February 2017 Horoscopes
Two eclipses this month are pretty mild on you but they bring turmoil to the world. It won’t hurt to take a reduced schedule around these periods anyway. The Lunar Eclipse of 10th occurs in your 6th House signaling job changes or changes in the conditions of work. These changes can happen within your present situation or with a new one. Sometimes this shows a health scare, but your health looks good and it will probably be no more than a scare. Over the next 6 months, you’ll be making important changes to your health regime. The changes will be good. If you employ others, there is instability in the work force and perhaps employee turnover. Employees are having personal dramas. Every Lunar Eclipse impacts on the home and family and this one is no different. Sometimes repairs are needed in the home. Sometimes there are dramas in the lives of family members. Be more patient with them that period. A parent or parent figure has a financial disturbance and needs a course correction. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 12th House of spirituality and also impacts on Neptune, your spiritual planet. Thus, there are shakeups and dramas in spiritual or charitable organizations that you’re involved with. There will be dramatic changes in your spiritual life - changes of teaching or teachers or attitudes. Usually this happens due to interior revelation. As with the Lunar Eclipse the job situation is also affected. Two dynamic planets – Mars and Uranus - occupy your 1st House this month. Thus, you have a lot of energy and like to get things done in a hurry. Be especially careful of temper, frustration and impatience. You seem experimental with your body - eager to test its limits. This is good so long as you do it in a mindful and safe way.
Two eclipses this month impact on the home and family, so do your best to keep your home safe and keep dangerous objects away from children. There are dramas in the lives of family members. Perhaps repairs are needed in the home. Your Horoscope doesn’t indicate a move this year, but these eclipses can start you thinking along these lines. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th (here in America, in Europe and Asia it happens on the 11th) occurs in your 4th House of home and family. Be patient with family members then, they are probably more temperamental. Since the Moon rules your 3rd House, cars and communication equipment will get tested. Communications can be temporarily disrupted. Drive more carefully. Siblings and sibling figures have personal dramas. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 11th House, testing your high tech gadgets, computers and software. They are apt to be more temperamental that period. Sometimes replacement or repairs are needed. This eclipse also impacts on your family (as we have mentioned) as the eclipsed planet, the Sun, is your family planet. There are dramas in the lives of friends and friendships can get tested. Siblings and sibling figures are forced to make important financial changes. In spite of the drama engendered by the eclipses, the month ahead is successful. You’re in the midst of a yearly career peak and much career progress is being made. There might be dramas in the family but they seem supportive of career goals. Finances also look good - especially from the 7th to the 25th. Mercury moves speedily and will be in his most “exalted” sign - this shows strong earnings. The earning power is “exalted”.
Even two eclipses can’t dim your happiness and success this month. Mercury, the Lord of your Horoscope, moves speedily this month - through 3 signs and Houses. This shows confidence and fast progress to your goals. 90% and sometimes 100% of the planets are moving forward as well, reinforcing what we say. There’s a good chance that you’ll be traveling this month (the opportunities will surely come) but try to schedule around the eclipse periods. Students on all levels are doing well - they are focused on their studies and the mind is sharp and clear. This spells success. They are in the mood for study. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in the 3rd House. Thus, students below the college level are making changes in educational plans or changing schools. There can be dramas and shakeups in their school. A good idea to drive more carefully that period. Cars and communication equipment will get tested too. Postal deliveries can be erratic. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th is stronger on you. It occurs in your 10th House of career signaling career changes. Since you’re in a yearly career peak from the 18th onwards, these changes are good (only disruptive). They clear the decks for your advancement. There are changes in your company and industry too. The rules of the game change. This eclipse also tests cars and communication equipment, which we’ve discussed. All of you will feel this eclipse but those of you born late in the sign of Gemini (June 14 to 20) will feel it strongest. Take a nice easy schedule that period. Parents and siblings are also likely to have personal dramas.
