February 2019 Horoscopes
February 2019 Horoscopes
Health is much improved over last month. If you got through January with health and sanity intact, you did very well. Pat yourself on the back. Mars is still in your sign until the 14th, so be careful of rush, impatience and temper. This is especially important from the 11th to the 14th. You’re meeting new friends that period and perhaps getting more involved with high tech and online activities. On the 14th Mars will move into your money house. A positive for finances. It shows focus. It shows much personal involvement. You spend on yourself and adopt the image of prosperity. Your Financial Planet, Venus, enters Capricorn your 10th House on the 3rd and spends the rest of the month there. This too is positive for finance. It shows sound financial judgement and a long-term perspective on wealth. Very good for setting up budgets and savings and investment plans. You have the financial favor of bosses, parents or parent figures this month. They have good financial guidance for you on the 17th and 18th. Love becomes more conservative from the 3rd onwards. Singles seem more practical about it. Less romantic and more down to earth. Singles are allured to power and prestige and to people who can help them career wise. Sometimes it leads to relationships of convenience rather than relationships of real love. Mercury travels with Neptune, your spiritual planet, on the 17th and 18th. You respond very well to spiritual healing methods. Spiritual healing methods are good from the 10th onwards, but especially on the 17th and 18th.
Health is basically good this month and will get even better after the 19th. If you want to enhance it further, a back and knee massage will be powerful (from the 3rd onwards). Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, spends most of the month (from the 3rd onwards) in your 9th House - a happy transit. It is especially good for college level students. It shows focus on their studies – something needed these days. You have to bear down, but if you do, there is success. A foreign travel opportunity comes on the 17th and 18th. This could be business related. Be more mindful - stay in your body and avoid dreaminess - from the 11th to the 14th. Your spiritual planet, Mars, moves into your sign on the 14th. You will see the power of spirit on the physical body. Finances are good this month. Your Financial Planet will be in Aquarius, his sign of exaltation until the 10th. Thus, earning power is stronger. There can be raises (official or unofficial) that period. Bosses and superiors seem favorably disposed to your financial goals. On the 10th your Financial Planet moves into Pisces and starts to travel with Neptune. The financial intuition will be excellent - it is especially excellent on the 18th and 19th. Friends seems especially helpful that period. You’re in the midst of a yearly career peak until the 19th so there is much success this month. Even family is supportive of the career. Perhaps they see it as a “family project.” By the 19th, career goals - the short-term ones anyway - are achieved and you are more involved with friends, groups and group activities. These are not only fun but also profitable.
All the planets are moving forward this month - highly unusual. This shows a fast-paced month. Progress happens rapidly. The love and social life are excellent for the year ahead. It is especially good until the 10th. The 2nd and 3rd brings happy romantic or social experiences. Health is basically good until the 19th. After that make sure to get enough rest. Enhance the health with back and knee massage. Important that the vertebrae be kept in right alignment. The month ahead is successful too. On the 10th Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, enters the 10th House of career. This shows elevation of status. People look up to you and want to emulate you. There is special career success on the 18th and 19th as Mercury travels with your career planet. On the 19th the Sun enters your 10th House of career and you begin a yearly career peak. Even the family is supportive of your outer goals. The family as a whole seems elevated in status too. Your money house is basically empty this month - only the Moon will pass through there on the 15th and 16th. This tends to the status quo. The New Moon of the 4th and the Full Moon of the 19th are strong financial days in the period. The Full Moon of the 19th seems especially strong as it will be a “super Moon” – the Moon will be at her closest distance to the earth. Mars will travel with Uranus from the 11th to the 14th - a very dynamic aspect. Watch the anger and rush. Best to avoid long distance travel that period too.
Never mind riches, glory or love, just getting through last month was a major achievement. Survival was victory. Happily, health is improving. You still need to be careful and watch your energy but it’s nowhere near as stressful as last month. If you got through last month, you’ll go through the coming month. The spouse, partner or current love is having a good financial month and you seem very involved with it. This is a good month to pay down or make debt - according to your need. There is good access to outside capital - either through banks or outside investors. It’s also good for tax and estate planning (for those of you of appropriate age). Finances will get even better from the 19th onwards as your Financial Planet moves through your 9th House - a most benefic and fortunate sector of the chart. This shows a good financial intuition, good fortune with legal matters, foreign investments and foreign companies. Foreigners in general can be important in your financial life. Career is becoming more important this month. The planetary power is now (80% and sometimes 90%) above the horizon of your chart. You are in the “day time” of your year - approaching high noon. Your career planet, Mars will be in your 10th House until the 14th showing great activity and the need to be aggressive - perhaps even warlike - in the career. On the 14th your career planet will move into the 11th House showing that online activities, involvement with groups and organizations and networking is boosting the career. Your friends seem very helpful and creating opportunity. Love improves this month as Venus moves into your 7th House on the 3rd. She brings more feeling, more romance into your relationship. It would also show socializing with the family and family connections.
