A happy and prosperous month ahead Aries. Enjoy. With all the planets moving forward this month (only Pluto will start to retrograde on the 27th) the pace of life is fast. Progress happens quickly. This is just the way you like things. Also you are in an excellent period for starting new projects. The Sun in Aries (until the 20th) is the best starting energy in the zodiac. The forward momentum of the planets makes it even more favorable. So, if you’re planning to launch some new project or product this is the time to do it. (After your birthday is best.) You’re still in a yearly personal pleasure peak until the 20th. Health is excellent. You have the energy of 10 people. You look good and love is still pursuing you (until the 15th). You are still in a period of maximum independence, so if you haven’t yet made the desired changes, now is the time. The world will conform to you not vice versa. On the 20th the Sun will enter your money house and you begin a yearly financial peak. You will feel this even before the 20th as Venus and Mercury will be there. You tend to be speculative by nature and with the Sun in the money house this tendency is even stronger. But there is no gain without some risk. If you’re going to take risks, this is the month to do it. When Venus enters the money house on the 15th, romantic opportunities happen as you pursue your financial goals and with people (or through people) involved in your finances.
Health is OK this month but will improve even further after the 20th as the Sun (and other planets) enter your sign. You can enhance it even further with scalp and face massage and vigorous physical exercise until the 15th. After the 15th, enhance the health with neck and throat massage (something that is always good for you). Career will be even better than last month as your career planet receives positive stimulation. Venus moves over Uranus on the 22nd and 23rd and Mercury from the 23rd to the 25th. This should bring success – but like last month – there is much work involved with it. Your work, however, pays off. The Sun will also travel with your career planet (Uranus) on the 29th and 30th. This would show family support for your career. Until the 20th you’re in a spiritual type period. Good to spend more alone time and work on your spiritual practice. On the 20th, as the Sun crosses your Ascendant and enters your 1st house, you begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. So enjoy all the delights of the body (as long as you don’t overdo it). Though you look good, it is still a good time to get the body and image in the shape that you want. Love seems happy – especially from the 15th onwards. However, your love planet, Pluto, will start to retrograde on the 27th. He will be retrograde for many more months. This doesn’t stop love, but only slows things down a bit.
Mars is still in your sign until the 24th. So continue to be more mindful on the physical plane. Watch the temper and avoid arguments and confrontations where possible. On the 24th, Mars will move into your money house and stay there for the rest of the month. This gives many messages. You become more risk taking in finances. You’re developing financial courage and fearlessness. Friends seem very helpful and supportive financially. The online and high tech world seems lucrative. Health seems excellent this month. From the 4th onwards there is only one long term planet stressing you out – Neptune. All the other planets are either making nice aspects to you or leaving you alone. If you like, you can enhance the health even further through back, spine and knee massage. Also good to give the colon, bladder and sexual organs more attention. Love seems happy until the 20th. Afterwards you need to work harder at it. As has been the case since the beginning of the year, love opportunities happen at university or religious functions, foreign countries and perhaps with foreigners. The month ahead is socially active – especially until the 20th. But this social activity seems more about friends, groups and group activities rather than romance. College level students should do well this month – it takes work, but the work pays off. On the 20th, your 12th house becomes powerful and you begin a strong spiritual period. Time to work on your practice. Your health planet will start to retrograde on the 27th. So if you’re making changes or having tests or procedures, do it before then.
You’re still very much in a strong career period – a yearly career peak – until the 20th. So this is where the focus should be. There is much success happening. (Focus brings success.) Financial increase comes from your good career reputation, so guard it at all costs. Pay raises – official or unofficial – are still likely. Your career peak will be extended past the 20th as your career planet, Mars, moves into your sign on the 24th. This brings happy career opportunities to you. It brings the devotion of bosses, parents and parent figures. They seem supportive. Mars in your sign gives extra energy. You achieve things quickly (and the forward momentum of the planets assist in this.) But it can also bring haste and impatience – things that can lead to accidents and injury. So be more mindful on the physical plane. Love is happy until the 20th but after that requires more work and effort. There can be financial disagreements with the spouse, partner or current love. Friends can have conflict with the current love as well. But these problems are short term and will resolve over the next few months. Health needs watching until the 20th, but after that you should see dramatic improvement. In the meantime, enhance the health with more rest and with ankle, calf and thigh massage. Massage of the liver reflex will also be helpful. The spouse, partner or current love is still in a very prosperous year. The month ahead also seems prosperous for him or her – especially from the 22nd to the 25th and on the 29th and 30th.
