thankful for what you do have. The good thing about Saturn in your sign, is that you are under the influence of strong spiritual and benevolent forces. You are being shown how to apply spiritual knowledge to the body, and image. You are in a cycle of where you can transform your image by spiritual means. A very good time now for detox and weight loss regimes. Health is reasonable until the 23rd but afterwords will need more watching. The good news is that your sixth house of health is still very strong, like last month and there is great focus on health. Enhance the health, as always, with right diet and the cultivation of emotional harmony. Good emotional health will produce good physical health. Students and intellectual workers are still in an excellent time now as the mental and communication faculties are much stronger than usual. There is success in intellectual activities. The love life becomes a very active, and happy from the 23rd onwards. Romantic opportunities are certainly there for singles though you might need to compromise more with the current love. Until the 23rd love and social opportunities happen at work, with fellow workers, and as you pursue your health goals. A seeming mundane visit to the health professional can become a whole social event. After the 23rd love and social opportunities happened in the usual places, at parties, gatherings, resorts, or the theater. The new Moon of the 28th occurs in your seventh house and further enhances the love life. More importantly it will clarify your whole love situation as the days and weeks progress. This will go on until the next new Moon next month.
Basically a happy month ahead, Pisces. Enjoy. Health is good. You can enhance it further with right diet, staying in emotional harmony and after the 23rd with more focus on heart health. Chest massage should be helpful. By nature Pisces are very creative people. This month even more so. You are in a yearly personal pleasure and creative peak until the 23rd. Time to take a vacation from all worries and cares and do the things that give you joy. With Jupiter still in your money house you’ll have the wherewithal to enjoy your life. Your financial planet Mars moves into your third house on the fifth and stays there for the rest of the month ahead. This favors earning through buying and selling and trading. Good sales and marketing are very important in whatever you are doing. Your financial planet travels with Uranus on the 31st. This can bring sudden money to you and sometimes a sudden expense. But, the wherewithal to cover the expense can also happen very suddenly. It also shows an excellent financial intuition. Personally, you seem in a holding period. Neptune, the ruler of your horoscope, is still retrograde. So there is still much doubt and confusion about where the path to personal happiness leads. Time and time alone will resolve this issue. In the meantime enjoy your life and stay creative. Your love planet, Mercury, moves forward very quickly this month. He will move through three signs and houses of your horoscope. This shows a lot of social activity and good social confidence. Until the fifth Mercury is in your fourth house showing someone who socializes more with the family and at home. From the fifth to the 19th Mercury will be in your fifth house of fun. This favors love affairs rather than serious kinds of relationships. Romance is just another form of entertainment. On the 19th Mercury enters your sixth house. This shows that social and romantic opportunities happen at the workplace or with fellow workers. It would show an attraction for healthcare professionals.
For more information on astrology and metaphysical subjects, visit our astrologer Joseph Polansky's website.