Though every Lunar Eclipse affects you more than others - the Moon rules your chart - this one, on the 10th, is not as strong as usual. It occurs in your money house and shows important financial changes - course corrections - but doesn’t impact on you personally. Since Neptune is also impacted, it's not a good idea to be traveling that period (a few days before or after). Neptune rules your 9th House, so college students are affected here. This could show change of school or changes in educational plans. There are shakeups in your place of worship too. Every Lunar Eclipse gives you the opportunity to redefine yourself. This is a good thing. We are growing, ever changing beings. Periodically we need to take stock and present the image of the new “I” that is being redefined. So, in the next 6 months you’ll present a new look - a new image - to the world. This will happen very naturally. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th also impacts on finances. If you didn’t make the changes that you needed to make on the 10th, this one will force the issue. Basically your financial thinking, planning and strategy is not realistic and the eclipse will reveal this to you. Since this eclipse occurs in your 9th House, avoid foreign travel that period. Again, as with the Lunar Eclipse, college students are affected and we’ve discussed this. Both of these eclipses will test your personal religion, personal philosophy and view of the world - your religious belief systems. They get reality checked. Some will have to be discarded, some will need more fine tuning. This, too, is healthy.
You’re in exile this month - far, far away from home. But it looks like a happy exile. You’re focused on other people and your love and social life. The normal Leo self confidence and self-will is temporarily in abeyance. You’re willing to let others have their way and willing to give them support. Popularity is stronger than usual. You’re in the midst of a yearly love and social peak until the 18th. We have two eclipses this month and both are strong on you, so take a nice easy schedule those periods. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your own sign. Thus you’re redefining yourself - your image and self concept. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th will also have this effect. Events happen (sometimes people are gossiping, slandering or spreading false rumors) that force you to redefine yourself. Either you do it or others will do it, so it is much better if you do it. The eclipsed planet, the Moon, rules your 12th House of spirituality. So there are shakeups in spiritual or charitable organizations you’re involved with. Guru figures in your life face personal dramas. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 8th House and can bring encounters with death or near death kinds of experiences. This is not punishment. The cosmos want you to get a deeper understanding of this. If you understand death, you understand life. You live differently. The power in your 8th House from the 18th onwards favors projects involving personal transformation and reinvention - which fits right in with the themes of the eclipses. Your spouse, partner or current love is forced to make important financial changes.
It's as if you’re racing away from yourself - from your own interests - towards others this month. You’re not just taking a vacation, but racing away at top speed. Your natural humility goes over well with others and they sense that you’re on their side. Love is very likely after the 25th. We have two eclipses this month - and these are the real headlines for the month. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 12th House and impacts on your spiritual life. Generally there are changes in teachings or teachers. Often revelation happens that causes you to change your practice or attitudes. Friends have life-changing kinds of dramas, and friendships could be tested because of this. Computer and high tech equipment will tend to be erratic - sometimes repairs or replacements are necessary. There are shakeups in charities or spiritual organizations that you’re involved with. Your dream life will be very active, but don’t pay too much attention. It's not very significant. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th is much stronger on you. You should be taking a more relaxed schedule from the 18th onwards anyway, but especially around the eclipse period. This eclipse not only occurs in your 7th House of love, but also impacts on the your Love Planet, Neptune. Big changes are happening in your love life. Singles might decide to marry in the next 6 months and married couples might want to separate. There is a change in the marital status, one way or another. Even good relationships will have old baggage to deal with. And, even if the relationship survives, it will be so different that its “like” a new relationship. This eclipse, like the earlier Lunar Eclipse, affects the spiritual life, which we have discussed.
