A very eventful month. The cosmic chess pieces are moved around. Two long term planets make major changes. Saturn leaves Capricorn on the 8th. Jupiter leaves Capricorn on the 20th. This bodes well for your health and energy. You might not feel it too strongly this month but you will feel it in future months. Also there is a Solar Eclipse on the 14th. So there is much change happening. The Solar Eclipse occurs in your 9th house and impacts on college level students who make important changes in educational plans. Sometimes they change schools or majors. Often there are shakeups and disruptions at the school. There are shakeups in your place of worship and dramas in the lives of worship leaders. This eclipse impacts on your spiritual planet, Neptune. Thus the dream life is not what it seems. There are spiritual changes – changes in practice, teachings and teachers. There are shakeups in spiritual and charitable organizations that you’re involved with. Guru figures in your life have personal dramas. Foreign travel is best avoided this eclipse period. If you must travel internationally schedule around the eclipse period. Though health is improving it still needs watching from the 21st onwards. Enhance the health with back, knee, arm and shoulder massage. As always make sure to get enough rest. The month ahead is very successful. On the 21st you begin a yearly career peak. The pace of life is quicker this month as 90% of the planets are moving forward. Mars will be in your sign all month. You get things done quickly and excel in exercise and sports (your personal best).
Basically a happy month with a few challenges thrown in to keep you on your toes. The cosmos don't want you to get bored. A Solar Eclipse on the 14th occurs in your 8th house and brings family challenges and perhaps repairs in the home. There are dramas in the lives of family members. Siblings and sibling figures have financial dramas and need to make changes. Likewise the spouse, partner or current love. This eclipse impacts on your friends and brings life changing kinds of dramas in their lives. High tech gadgetry - computers and software - can be temperamental and often repair or replacement is necessary. A good idea to have your files backed up and your anti-hacking and anti-virus software up to date. Don’t open e-mails that seem suspicious. Health is good this month, but in coming months will need more watching. Two long term planets move into stressful alignment with you this month and they will be like that for the rest of 2021. But this month health is good. Career is successful this month. Saturn and Jupiter make major moves into your 10th house. So there is success but you are earning every bit of it. Your financial planet, Mercury, goes “out of bounds” from the 13th onwards. This shows that in financial matters you’re operating outside your normal sphere. There are no answers there and you must look outside. The power in your 8th house until the 21st favors detox and weight loss regimes. A parent, parent figure or family member can be having a surgery. After the 21st, your 9th house becomes powerful. So college level students are successful in their studies.
Health still needs watching until the 21st but you will see dramatic improvement afterwards. Health will be much improved next year too. In the meantime, a Solar Eclipse on the 14th is stressful on you. Take a nice easy schedule that period - a few days before and after. This eclipse occurs in your 7th house of love and will test your current relationship. It will also bring some upheavals in your social circle. It affects cars and communication equipment as well. Repairs or replacement might be necessary. Drive more carefully and defensively that period. Students below college level are making changes in educational plans. There can be upheavals or disruptions at the school. The good news is that the love life is a major focus this month and you seem well able to handle the challenges that arise. You’re willing to put in the effort to keep your relationships on an even keel. Also you are more popular these days - you go out of your way for others. This eclipse impacts on Neptune, your career planet, so career changes are happening. Often it brings shakeups in your industry or company. Often the government changes the rules that affect your company or industry. There are personal dramas in the lives of bosses, parents and parent figures. Your 8th house was powerful all year and becomes powerful after the 21st as well. The spouse, partner, or current love is having a strong financial period. Libido is stronger. You’re operating outside your normal sphere from the 13th onwards - family members too.
Health still needs watching from the 21st onwards. But now, as two planets move away from their stressful alignment with you, the problem is short term. Health and energy will be much better in 2021. In the meantime enhance the health with thigh, ankle and calf massage. Massage of the liver reflex and meridian is also good. Your health planet, Jupiter, makes a major move from Capricorn to Aquarius. This happens on the 20th. So your health needs and attitudes are changing. You were more conservative in health matters this past year. Now you become more experimental. You could gravitate towards alternative therapies. You like the new and untried. A Solar Eclipse on the 14th occurs in your 6th house. So job changes are brewing. This can be within your present situation or with a new one. There are changes happening in your health regime too - which was seen also by your health planet’s move. College level students are making changes in educational plans and perhaps dealing with disruptions at school. You are forced to make important financial changes. A course correction in the financial life is happening. This is nothing to be feared. You get this twice a year (every Solar Eclipse affects your finances) and by now you know how to deal with it. Finances will stabilize after the 21st. After the 21st it is good to do your tax planning. If you are of appropriate age it is good for estate planning as well. If you have good ideas this is a good period for attracting outside investors and for paying down debt or making it - depending on your needs. You have good access to outside capital after the 21st. Also, with your financial planet in Capricorn, the financial judgement is sound.
