Sagittarius season is here! Read below for your December monthly horoscope and see what style best matches with your sign.
Some very important cosmic developments happening this month. We have a Solar Eclipse on the 4th - practically a guarantee for change and disruption - and Jupiter makes a long term move from Aquarius into Pisces. His previous move was more of a flirtation that lasted about 21/2 months. But now he moves in for the longer term. This will enhance your spiritual life and bring important spiritual type breakthroughs in coming months. The Solar Eclipse occurs in your 9th house and impacts on your place of worship, worship leaders and college level or postgraduate level students. There are disruptions in all these areas. Students can change schools or majors. There are dramas in the lives of worship leaders. Your personal religion, philosophy and theology gets tested and will get revision in coming months. Mercury is impacted by this eclipse. So siblings and neighbors have personal dramas. There can be disruptions in your neighborhood too. Cars and communication equipment get tested and often repairs or replacement is needed. Drive more carefully this period. Since Mercury is your health planet important changes in the health regime are happening - now and in coming months. Health needs watching this month - especially from the 21st onwards. Until the 14th enhance the health with arm, shoulder and thigh massage. After the 14th spine and knee massage is important. Your love and financial planet, Venus makes a rare (once in two years) retrograde from the 19th onwards. So love can be complicated. Finance likewise.
The Solar Eclipse of the 4th occurs in your 8th house and is thus strong on you. So, take a nice easy schedule that period. This eclipse impacts on both your finances and the finances of the spouse, partner or current love (even business partners seem affected). The financial thinking and planning has been amiss. The events of the eclipse will show why. You and your spouse, partner or current love need a course correction in finances. Since Mercury is impacted by this eclipse your children or children figures are impacted. Not a good time for speculations. Children should be kept out of harm’s way. They are redefining themselves now. Perhaps they are forced to do this by outer circumstances. Sometimes its just the natural redefinition that happen as one grows up - sexual awakening, school, marriage, going off to college etc. parents and parent figures, siblings and sibling figures also need a financial course correction. There are dramas in the home and family. Repairs might be needed in the home. Passions can run high at home. The 8th house, the place where the eclipse occurs, rules death or near death kinds of experiences. There can be psychological encounters with death. Often people have dreams about it or are touched by it in other ways. The net effect will be to give you a deeper understanding of these things - when we understand death we understand life.
An eventful month Gemini. The cosmic chess pieces are being moved to set the stage for 2022. A Solar Eclipse on the 4th is announcing the changes. This eclipse is strong on you, the spouse, partner or current love, siblings and sibling figures and family members. All of you should take it nice and easy this eclipse period. You need to be resting more anyway until the 21st, but especially so during the eclipse period. This eclipse occurs in your 7th house of love and will test your current love relationship. Sometimes its not the fault of the relationship but the testing happens because of dramas in the life of the beloved. Generally old unresolved issues arise that need to be dealt with. The eclipse doesn’t create the issues - they were there for a while - it only brings them to the surface. Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, is also affected. So, the beloved can also be having a love crisis - with you or with friends. There is a need to redefine your self concept - how you think of yourself and how you want others to think of you. This will lead to wardrobe changes and a different presentation in coming months. You will present a new “look” to the world. Since Mercury also rules your 4th house, the family is affected. There are dramas in the lives of family members and especially of a parent or parent figure. Often repairs are needed in the home. A good idea to drive more carefully this period. Students below the college level make changes to educational plans.
The Solar Eclipse of the 4th is announcing job changes, but this should be considered good. With Jupiter, your work planet, moving into your 9th house on the 30th - and for the long term - your job prospects are bright indeed. Something infinitely better is on its way to you. These job changes can happen within your present situation or with another company. This eclipse occurs in your 6th house of health. So there can be some health scare or disruption in your health regime. But health is good these days and this will work out. If you employ others there can be employee turnover and dramas in the lives of employees. The health regime will change in coming months. (Sometimes it happens because your Doctor or Dentist retires or has some personal drama and you need to find others.) Mercury is directly impacted by this eclipse. Mercury rules two houses in your Horoscope - the 3rd and the 12th. Thus siblings and sibling figures are affected. They too need to take a more relaxed schedule this period. They can have personal dramas. Students below the college level are changing educational plans - often in drastic ways. Sometimes it shows a disruption at the school. Every Solar Eclipse affects your finances and this one is no different. A sudden expense or financial disruption forces financial changes and often a change or strategy and planning. Children and children figures also need to make financial changes. Jupiter’s move into your 10th house on the 30th is wonderful news for college level or postgraduate students. They succeed in their studies. Those applying to college also hear good news.
