Dear Mama: Jeannette Ogden of Shut The Kale Up

Mothers are the biggest spiritual gangsters of all, and Jeannette Ogden of Shut The Kale Up is proof. Not only does she inspire healthy living on the daily, she's unapologetic in her most important role yet—being a mama to Elliott.
What do you love most about being a mama?
I love that I'm constantly challenged. Every day is something new and I find that being so special.
How has your daily routine changed since having Elliott?
I still wake up and get an hour to myself at the gym 5-6 days a week. We do have nap time in the middle of the day which can make things quite difficult at times, but we've learned to make it work!
It seems like you’ve nailed motherhood, your career and staying true to yourself with ease — do you have any tips for keeping it all together?
1. Love yourself and your healthy body that gave birth to a perfect little babe.
2. Be patient.
3. Ask for help when you need it.
4. Surround yourself with positive mamas/friends and be honest about your feelings because hormones can get NUTS.
5. Have date nights with your partner.
What was the most unexpected thing you’ve learned from motherhood?
Breastfeeding isn't easy. No one talks about the feeding schedules, duct clogs, mastitis, biting, pumping.. etc. It's a full time job for sure, but I wouldn't want it any other way.
What three values do you wish to instill in Elliott?
1. Have compassion towards all people.
2. Love so hard.
3. In all things, find balance.
On the other side of that, what are the most important lessons he’s taught you?
To be patient and to see the world with more depth. He's in awe of everything around him and it's so sweet. Every day he's pointing at something new, or understanding something else and it makes me grateful for the little things.
You’re always sharing the most insanely delicious (and healthy!) looking recipes on Instagram—what are a few of your go-to meals for your family?
At the moment, we're loving almond flour tortilla tacos with grass fed lamb or salmon and lots of roasted veggies! They're so easy to make and the whole family loves them!
What does being a Spiritual Gangster mean to you and your family?
Being honest, being loving and being helpful to all.