The cosmic chess board is being seriously re-arranged this month. Two long term planets make major moves into your 7th house and are in stressful alignment with you. You might not feel it that much this month but you will feel it in 2021. Health will need a lot more watching. On the 8th your health planet changes signs, bringing a change in health needs and in your approach to health. Saturn moves out of conservative Capricorn and into Aquarius. (This only happens every two and a half years). The back, knees, bones and skeletal alignment are still important, but now there is a need for ankle and calf massage. Also it makes you more experimental in health. You’re ready to try new and different approaches. Every Solar Eclipse is strong on you since the Sun, the eclipsed planet, is your ruling planet. This one on the 14th is no different. It brings a re-definition of the self. And this will lead to a new presentation to the world – wardrobe changes, changes of hair style, changes in your “look”. This will go on for a few more months. Since this eclipse happens in your 5th house, children and children figures are affected. They should take a nice easy schedule that period. Often with this kind of eclipse, there is a spontaneous detox of the body – especially if you haven’t been careful in dietary matters. It can be unpleasant but is not necessarily sickness – just detox. Neptune is impacted by this eclipse. So the spouse, partner or current love (the one who fills the role of spouse in your life) is making important financial changes. Friends likewise. There can be dreams of death or psychological encounters with it. These are just love messages from above. “Get serious, life is short and can end at any time. Do what you came here to do.”
Two long term planets move into your 6th house this month. This shows two important job opportunities coming to you. There is also a big focus on health, which is basically a good thing. Health needs more watching this month. There will be a big improvement from the 21st onwards. A Solar Eclipse on the 14th impacts your spiritual life (as does every Solar Eclipse). It brings changes in teachers, teachings and attitudes. You get this twice a year on average and it is a good thing. Spiritual course corrections are always necessary as your growth continues. Practices that were good on one level become obsolete when you reach a different level. There are dramas and disruptions in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with and dramas in the lives of guru figures. Intuitions, dreams and hunches need more verifications this period. This eclipse impacts Neptune - your love planet. Thus, there is a testing of your current love relationship. If you are not in one, it can show a change in that too – you might get involved in one. Singles often marry under this kind of eclipse and married couples often divorce. Good relationships will survive. Since this eclipse occurs in your 4th house, there are disruptions in the family circle and dramas in the lives of family members. Sometimes repairs are needed in the home. Until the 21st, home and family are the main focus. But afterwards, its party time. You are right in sync with the spirit of the season. With Mercury “out of bounds” from the 13th onwards, you are that way too – you’re moving outside your normal sphere – personally and in your career. Parent figures likewise.
A very important month for you Libra. Two long term planets move away from a stressful aspect into harmonious aspect. This is a huge relief for you. Big burdens are lifted off your shoulders. You might not feel it too strongly this month but as 2021 progresses, you will certainly feel it. Health and energy will improve (though you still have to be more careful from the 21st onwards). Women of childbearing age are more fertile than usual (and this is the case for all of 2021). In the meantime (especially from the 21st onwards) enhance the health with foot massage and spiritual healing techniques. A Solar Eclipse on the 14th occurs in your 3rd house. Thus students below the college level are affected. They make changes in educational plans and are dealing with disruptions in school. Neighbors, siblings and sibling figures are also impacted and experiencing personal dramas. Cars and communication equipment get tested and often repairs or replacement becomes necessary. There can be dramas with the post office (letters getting lost or not delivered or received). You might need a course correction in your advertising or PR plans. Since Neptune is impacted by this eclipse there can be job changes and changes to the health regime. This will happen in coming months. Every Solar Eclipse impacts your friendships and brings dramas into the lives of friends. Friendships get tested. You get this twice a year so you know how to handle it. Course corrections in your social circle are necessary.
Health is still good this month, but with two long term planets starting to make stressful aspects to you, health will become more delicate in 2021. A Solar Eclipse on the 14th occurs in your money house. So a course correction in your financial life is necessary. The events of the eclipse will show you where your financial thinking and planning has been amiss. There are other financial changes happening as well. Your financial planet, Jupiter, moves out of Capricorn and into Aquarius. Thus you are not as conservative as you’ve been in the past year. You are more experimental in financial matters. You’re ready to toss out all the rule books and learn what works for you personally. It favors the high tech sector and the online world. Many of you will probably be setting up online businesses. The Eclipse – like every Solar Eclipse – impacts on your career. Course corrections are needed here too. There can be disruptions in your company and industry. Perhaps the government changes regulations that impact on your industry and company. The rules of the game are changing. Often with this kind of eclipse there are shakeups in your corporate hierarchy. Bosses, parents and parent figures have personal dramas. Since Neptune is impacted by this eclipse, children and children figures have personal dramas. They should take a nice reduced schedule during the eclipse period. A parent or parent figure is forced to make important financial changes. Though marriage is not advisable, love is happy this month. Venus, your love planet, is in your sign until the 15th. This shows that love is pursuing you. There’s nothing special that you need to do. You have love on your terms. After the 15th Venus moves into you 2nd house. This shows that the spouse, partner or current love is helping you financially. Very supportive. Love becomes more practical. Wealth is a big allure. You show love through material gifts and financial support and single meet people who are like that as well.
