July 2019 Horoscopes

July 2019 Horoscopes


A challenging month ahead. No, there’s nothing wrong with you — it's only the cosmic environment in stressful alignment with you. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. There are many issues this month. First off, there are many planets in stressful alignment with you as we mentioned. Secondly, we are in a period of maximum retrograde activity this month - 50% of the planets are retrograde from the 7th onwards. Things slow down in the world and in your life. Aries likes things fast. Thirdly, we have two eclipses this month - both of which are strong on you, your family, parents, parent figures and the career. So take it easy this month. It might be a good month to go on vacation and just chill out. With so many retrogrades you might as well go on vacation. The Solar Eclipse of the 2nd, occurs in your 4th house - so the family and family members are affected - there are dramas in their lives. Repairs could be needed in the home. The Lunar Eclipse of the 16th also impacts on the home and family (every Lunar Eclipse does). But this one occurs in your 10th house of career. So there can be career changes, shakeups in your corporate hierarchy, dramas in the lives of bosses and people involved in your career. It is good to take a more relaxed schedule until the 21st anyway, but especially around the eclipse periods. The good news is that health and energy will improve dramatically after the 21st.


This month we are in the maximum retrograde period for the year. From the 7th onwards, 50% of the planets are retrograde. Though it will be inconvenient financially and in love, you. more than most will handle it well. You are comfortable with a slower pace of life. We have two eclipses this month. The solar eclipse on the second is relatively benign to you. It affects siblings, sibling figures and neighbors. Cars and communication equipment will get tested. Sometimes repairs are necessary. There can be dramas in the family or home. If there have been hidden flaws in the home now was when you find out so that you can take corrective action. Students below the college level are affected as well. There will be disruptions at school and changes in educational plans. The lunar eclipse on the 16th occurs in your 9th  house. This is not a great time for foreign travel. But if you must travel, schedule around this time. This eclipse will also impact on cars and communication equipment. They will probably be more temperamental. College level students are affected. There can be changes of schools, majors or educational plans. If you are involved with legal issues, they take a dramatic turn one way or another. Health is okay until the 23rd but afterwards needs more watching. As always make sure to get enough rest. Enhance the health with right diet. Staying in emotional harmony is important all month.. After the 28th  give more attention to the heart.


 Sometimes when change is needed, the universe has to send us some shocks. This forces action. This is what is happening in your financial life this month. Two eclipses reveal how your financial thinking and strategy has been amiss - unrealistic. And, thus you have a chance to bring things into right order. The good news is that there is great focus on finance this month - you are in the midst of a yearly financial peak - and thus will handle the challenges that arise. The Solar Eclipse of the 2nd  occurs in the money house. So there are financial dramas and dramas in the lives of the money people in your life. Siblings, sibling figures and neighbors also seem affected. Cars and communication equipment will get tested and if there are flaws there you’ll find out about them now. Students below the college level can change schools and educational plans. There are disruptions at school. The Lunar Eclipse of the 16th  also impacts on finances - the eclipsed planet, the Moon, is your financial planet. This eclipse occurs in your 8th house and brings financial dramas to the spouse, partner or current love as well. Both of you need to make changes. This Lunar Eclipse impacts on Pluto, your health planet. Thus there are important changes to the health regime coming. Job changes - either within your present company or with a new one - are also happening. The conditions of work change. Sometimes this kind of eclipse brings a health scare - but your health is good and this shouldn’t be more than a scare.


Two eclipses this month impact very strongly on you. So definitely take a nice easy schedule those periods. Things that you need to do should be done but electives, especially if they are stressful, should be rescheduled. The solar eclipse of the 2nd occurs in your own sign. If you haven’t been careful in dietary matters it can bring a detox of the body. This should not be confused with disease though the symptoms are sometimes similar. Basically it is time to re-define yourself for yourself. This is a process that will go on for another few months. Since we are growing and evolving beings periodic re-definitions are basically healthy. Usually you get to do it twice a year, this year you will do it three times. As you re-define yourself, change the way that you think about yourself, change the way you want other people to think of you, you will present a new look to the world in coming months. Wardrobe and appearance changes generally happen. This eclipse will also bring financial changes. Generally these are needed and work out well but while they happen it is not that comfortable. The lunar eclipse of the 16th occurs in your 7th house of love. Again you are re-defining yourself as we have mentioned earlier. Your current relationships has been tested for over a year now, and this eclipse will test it further. If the relationship is basically sound it will survive and thrive. But if there are flaws it can go down the tubes. Children and children figures in your life are also impacted by this eclipse. There will probably be life-changing kinds of dramas for them. Those of you involved in the creative arts will make dramatic changes in your creativity. The financial changes that you make will lead to prosperity later on in the month. On the 23rd the Sun enters your money house and you begin a yearly financial peak.