Health is reasonable until the 20th, but after that will need much more attention. You not only have 3 long term planets in stressful aspect with you, but other short term planets are joining the party. So, rest and relax whenever possible. Never let yourself get overtired. Enhance the health with back, knee, ankle and calf massage. Be more experimental in health matters. Be open to new therapies. Part of the problem comes from the demands of the career. You enter a yearly career peak on the 20th. Ambition can force you to over exert. However, though you can’t avoid the demands of the career you can work more rhythmically. Take short breaks. Alternate activities. Finances are good this month. Your financial planet, Mercury, is moving quickly this month. This shows confidence and someone who covers a lot of territory financially. Mercury will have his solstice on the 6th and 7th. This can bring a pause in finances and then a change of direction. Until the 4th Mercury is in Pisces enhancing the financial intuition. From the 4th to the 19th he is in Aries – a good position for you. In the 9th house he is expanding your income. However, it will make you even more speculative and risk taking than you already are. So be careful about this. On the 19th Mercury crosses your Midheaven and enters your 10th house – another good financial signal for you. Finance is high on your agenda – you focus on it. This can bring pay raises – official or unofficial – and the financial favor of authority figures in your life.
Health is still excellent this month and will get even better after the 24th. You are still very focused on health matters, but let’s hope you don’t overdo it. Be careful of magnifying little things into big things. Be careful not to overreact. Health is good. If there are any unemployed Virgos out there, there are plenty of job opportunities these days – especially from the 22nd to the 25th and on the 29th and 30th. Even those already employed will have opportunities for side jobs and/or overtime. You begin the month with much power in your 8th house. So this is a month for detox and/or weight loss regimes. Good to work on giving birth to the person that you want to be – your ideal self. Good for purging yourself of mental and emotional attitudes that are not helpful to you. Sexual activity seems enhanced. The love life is quieter than last month but still seems happy – especially from the 20th onwards. The career is starting to become more active. Mars still occupies your 10th house until the 24th. As we saw last month, this shows more aggressiveness and more boldness in the career. You’re fending off competitors and rivals. There can be personal dramas with bosses, parents or parent figures. There can be more dealing with death and death issues. Some of you will be dealing with issues involving inheritance or taxes. Mars will leave your 10th house on the 24th and enter your 11th house. This can bring dramas in the lives of friends – perhaps surgeries or near death kinds of experiences.
Pluto, your financial planet, starts to retrograde on the 27th. So, if you have important financial decisions or big purchases, do it before then. Pluto will be retrograde for many more months. So, earnings can be slower in coming months, but they will happen. Until the 27th finances are good. Earnings will increase – especially from the 20th to the 27th. Health needs watching until the 20th. There will be dramatic improvement afterwards. In the meantime be sure to rest and relax more. Enhance the health through foot massage and spiritual healing techniques. You’re still in a yearly love and social peak until the 20th. So love should be going well. Singles have many opportunities. Single or attached, there are more parties and gatherings happening. Libra always tends to be popular with others, but these days even more so. Venus, the Lord of your Horoscope, is in the 7th house of love until the 15th. So, you are there for others and put their interest ahead of your own. Also you seem proactive (in a charming way) in your social life. You’re not waiting around for the phone to ring. You take matters into your own hands. Your love planet, Mars, is in your 9th house until the 24th. This shows that romantic opportunities are likely at college or religious functions and perhaps foreign countries. Foreigners in general seem important in the love life. On the 24th, Mars moves into your 10th house on the 24th. This brings love opportunities with people involved in your career or as you pursue your career goals.
Health needs watching this month - but especially from the 20th onwards. There is a gang up of planets in stressful alignment with you. The most important thing is to maintain high energy levels. Low energy makes you vulnerable to all sorts of problems. The good news is that your 6th house is very strong early in the month and you are focused here. This focus will help you for later on. Your health planet, Mars, will be in your 8th house until the 24th. This favors detox regimes. It also shows that you can enhance health with arm and shoulder massage and massage of the lung reflex. On the 24th Mars moves into Cancer, your 9th house. This shows that health is enhanced through right diet. Good emotional health is also important. Staying in emotional harmony is a challenge these days, but meditation and spiritual practice will be helpful. On the 20th, the Sun moves into your 7th house of love and you begin a yearly love and social peak. The love life becomes highly active. Love has been unstable for yeas now, and this hasn’t changed. However, there are many more opportunities for singles this month. The only question is the stability of these relationships. They can come suddenly and end just as suddenly. Your social grace with be helpful in the career. Much of the socializing from the 20th onwards seems career related. Finance is good until the 20th but afterwards requires more work. Family and family connections still seem important in earnings.
