An Open Letter to 2020
Dear 2020,
Spiritual Gangster is calling in a new year of blessings, balance, and expansion.
May this new year be blessed with
- Inner peace and self love
- More self love and less self judgment
- Moments of pure joy with no expectations
- Time doing things that set our souls on fire and light up our inner flames
- Being kind to the earth and giving back more
- Doing something just for fun, not because we are good at it
- Breathing deeply and remembering that we are divine beings
- Practicing expansion through surrender
- Love without fear
- Letting go of everything holding us back
- Allowing ourselves to receive all the goodness the universe has in store for us
Thank you 2019 for your beautiful lessons, and thank you 2020 for all the magic to come.
Love always,
The Spiritual Gangster family