Though health is good this month, every Solar Eclipse is strong on you - more so than for other signs. The eclipsed planet, the Sun, is the Lord of the Horoscope. So take it easy around the 4th when the Solar Eclipse happens. It occurs in your 5th house of children - children and children figures in our life are impacted here. They should also take it easy that period and stay out of harm’s way. Both you and the children and children figures in your life need to redefine yourselves. The events of the eclipse will force this. Either you define yourself for yourself or others will do it - and that won’t be so pleasant. If you or the children haven’t been careful in dietary matters the eclipse can bring up impurities in the body - a detox. This might look like a health problem, but it really isn’t. It’s the body ridding itself of what shouldn’t be there. In coming months you and the children will be presenting a new image to the world. You want others to see you in a different way. Mercury is impacted by this eclipse. So financial changes are happening - dramatic ones. Financial thinking and planning hasn’t been realistic - as the events of the eclipse will show - and needs to be changed. Mercury is not only your financial planet but also the Lord of your 11th house of friends. So there are dramas in the lives of friends and the testing of friendships. Computers, software and high tech gadgetry can be erratic. Sometimes repairs or replacement are necessary. Avoid opening suspicious e-mails or links. If you don’t know the person don’t click on the link.
The Solar Eclipse of the 4th is very strong on you so take it nice and easy that period. With health being more delicate until the 21st, you need to take it more easy anyway that period, but especially during the eclipse period. This eclipse occurs in your 4th house of home and family and brings family dramas - especially with parents or parent figures. Hidden flaws in the home tend to get revealed under this kind of eclipse and now you have the opportunity to correct them. Usually its not that simple of a correction. It can be complicated and time consuming. Siblings and sibling figures have financial dramas and have to make changes. Since Mercury, which is also affected, is the Lord of your Horoscope, you are personally impacted. This can trigger a detox of the physical body. It tends to trigger a need to redefine yourself and self concept. The events of the eclipse force this. Perhaps you are maligned by others or slandered. Thus you redefine yourself for yourself. This will lead to a new presentation to the world in coming months - change of wardrobe, hairstyle etc. Mercury is also your career planet. So career changes are afoot. Sometimes the changes are dramatic - one actually changes the career and embarks on something new. But usually it just shows a change in the way you pursue your career. There can be shakeups in your corporate hierarchy, dramas in the lives of bosses or people involved in your career, changes in government regulations. You have to pursue things in a different way. Every Solar Eclipse brings spiritual changes and this one is no different. You go through this twice a year. You make changes to your spiritual practice, teachings and teachers. There are dramas and shakeups in a spiritual or charitable organization you’re involved with. There are personal dramas in the lives of gurus or guru figures.
The main headline is the Solar Eclipse of the 4th. Happily, though this is strong on the world at large, it is relatively mild on you. Still it won’t hurt to take a more reduced schedule anyway. This eclipse occurs in your 3rd house and impacts on siblings, sibling, figures and neighbors. They have personal dramas and need to redefine themselves. Cars and communication equipment get tested - often repairs or replacement are necessary. Drive more carefully that period as well. Students below the college level make changes in educational plans and are perhaps dealing with disruptions at their school. Sometimes they change schools. Often there are shakeups in the hierarchy of the school. Your taste in reading can change. Mercury, which is affected by this eclipse, rules two houses in your Horoscope - the 9th and the 12th. Thus, this eclipse will not only affect students below the college level but also those at the college or post graduate levels. They too make changes in educational plans and perhaps change schools. There are shakeups and dramas at your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders. Your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs will get tested - usually a crisis of faith - and in coming months they will be revised or eliminated altogether. This is basically a healthy thing - though not always pleasant. You will change the way you live your life. Spiritual changes are also happening. You can change teachers, teachings and the way that you practice. There are shakeups in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with. There are dramas in the lives of gurus or guru figures. The dream life is not to be trusted this eclipse period. It's not reliable.
The Solar Eclipse of the 4th is shaking up the world but is really announcing positive changes in your life. Sometimes obstructions need to be blasted away so that you can move forward. This eclipse occurs in your money house forcing important financial changes. Perhaps you’ve been underestimating yourself and your planning needs to be upgraded. The eclipsed planet, the Sun, is your career planet. So this eclipse is signaling career changes - and the changes will be good. The changes are sometimes dramatic - like a new career path - but usually it just shows changes in the way you pursue your career. Often there are shifts in your corporate hierarchy. There can be personal dramas in the lives of bosses, parents or parent figures, or people involved in your career. Government regulations concerning your company or industry can change forcing new rules on you. Mercury, which is also eclipse on the 4th, rules two houses in your cart - the 8th and the 11th. As ruler of the 8th it shows encounters with death or near death kinds of experiences. These are generally on a psychological level. So your interest in death and the afterlife - always important to you - gets re-stimulated. You’re going deeper into these things. The spouse, partner or current love has financial dramas. He or she too (like you) must change the financial thinking and planning. Computers, software and high tech gadgetry can be erratic and sometimes repairs or replacement are necessary. There are dramas in the lives of friends and friendships get tested. Take more precautions against viruses, hackers and pfishing attacks. Keep important files backed up.