The Solar Eclipse of the 14th is strong on you, so take a nice easy schedule that period. It occurs in your own sign and 1st house. So, its time to redefine yourself for yourself. This is basically a healthy thing but the events of the eclipse force the issue. If you don’t define yourself for yourself, others will do it for you and that won’t be so pleasant. So, in coming months you’re going to present a new image to the world. You’ll dress differently, change hairstyles, etc. Every Solar Eclipse impacts on college level students. They are forced to make changes in their educational plans. Often there are disruptions at the school – shakeups in the hierarchy there. Though you are a great traveler, avoid it this eclipse period. Only travel if you must and schedule around the eclipse. The spouse, partner or current love is having social dramas. He or she should drive more carefully that period as well. Family members are having personal dramas too. Repairs might be necessary in the home. Jupiter, the Lord of your Horoscope, makes a major move into Aquarius your 3rd house. This shows a major change of focus for you. The past year the focus has been on finance (and this continues in the month ahead). Now there will be more focus on your intellectual life. You’ll be reading more, taking courses and attending lectures. Some of you could be involved in teaching these things too. The month ahead is basically happy – in spite of the eclipse. Your are in the midst of a yearly financial peak. Earnings increase. Your financial planet will change signs this month too. It will move from the money house into your 3rd house. This favors trading, buying, selling, sales marketing and PR activities.
Monumental changes happening this month. Saturn, the Lord of your Horoscope, makes an important move (once every two and a half years) out of your own sign into Aquarius. This shows a long term focus on finance. With Jupiter also entering the money house on the 20th the month ahead – and the coming year – is going to be prosperous. Although there is a Solar Eclipse on the 14th the month ahead seems happy. Saturn leaving your sign will lift your spirits. There is less pessimism. The Sun entering your sign on the 21st initiates a yearly personal pleasure period. You’re in a period where you get your way in life. There is much personal independence now. The Solar Eclipse of the 14th occurs in your 12th house showing spiritual changes going on. This can involve your practice, teachings and teachers. A spiritual course correction is necessary. There are personal dramas in the guru figures in your life. There are shakeups in spiritual and charitable organizations that you’re involved with. Friends are making financial course corrections. Dramatic ones. The same is true for the spouse, partner or current love. The impact on Neptune affects siblings, sibling figures and neighbors. There are dramas in their lives. They should take an easy relaxed schedule during the eclipse period. Cars and communication equipment can be erratic. A good idea to drive more carefully. Students below the college level are making changes to their educational plans and probably dealing with disruptions at the school.
A momentous month ahead - an announcement of things to come in 2021. Two very important planets - and long term ones - move into your sign this month - Saturn (on the 8th) and Jupiter on the 20th. Saturn will be in your sign for next two years. Jupiter will be there for most of 2021. Its shows success, but through work and effort. Health will need more watching in 2021 as well. In the meantime, the month ahead is happy. This in spite of a Solar Eclipse on the 14th. This occurs in your 11th house of friends and impacts on your current relationship. Your whole social circle is shaken up. Sometimes the friendships and love relationships are tested because of the nature of the relationship. Sometimes they are tested because of dramas going on in the lives of the beloved and friends. High tech gadgetry and computers will get tested as well. They can be erratic because of the cosmic energy, but sometimes need repair or replacement. Financial changes are happening too - both for you personally and for parents or parent figures. Children and children figures are also having their love relationships tested. You will handle all this with ease. Your health is basically good this month. And, power in your 11th house until the 21st is also comfortable for you. This is your favorite house. The spiritual life has been strong all year and gets even stronger after the 21st. You have the image of a spiritual person these days.
You are in the midst of a yearly career peak. There is much progress happening. Even the Solar Eclipse of the 14th seems to aid it. It blows up obstructions. It creates changes that will work in your favor. This eclipse impacts on the job. Job changes are happening - either within your present situation or in another one. There will also be Important changes in the health regime. A course correction is necessary. Health, in general, needs more watching until the 21st, but especially during the eclipse period - a few days before and after. This eclipse is even more powerful on you as it impacts on Neptune, the Lord of your Horoscope (a very important planet for you). This can bring detoxes of the body - especially for those of you who aren’t careful in dietary matters. More importantly it forces you to re-define yourself for yourself. This will go on for a few months and shows a change in wardrobe, hair styles and the overall image that you present to others. Your spiritual life is always important for you, but now with two long term planets moving into your 12th house - Saturn on the 8th and Jupiter on the 20th - spirituality becomes even more important. Being involved in this - and in charities - will boost the career. But this can be read as your spiritual practice, your internal growth, and is your actual career from the 20th onwards. Finances are excellent until the 21st. Your financial planet, Mars, is still in your money house where he is very powerful. And, until the 21st, he receives beautiful aspects. Earnings will increase. Earnings will be good after the 21st but more work and effort is involved here.
To read more of the author’s astrological and metaphysical writings visit www.spiritual-stories.com