Health is good this month and will get even better after the 27th. Most of the planets are either in harmonious aspect or leaving you alone. You can enhance the health even further though neck massage. Tension tends to collect there and needs to be released. You are still in the midst of a yearly personal pleasure peak (one of them) until the 20th. So you are in a fun filled period. The joy of life calls to you. Let go of worries and cares and just have some fun. You get more serious and work oriented after the 20th as your 6th house becomes very powerful. Your work ethic is strong. Superiors make note of this and it helps the career. Job seekers have excellent prospects from the 20th onwards. And even those already employed will take on side jobs or overtime. Mars is still in your 7th house of love until the 24th. So review our discussion of this last month. Avoid power struggles with the beloved. Be more patient with him or her. They can be more belligerent and impatient these days. If you can avoid these pitfalls, love should go well. Your love planet is moving speedily. You cover a lot of ground. You have confidence. But the needs in love - the desires - also change quickly. Until the 4th you want emotional and spiritual intimacy. From the 4th to the 19th you like fun - someone who shows you a good time. After the 9th you favor those who serve you and your interests. You become more practical in love.
Health is delicate until the 20th and needs more watching. But these are short term problems. After the 20th there will be dramatic improvement in health and energy. You can enhance the health through foot massage and spiritual techniques until the 4th. After the 4th, head, scalp and face massage is helpful - also vigorous physical exercise. Emotional health is also important from the 4th to the 19th. From the 19th onwards neck and throat massage is good. Your 4th house of home and family is still very powerful until the 20th and this is where the focus should be. You are always ambitious, but this month pursue ambitions in the ways of night - through visualizing and meditation. On the 20th the Sun enters your 5th house of fun, children and creativity. You begin a yearly personal pleasure peak. So have fun. Enjoy your life. Take a vacation from cares and worries. These will take care of themselves. Women of childbearing age are unusually fertile this month. The month ahead - especially from the 20th onwards is prosperous. Your financial planet Uranus receives positive aspects from Mercury and Venus from the 22nd to the 25th and from the Sun on the 29th and 30th. This should bring increased earnings and financial opportunity and it probably happens suddenly and unexpectedly. Mars moves into your 7th house of love on the 24th. This shows more entertaining from home, more socializing with the family and family members playing cupid in your life.
Health needs more attention this month especially from the 20th onwards. Good emotional health - emotional harmony - seems very important (and not easy to achieve). Meditation will be helpful. Mars moving into your 6th house of health on the 24th shows the importance of scalp, face, and head massage. Vigorous physical exercise also becomes important. You need good muscle tone. Finances seem OK, but better after the 20th than before. Love seems happy this month. Until the 20th love is close to home, in the neighborhood and perhaps with neighbors. Romantic opportunities can happen in educational type settings - at lectures, seminars - the library or book store. After the 20th as your love planet enters the 4th house, love is about emotional intimacy - the sharing of feelings. There is more entertaining from home and socializing with the family. A quiet romantic evening at home might be more alluring than a night out on the town. Often with this position one meets an old flame or someone who reminds you of the old flame. Generally, this is not serious, but happens to resolve old issues. A happy romantic encounter happens on the 29th and 30th. The power in your 4th house from the 20th onwards shows the need to focus on the home, family and most importantly, your emotional wellness. Believe it or not, this will help the career in subtle ways. The career benefits as side effect of your emotional wellness.
You are still in the midst of a yearly financial peak until the 20th. So the month ahead is prosperous. Your financial planet, Mars, spends most of the month in your 4th house showing that you spend more on the home and family and are probably earning from this as well. Family support seems good. Family connections are playing an important role in earnings. On the 24th, your financial planet moves into Cancer, your 5th house. This shows spending on the children or children figures in your life. It shows a tendency to speculation and risk taking. Money is earned in happy ways and spent on happy things. Children and children figures can have profitable ideas. Financial opportunities happen as you’re having fun. Health is good this month and will get even better after the 24th. With more energy available to you, there are more opportunities. Things that seemed impossible are now eminently possible. On the 20th, your 3rd house becomes powerful. This is good for writers, teachers, journalists, traders, sales and marketing people. Students below the college level should do well in their studies. A good period to catch up on the phone calls, letters and e-mails that you owe. Love also seems happy this month. Until the 4th your love planet is in your sign, showing that love is pursuing you. From the 4th to the 19th the love planet is in your money house. This shows a practical approach to love. Wealth turns you on. The spouse, partner or current love seems active in your financial life. From the 19th onwards, Mercury (the love planet), is in the 3rd house. This shows that love and romantic opportunities are close to home - in the neighborhood or with neighbors.