Align with the Energy of the Blue Moon With @SpiritDaughter
On January 31st, we are graced with the energy of a Blue Moon paired with a Total Lunar Eclipse. This rare event has not happened in over 150 years! A Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in one month, and this one also happens to be a Super Moon. A Total Lunar Eclipse always occurs on a Full Moon when the Sun, the Moon and the Earth align in such a way that the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun. This alignment causes the Moon to appear red in our sky as she passes through the shadow of the Earth. When the Blue Moon meets the Lunar Eclipse, it will create a powerful energy for us to harness and expand our energetic evolution.
The Meaning of Blue
Throughout history, a Blue Moon has been seen as a rarity. Something to pay attention to, something to watch and something to talk about. The color blue itself is associated with the voice and how we use it. Blue Moons are a time to pay attention to our communication with ourselves and with others. They are also a time to build awareness on how we use our voice to create clear visions of ourselves. This particular Blue Moon is occurring in the Leo constellation. Leo is known for her ability to roar and this energy will fuel our development of effective speech, helping us find a more powerful and expressive voice.
The Power of a Lunar Eclipse
Along with the energy of Leo and the Blue Moon, we will have the potent energy of the Lunar Eclipse to work with on this day. Eclipses occur when the Sun and the Moon pass through the Lunar Nodes. There are two lunar nodes, North and South. North Nodes give us direction and tell us where we are headed as individuals and as a society. South Nodes represent our past energies that we know well and find comforting. Just like the planets, the Nodes are positioned in zodiac signs, flavoring their energy. Currently, the North Node is in Leo, while the South Node is in Aquarius.
This Lunar Eclipse will take place at the North Node, where the Moon will be in the constellation of Leo. The Solar Eclipse last August also occurred in Leo, and this Eclipse will very much follow up and complete the energy started more than 5 months ago. Eclipses open portals for us to enter. They give us the opportunity to make leaps on our own life journey. They grant us the freedom to make big changes in our lives that are more in line with our true potential.
Prior to this Lunar Eclipse, revisit some of the energies you worked with around the Solar Eclipse. Did you set any intentions? How have things unfolded since last August?
The Energy of this Lunar Eclipse
A Lunar Eclipse takes on the energy of a Full Moon, while a Solar Eclipse takes on the New Moon’s energy. Full Moons always grant us the chance to let go of energies that are blocking us from fully being seen and heard. They are the time in the lunar cycle to show ourselves to the world. They shed light on vibrations we need to release, guided by the qualities of the Moon sign and the opposing Sun sign (the Moon and Sun are always opposing on a Full Moon). It’s a time to let go of the lower vibrations and fully integrate the high side of each sign’s frequencies into our identity.
With this Blue (Full) Moon taking place in Leo, we can let go of the low sides of Leo and Aquarius. These are energies of hiding our voice by complaining, criticizing and masking our innate powers of leadership through aloofness. Paired with the Lunar Eclipse, the energy is helping us shut the door completely on these low vibrations and leap forward to a new way of being, a way that instead embraces the high side of these signs. This is leading from our hearts with all of society in mind and using our voices to speak authentically with true integrity. The energy of this Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse puts extra emphasis on letting go of what energetically blocks our voice and focuses us on developing our self expression to lead humanity forward.
Preparing for the Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse
In the days leading up to the Eclipse spend some time thinking about how you use your voice. Bring your awareness to how you communicate, does your communication flow freely or are your words misconstrued? Perhaps you speak too little or speak too much. Is your speech effective and direct or does it feel like you talk in circles? Are there things you want to say, but hold back? On the flip side, how are your listening skills? Are you able to show up, fully present for the people in your life and hear what they are saying? Just begin to take some mental notes on your communications in each area of your life.
On, or around the Blue Moon, find ways to clear and release your voice. This release may be through chanting or singing. Throat chakra meditations and yoga poses like bridge, camel or wheel pose can also clear away energetic blocks in your self-expression. Then, begin to find ways to define your voice. Speak up when you need to and take the time to plan clear communications. Align with the energy of the Blue Moon in Leo and speak your truth from your heart, unafraid of judgement.
Also, gather with friends this Blue Moon and make the effort to truly communicate with them directly from the heart. Full Moons are times for us to exchange energies with others and share in the magic of the Moonlight. Much of the world will be able to watch this event including the US West Coast, Australia and Asia. You can look up what time it will be occurring near you here. Bring your friends together to watch as the Moon turns red and raise your vibration together as you absorb the magic of this event.
Words by Jill Wintersteen of Spirit Daughter
Find more information, including specific meditations and rituals for this event in Spirit Daughter's Blue Moon Workbook. Follow Jill on Instagram @spiritdaughter.