The month ahead is one of intense spiritual change. Don’t discount the importance of this. When these things happen the whole life changes – the whole perspective on life changes. Not only is your 12th house of spirituality powerful but two eclipses are shaking things up here. The solar eclipse of the 2nd occurs in the spiritual 12th house. This shows changes in your practice, in your attitudes and perhaps even your teachings. Usually these changes come because of interior revelation. This is a great thing. However, revelations and especially your hyper active dream life need more verification. When the dream world is all roiled up because of eclipses things are not what they seem. This solar eclipse will also cause a re-definition of your self, your self concept and your image. So, in coming months you will be presenting a new look to the world. The lunar eclipse of the 16th occurs in your 6th house. So, there are job changes or changes in the conditions of work. In coming months you will be making important changes to your health regime. And, as with every lunar eclipse, there are more spiritual changes afoot. This month will bring dramas and shake ups in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with. Guru figures in your life are having personal dramas. This lunar eclipse also impacts on the family, as Pluto your family planet is impacted. Passions can run high in the family so be more patient with them. Sometimes repairs are needed in the home. Once the dust settles from the eclipse the month looks like a happy one. Many planets are moving through your first house. You look good and have great self-esteem and confidence. Even finances will be good though they come with delays and glitches.


The two eclipses this month are relatively benign to you, but it won’t hurt to take a more reduced schedule anyway. They might not be so benign to others in your sphere. This is a month where your high tech equipment and gadgetry gets tested. I know that the planetary forces affect material things, only I question the modus operandi. Do they affect them directly, or do they affect us and we affect the equipment? Something to be studied. The Solar Eclipse of the 2nd  occurs in your 11th  house of high tech. So, make sure important files are backed up and that you’re anti-virus, anti-hacking software is up to date. Don’t open suspicious e-mails. There are dramas in the lives of friends - life changing kinds of dramas. A parent or parent figure has to make important financial changes. Since the Sun is your spiritual planet, there are important spiritual changes happening too - changes in practice, attitudes and teachings. There are disruptions in a spiritual or charitable organization that you’re involved with. The Lunar Eclipse of the 16th  also impacts on your high tech equipment, so keep in mind the precautions mentioned earlier. This eclipse occurs in your 5th  house - so children and children figures are affected. Best to keep them out of harm’s way that period. Again a parent or parent figure is forced to make financial changes. This eclipse will affect cars and communication equipment too. Students below the college level are making changing in educational plans. There are dramas in the lives of siblings, sibling figures and neighbors.


 Health is the major issue this month. Be sure to get enough rest and to keep focused on the really important things in your life. 50% and sometimes 60% of the planets are in stressful alignment with you. This is not to be taken lightly. Further, two eclipses this month are also strong on you. Regular visits to a spiritual healer will do wonders for you. Foot massage will also be excellent. The solar eclipse of the 2nd occurs in your 10th house of career. This signals important career changes. Sometimes there a shake ups in the hierarchy of your company, sometimes the government passes laws that impact on your industry. The rules of the game change. The lunar eclipse of the 16th also impacts on the career. So a lot of changes happening here. There will be dramas in the lives of bosses, parents and parent figures. People involved in your career will also experience personal dramas. The lunar eclipse of the 16th occurs in your fourth house bringing dramas at home and with the family. The marriage of a parent to parent figure is being tested. Since this eclipse impacts on your financial planet Pluto important financial changes are happening as well. If you maintain high energy levels and just deal with things as they come you should get through the month with flying colors. Health and energy will improve after the 23rd . In spite of all the career dramas you are successful this month - but things are hectic.


Two eclipses shake up the world this month. Travel plans are complicated as well. If you must travel after the 23rd is better than before. College level students are also very impacted by these eclipses. Many will change schools or change majors or otherwise change educational plans. If you are involved in legal issues these take turns – dramatic turns – one way or the other. Perhaps the biggest drama will be in your personal philosophy of life – your personal religion. Everyone has one - conscious or subconscious. Your personal philosophy is important in that it shows how you live your life. Some of your beliefs will have to be amended, revised or perhaps discarded entirely. The solar eclipse of the 2nd brings career changes and changes in the corporate hierarchy and rules of the game. The lunar eclipse of the 16th will test cars and communication equipment. It will also affect students below the college level. More importantly, Since it impacts on Pluto, it will bring a re-definition of the self-concept and self image. In coming months, as you re-define yourself, you will present a new look to the world. The career changes are probably good. Since you will enter your yearly career peak after the 23rd. You will be in a period of great success. Health and energy need more watching from the 23rd onwards. If you stay focused on essentials and let the small things go you should get through with flying colors. Love happens at college or religious type functions until the 28th. After the 28th if happens as you pursue your career goals.