You are still in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 19th. Personal popularity is at a high for the year. The Sun, the Lord of your Horoscope, is at its most distant place from its home. So, you might feel like a “stranger in a strange land” - far from home - far from your personal interests and inclinations. You tend to see things the way others see them rather than by your own natural perspective. This is healthy. It is good to get the opposite perspective. It is good to take a vacation from yourself for a while. Love is going well, and the social life is active. You are genuinely interested in others and people pick up on this. Be more patient with the beloved from the 11th to the 14th. He or she seems impatient, combative and perhaps irritable. He or she should take a more relaxed schedule that period. Health is more delicate until the 19th but you are on the case. You will get through very well. On the 14th Mars crosses the Midheaven and enters your 10th House of career. This shows much activity in the career. There is a need for action and perhaps aggressiveness. There is career related travel. The month ahead seems prosperous. Until the 10th your social contacts are playing the dominant role in earnings. After the 10th as Mercury enters Pisces, your intuition is important. The financial intuition is especially strong on the 18th and 19th. The super Full Moon of the 19th brings spiritual revelation and an active dream life.
Virgo is rarely unemployed, but if you are, there are happy job opportunities this month. On the 19th you begin a yearly love and social peak. Romance blooms - especially on the 18th and 19th. Neptune has been in your 7th House of love for many years and your spiritual planet, the Sun, enters there on the 19th. So only a spiritual type person will do for you. Spiritual compatibility is the main allurement in love. With spiritual compatibility every kind of problem can be worked out. Without it almost nothing can be worked out. Your intuition is being trained in social matters these days. It’s been that way for a while, but especially this month. Finances are good this month. Your Financial Planet enters Capricorn on the 3rd and spends the rest of the month there. This shows good financial judgement and a long term, methodical approach to wealth. There is a financial conservatism now. Purchases and investments will tend to be good. The Financial Planet in the 5th House generally makes people more speculative and risk taking, but here in Capricorn, this gets modified. Every investment carries some degree of risk, but this favors well thought out, well hedged risks - rather than casino type risks. Venus traveling with Pluto on the 22nd and 23rd shows earnings from buying, selling, trading, sales, marketing and PR activities. It is a good period for tax planning too. Health needs more watching after the 19th. But there’s nothing serious afoot – just lower than usual energy.
Health is much, much better than last month. No, it’s not yet perfect, but very much improved. It will get even better after the 14th. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you got through the past month OK. A major achievement. The month ahead is a piece of cake compared to January. You’re in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak - a happy period - until the 19th. Joy itself is a powerful healing force. Often physical and psychological problems emanate from too tight a grip on things. Leisure helps us to sit looser to life. The love life will improve after the 14th as well. It becomes less combative. There is a delicate period from the 11th to the 14th - the beloved can behave erratically and unpredictably. So be more patient. Your 6th House of health and work becomes very strong after the 19th. This is good news for job seekers and for those who employ others. Children and children figures in your life will have expanded earnings. The 18th and 19th bring spiritual revelation and good insights into spiritual healing. Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, moves into your 4th House on the 3rd and spends the rest of the month there. Home and family - a major focus since 2018 becomes even more of a focus. A good month to beautify the home or buy art objects for the home. The 22nd and 23rd bring financial increase. The beloved seems focused on finance after the 14th and seems successful. Singles are allured to two things in love after the 14th - wealth and good sexual magnetism. The ideal person has to have both.
Your health is good in the year ahead, but this is not your best health month. Energy is not up to its usual standards. This is no big deal, just rest and relax more. Health and energy will improve after the 19th. Your health planet travels with Uranus from the 11th to the 14th. This shows some sudden changes in the health regime. Perhaps a family member has a health issue. After the 14th good health means good social health. If problems arise (god forbid) restore harmony in the love life and with friends. Health is enhanced through neck and throat massage after the 14th. Make sure the neck is free of tension. Your love planet moves into Capricorn on the 3rd and stays there for the rest of the month. This shows that love is in the neighborhood - close to home. There are love opportunities at school, lectures, seminars and perhaps even the library or book store – in educational type settings. Venus, your love planet, is not that comfortable in Capricorn. This would slow down the social life. It would make you more cautious in love. You would be slower to make friends, slower to fall in love. But this isn’t a bad thing. It has its good points. You get a chance to really learn about a person before getting too involved. You are in a prosperity year, and finances are strong until the 19th. Finances are good afterwards too but require more work and effort. On the 19th as the Sun enters your 5th House you begin one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks. A time to indulge in leisure and fun kinds of activities. (These are probably distracting you from your financial focus - but do them anyway).
