Creating Good Karma with Talia Peretz
Talia in our Karma Savasana Pullover
“Being a Spiritual Gangster means that I live my life, like my parents before me and their parents before them- with faith above logic and love beyond reason”. – Talia Peretz.
Meet our OMbassador Talia Peretz. You may already be following her on Instagram as Talia Sutra, where she inspires people around the globe with her insightful mantras and breath-taking poses. Born in Israel and raised in New York, Talia has always been called by the heartbeat of the universe. Finding inspiration from her native homeland and its incredible history as well as gaining insight from the constant energy flow from New York, she blends together ancient teachings with modern practices in a way that instills lights and purpose into all who are apart of her journey.
Our Spiritual Gangster Spring collection drew inspirations from the concept of Karma. Often times Karma gets a bad reputation, so we asked Talia to share with us her insight on this ancient idea. Read more below!
Talia in our Karma Favorite Tank
What Goes Around Comes, but not always Around.
By Talia Peretz
It’s not a law.
It’s not “the force”.
And, it’s also not a bitch.
Rooted in ancient Hinduism, Karma in Sanskrit literally means action. It is a spiritual conceptualization of cause and effect in the beautifully, tragically, endlessly interconnected wheel of life. Karma is multifaceted: thoughts create cerebral karma, feelings create emotional karma, physical action creates material karma.
Each one of us inherits at birth a unique foundational ‘karmic’ blueprint which we then seek, in out lifetime, to revise and with luck (or maybe just “good” karma), to potentially realize and even transcend.
Talia in our Karma Savasana Pullover
When I was born, I was immediately torn away from my nonexistence and connected with the earthly, karmic pattern of my parents- their joint blueprint design. I inherited their genes, language, religion, values and culture (all very Jewish). Yet, as soon as I perceived myself to be separate from my parents, I yearned very much to create a distinct design independent of menorahs, hummus and Hebrew.
And so I, like many, packed by bags and flew far away to New York.
Featuring our Burnout Favorite Cuff Pant
Along the way, I’ve met people and ideas who would join me. Sometimes, I would join them. We would walk with each other down a road with no visible horizon. Sometimes, we would fall in love as we walked; other times, we’d break each other. Most times, we would be too consumed with living to notice we had arrived at the next crossroad where a seemingly automatic karmic city traffic light would eventually redirect our movements, in many cases, far away from each other.
Featuring our Grateful Muscle Tank
A few months ago, I arrived at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris, ready to board my flight to JFK. I was told at the desk that I was not on the flight list and that the next flight out would be in 28 hours. Instead of waiting for this next flight to New York, I got on the next available plane to Tel Aviv. This action changed my life.
That day, in a Tel Aviv meditation, I met Ezra and fell in love. Now I am living in Jerusalem, planning a wedding and eating loads of hummus.
I could have stayed another night in Paris, one of my favorite places in the world. But I remember a little voice in my heart whispering to go to Tel Aviv.
Karma, when seen intuitively as the rough plan, can be changed with will and intelligence or just on a whim.
Featuring our Burnout Favorite Cuff Pant
If, however, we perceive karma as a complete and formed creation (the house rather then the blueprint), it becomes comfortable and increasingly inescapable. Afraid of leaving behind that which is already built, karma (action) becomes contained inside of a fixed vessel and so we find ourselves in a confounding state of despair as we are literally walking around in circles of victimhood we’ve built ourselves.
As far as I know, action and its reaction exists. However, the witness’s perception defines its “goodness” or “badness” and it is in no way fixed or absolute as it is a consequence of a Source which is entirely Unbound.
Talia in our Karma Favorite Tank
In other words, the way I see it, karma can be experienced differently. It’s relative like space and time. It’s a rough sketch, a template left for us to fill and refill again. Practices of self-reflection, study, concentration, meditation along with kindness, playfulness and courage will allow for clearer view of the Self and its environment, it is then possible to observe karma and maybe even experience its more creative, unexpected side.