Two eclipses this month force financial changes on both you and the current spouse, partner or love. The spouse or partner seems more impacted than you. The Solar Eclipse of the 2nd occurs in your 8th house - the spouse’s money house - and forces important changes. For you it can bring encounters with death or near death kinds of experiences - close calls. Usually this happens on the psychological level. The Lunar Eclipse of the 16th also brings these kinds of experiences and/or encounters. “Life is short”, says the thousand eyed angel,” I can come at any time, do what you were born to do before its too late”. Also by encountering death on the psychological level we get a deeper understanding of it. It becomes less fearful. The Lunar Eclipse of the 16th occurs in your money house and thus brings financial changes to you and the spouse, partner or current love. This eclipse impacts on Pluto - your spiritual planet - so important spiritual changes are happening as well. Often there are shakeups in charities or spiritual organizations that you’re involved with. Often there are dramas in the lives of guru figures you’re involved with. Friends are making important financial changes. Once the dust settles from the eclipses, the month looks happy - especially from the 23rd onwards. Health is good. Your 9th house - your favorite house - becomes very powerful. Travel is in the cards. A good period for college level students as they seem successful. Love becomes more complicated after the 7th. Don’t do anything rash, just be patient. Your love planet is retrograde from the 7th onwards.


The two eclipses that we have this month are ultra strong on you, the spouse, partner or current love. So definitely take a more relaxed schedule during the eclipse periods - The 2nd and the 16th. This goes for the current love as well. The solar eclipse of the second occurs in your 7th house of love. So, your current relationship will get tested. Good relationships survive these things, and even thrive. But the flawed ones are in danger. Since the eclipsed planet, the Sun, rules your eighth house there can be encounters with death – usually these are on the psychological level. This will also show that the spouse, partner or current love is forced to make important financial changes. The lunar eclipse of the 16th occurs in your own sign. This will trigger a re-definition of yourself and your image. So, in coming months, as you re-define yourself, you’ll change your image, your look, your presentation to the world. This will happen with your spouse, partner or current love as well. For those of you not in a relationship, these kinds of eclipses can signal a whole change in your love attitudes. Singles will often decide to marry under these kinds of eclipses. The good news here is that your 7th house of love is very strong this month and you will be paying attention here. Health needs watching until the 23rd. You can enhance your help with chest massage until the 19th - after that be more careful in dietary matters. Avoid making major changes to the health regime after the 7th. Study things more.


 Looks like major job changes are afoot this month. Two eclipses strongly impact on this area. The solar eclipse of the 2nd occurs in your six house. The lunar eclipse of the16th impacts on the Lord of the 6th  house. So, job changes are happening. This can be with your present company, or with a new one. These eclipses are also impacting on your health regime. Sometimes, there can be a health scare. But since health is basically very good. these are not likely to be more than scares. However, in coming months you will be making important changes to your health regime. These changes will be good. The solar eclipse of the 2nd is basically benign to you, but it won’t hurt to take a more relaxed schedule anyway. It is not that benign to the spouse, partner or current love. He or she should take a relaxed schedule and avoid stressful activities. You will need more patience with the beloved that period. The relationship can be tested by this eclipse but it might not be your fault. The beloved or friends can just be stressed out and temperamental. The lunar eclipse of the 16th  occurs in your 12th  house of spirituality. The dream life is likely to be hyperactive and eventful. However do not pay too much attention to these dreams as the whole dream world is roiled up because of the eclipse. This eclipse is signaling important spiritual changes that will happen over the next few months. Generally there are changes in the spiritual practice, attitudes, and teachings. Your career planet Pluto is impacted by this eclipse. So, there are career changes happening. They can be shake ups in your company or industry. There can be personal dramas in the lives of bosses, superiors, parents or parent figures. Love improves from the 23rd onwards.


 The two eclipses this month are basically benign to you. Their impact is stronger on children, children figures and friends then they are on you personally. Still, if they happen to hit sensitive points in your personal horoscope - calculated especially for you – they can be strong indeed. The solar eclipse of the 2nd  occurs in your fifth house of children. So, it is good to keep them out of harms way. (This is advisable for the lunar eclipse of the 16th as well.) some of these dramas can be quite normal – sexual awakening, going off to school or college, love dramas – but no less disruptive as far as they are concerned. Both eclipses force changes in the finances of a parent to parent figure. Both eclipses test the marriages of friends. The solar eclipse of the 2nd shows job changes and changes in the conditions of work. If you employ others there is instability in the workforce. There can be employee turnover. The lunar eclipse of the 16th  occurs in your 11th  house of friends. Thus friends are having personal dramas. Computers and high tech gadgetry can be very temperamental. Sometimes repairs and replacements are necessary. Children and children figures are having love and social dramas. There are shake ups in your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders. College level students are making important educational changes. Neptune, the Lord of your Horoscope, is retrograde all month and the planetary power is mostly in the western social sector of your chart. So, let others have their way so long as it isn’t destructive. This is time to focus more on others.