Now that Jupiter is in your sign until December 3rd, you’re a super Sagittarius these days. Optimism is at all-time highs. Self confidence and self-esteem are also much stronger. Prosperity is strong this month - and for the year ahead - but you’re earning every bit of it. This month Venus moves into your money house on the 3rd and stays there for the rest of the month. This shows earning the old-fashioned way through work and productive service. It also shows that friends are helping financially and perhaps providing opportunity. Health will need more watching after the 19th. You can enhance the health through exercise, scalp and face massage, cranial sacral therapy and back and knee massage. Good health for you also means good financial health. Don’t let the ups and downs of finance impact on your health. You are much more than your bank balance or financial statement. You need to work harder in your love life from the 10th onwards. Your love planet is in your 3rd House until the 10th which shows that love and romantic opportunity are in the neighborhood, perhaps with neighbors, at school functions, lectures, seminars, the library or book shop. The online world - the social media sites - are also likely romantic venues. After the 10th there is more socializing at home and with the family. Family connections are playing a role in the love life - perhaps they make introductions. On the 18th and 19th there is a meeting with an old flame or someone who reminds you of the old flame - someone with similar personality traits. This is for healing purposes - to resolve old issues. Children and children figures need to be more mindful from the 11th to the 14th. A good idea for you (and them) to drive more carefully.
With Saturn in your sign since December 21, 2017 you’re perhaps too much of a Capricorn. This is great for business and finance. Your managerial skills are greater than ever before, but it can impede the love life. You can be too cold, too aloof, too businesslike to others. You might not even realize that you’re doing it. Happily, Venus’ move into your sign on the 3rd will modify some of this and the social life should go better. The New Moon of the 4th and the Full Moon of 19th are excellent love and social days - but especially the Full Moon of 19th. It is a “Super Full Moon” - much more powerful than a typical one. The 15th and 16th as the Moon moves through your 7th House of love are also good romantic and social days. You are in a yearly financial peak until the 19th. So, earnings are strong. Mars travels with Uranus from the 11th to the 14th showing spending on the home and family and earning from these as well. Be careful of impulse buying or spending that period. Venus’ move into your sign shows other things too. She brings happy career opportunities to you. You are seen as successful by others and project this image. Since career is not a big focus this month, you can be choosy as to the offers you accept. Health is basically good and will improve even further after the 14th. You respond well to alternative therapies until the 10th and to spiritual healing techniques afterwards. Spiritual healing is especially powerful on the 18th and 19th.
Now that the dust is settling from last month’s eclipses, the love life should be improving. The spouse, partner or current love is genuinely trying to please and placate you. This helps a lot. Social and romantic opportunities - and good ones - are seeking you out. You’re having love on your terms this month. The physical appearance shines and you have a star quality to your personality. This too helps in love. You’re in one of your yearly personal pleasure peaks until the 19th. A very good period to pamper the body and get it into the shape that you want. Love is very physical this period - carnal is the right word. It is “touchy-feely”. Aquarians are not generally “touch-feely” types, but this month you are. On the 19th the Sun (your love planet) enters the money house. This gives many messages. First off, it initiates a yearly financial peak. Earnings will be much stronger than usual. Overspending could be a problem. But never mind, you’re earning enough to cover it. The spouse, partner or current love - and friends in general - are active and supportive in your financial life. Often this shows an opportunity for a business type partnership or joint venture. Speculations seem favorable on the 18th and 19th. Children and children figures are also helping financially. Sometimes through ideas and inspiration, sometimes in an actual material way. Mars travels with Uranus (the Lord of your Horoscope) from the 11th to the 14th - this is a very dynamic aspect. Stay out of harm’s way that period. Drive more carefully and avoid temper and rush.
The planetary power is approaching the maximum Eastern position this month. The maximum happens from the 19th onwards. You’re in a period of maximum personal independence. You can (and should) have things your way - have life on your terms. You are personally responsible for your happiness. There’s no one to blame. If changes need to be made - make them now. You have the power and don’t need the approval of others. The world will eventually conform to your lawful desires. Love is happy this month. Mercury, your love planet, is moving forward and on the 10th enters your sign. If you are in a relationship, the beloved is unusually attentive and eager to please. If you are single happy love opportunities are pursuing, you and there’s not much you need to do - just go about your daily business. Romance is especially good on the 18th and 19th. An important romantic meeting happens for singles. The Sun’s move into your sign on the 19th brings happy job opportunities - very welcome after the shakeups of last month. Again, there’s nothing much you need to do - they will find you. Health is excellent this month. Good health for you also means “looking good” - and this you have. The personal appearance shines from the 19th onwards. There are sudden financial changes - perhaps unexpected expenses - from the 11th to the 14th. But sudden, unexpected money will come to cover them. Prosperity is strong after the 14th. Your Financial Planet moves into Taurus and receives very nice aspects. It is an excellent financial aspect for retailers, writers, teachers, sales and marketing people. Your gift of gab is like money in the bank.