Though your health and energy are good this month, the Solar Eclipse of the 4th is strong on you, so take it easy that period. This eclipse occurs in your own sign. So you are forced to redefine yourself and your personality. Deep reflection is needed. Perhaps others are maligning or slandering you. Perhaps they are imputing motives to you that are not there. You need to be clear on who you are and the way you want others to see you. You can’t allow others to define you. This redefinition will result in a new presentation to the world in coming months. You will dress and accessorize differently often the hairstyles change (and sometimes the coloring). Mercury is impacted here. Mercury is both your love planet and career planet. So love is getting tested. The spouse, partner or current love also has social dramas. Dirty laundry in the relationship - long suppressed - comes up so that it can be dealt with. Perhaps neither of you knew that this existed. Career changes are also afoot. It need not be dramatic (though sometimes it is) but it changes the way you pursue the career. Shifts in your corporate hierarchy or personal dramas in the lives of bosses and superiors - contribute to this. In spite of the eclipse the month ahead seems happy and prosperous. Until the 21st you’re in a yearly personal pleasure peak. And though there are love dramas, the beloved seems very devoted to you. On the 21st as the Sun enters your money house you begin yearly financial peak.
Health and energy are good this month but take a more easy relaxed schedule during the Solar Eclipse period of the 4th. This eclipse occurs in your spiritual 12th house showing important spiritual changes. Those of you on the path make important changes to your practice, teachings or teachers. Those not on the path could very well initiate spiritual practice now. Spiritual attitudes get tested and change. There are dramas in the lives of gurus and guru figures. The dream life is not to be taken too seriously during this period. Disturbing dreams are generally the result of psychic flotsam and jetsam caused by the eclipse. Intuitions also need more verification. Since the eclipsed planet, the Sun, rules your 8th house there can be psychological encounters with death - perhaps dreams of death - perhaps the death or near death of someone you know. There is a need for deeper understanding of death and its offices and functions. The eclipse’s impact on Mercury signals job changes happening. This can be in your present situation or with a new one. Conditions of the work place change. If you employ others turnover can happen now and in coming months. Your religious, philosophical and theological beliefs will get tested and in coming months some will be revised and some eliminated. This is a good thing. Much of what we believe is superstition. Much of what we believe is partially true and needs fine tuning. College level and post graduate level students are impacted here. There is a change in educational plans, perhaps changes in majors or even schools. There are dramas at your place of worship and in the lives of worship leaders.
Get ready for a very prosperous 2022 as Jupiter moves into your money house on the 30th. The Solar Eclipse of the 4th occurs in your 11th house and is relatively mild on you. Still it won’t hurt to take it easy that period as is seems strong on the world at large. Others you’re involved with can be shaken up. This eclipse occurs in your 11th house and will test friendships and bring dramas in the lives of friends. Often these are life changing kinds of dramas. There are shakeups in professional or trade organizations you’re involved with. Computers, software and high tech equipment can be erratic and sometimes repair or replacement are necessary. Be more careful about viruses, hackers and phishing attacks. Keep important files backed up. Children and children figures are impacted here. They should take a more relaxed schedule that period and kept out of harm’s way. Children are redefining themselves this period. Some of it quite natural - the re-definitions that come with growing up and maturing. So they will express this new concept of themselves in the way they dress and accessorize in coming months. They want people to see them differently in a new light. The spouse, partner or current love has to make important financial changes. In general he or she is having personal dramas. The current relationship is being tested. You go through these testings twice a year, so you are no stranger to this. Good relationships will weather the testing. Since Mercury is also eclipsed, there can be encounters with death - generally psychologically. There can be near death kinds of experiences - close calls. The dark angel is sending gentle reminders that life is short and can end at any time. Get more serious.
The Solar Eclipse of the 4th which occurs in your 10th house is strong on you so take a more relaxed schedule that period. You should be resting more until the 21st anyway but especially during the eclipse period. This eclipse is bringing career changes - but they will be good ones in the long run. With your career planet, Jupiter, moving into your sign on the 30th, these changes are merely clearing the obstacles to success. 2022 will be a great career year. Since the Sun, the eclipsed planet, rules your 6th house. Job changes are also afoot. This can be with your present situation or with a new one. Those of you who employ others have dramas in the lives of employees and there can be employee turnover happening. There will be important changes to your health regime in coming months as well. Mercury, which rules two houses in your Horoscope, is also eclipsed on the 4th. So your current relationship will be tested. Good relationships survive (and often get even better) but the flawed ones are in danger. Since Mercury also rules your 4th house of home and family there are family dramas - perhaps a crisis. Passions at home run high so be more patient with them. (Both parents or parent figures seem affected by this eclipse - they are having personal dramas.) Repairs might be needed in the home as well. Health needs watching until the 21st. Enhance the health with thigh massage and massage of the liver reflex until the 21st. After the 21s enhance the health with back and knee massage. Health improves after the 21st.