Your love life has been unstable for many years now, and this month is even more unstable. A very volatile situation. The good news is that you’re trying harder. Venus moves into your 7th House on the 3rd. If anyone can make this work, it's you. We have two eclipses this month, and both are relatively mild on you. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 11th House of friends. This will test friendships and bring shakeups to trade or professional organizations you’re involved with. Computer equipment and high tech gadgetry can be very temperamental that period. A parent or parent figure has personal dramas and must make important financial changes. There are shakeups in your career or in the lives of people involved in your career. There will most likely be shakeups in your company or industry. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th also affects friends, friendships and high tech equipment. A reinforcement of what we said above. This eclipse occurs in your 6th House and right on the Lord of the 6th House to boot. So job changes are happening - perhaps within the same company or with another one. There can be health scares, but don’t rush into anything drastic. Let the dust settle from the eclipse. If you employ others, there is instability in the work force. Turnover could happen and it might not necessarily be your fault. Employees are having their own personal dramas. Children or children figures in your life are forced into financial course corrections. Aunts and uncles have personal dramas.
Though you’re not in a very strong career period right now - the action is more at home and with family affairs - many important career changes are happening. The course of your career is being altered - and most likely for the better. You will see this over the next 6 months. Two eclipses are shaking up your company or industry. Two eclipses are changing the rules of the game. Course corrections are happening. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 10th House of career. It not only affects your career but people involved in your career, and parents, parent figures and bosses. There can be changes in government rules regarding your industry. This eclipse is pretty strong on you so take a nice easy schedule that period. This eclipse affects college level students. There are changes in educational plans and perhaps a change of schools. Your personal philosophy - your personal religious beliefs get tested now. Some will have to be modified. Some will have to be discarded. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th also impacts on career, which we have discussed. It occurs in your 5th House and on the Lord of the 5th House, Neptune, so children and children figures are affected. They don’t need to be involved in stressful activities that period. They are redefining themselves - their image and personality. This will be process that goes on for six or so months. A parent or parent figure is force to make important financial changes, and there are life changing kinds of dramas in their lives too.
For a Sagittarius, any excuse is enough for them to start packing their bags and hopping on a plane. But this month it's not so advisable. Two eclipses impact strongly on travel. Travel is wonderful - it's your nature - but better to reschedule for another month. Both eclipses impact college students, throwing their plans in disarray. There can be disturbances in their school, or shakeups in the administration or course schedules. All will work out in the end, but while its happening, it's not so pleasant. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in the 9th House. Aside from what we mentioned, it can show shakeups and disruptions in your place of worship. Your religious and philosophical beliefs get “reality checked” this month. Some will have to be discarded, some will have to be amended. The Solar Eclipse is stressful on you. Those of you born late in the sign - December 15 to December 21 - will feel it strongest. So take a reduced schedule that period and avoid stressful activities. You should be resting more from the 18th onwards, but especially around the eclipse period. This eclipse occurs in your 4th House of home and family, so family members need to take it easy too. They will probably be more temperamental that period, so be more patient. No need to make matters worse. Often with this kind of eclipse repairs are needed in the home. Hidden flaws come to light. A parent of parent figure is having personal dramas. Siblings and sibling figures have financial shakeups.
A serious kind of month, but Capricorn more than most, can handle it. Capricorn sees life as serious business. Two eclipses impact on your 8th House this month. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 8th House, while the Solar Eclipse of the 26th hits the Lord of the 8th House. This is a recipe for turbulence. Take a reduced schedule during those periods - a few days before and after. This will tend to bring psychological encounters with death - generally, unless a person is on the edge - it is not an actual physical death. But there can be dreams of death, or a need to deal with it, or personal near death kinds of experiences - close calls. Sometimes surgeries are recommended. These should be seen as love messages from on high urging you to get on with the work that you were born to do. Life, here on earth, is short. The need to confront the dark angel has other side benefits. We lose our fear of it - the one thing that prevents people from fulfilling their highest potential. These eclipses will bring other phenomena too. Your spouse, partner or current love will have financial disturbances and be forced to make corrections and changes. Events will show that the planning and strategy isn’t realistic. The Lunar Eclipse of the 11th affects the love life or current relationship. It will get tested. Good ones will survive, but flawed ones are in danger. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th occurs in your 3rd House and impacts siblings and sibling figures in your life. Neighbors are also affected. They have personal - often life changing - kinds of dramas. A good idea to drive more carefully that period. Cars and communication equipment get tested and often need repairs or replacement.
Two eclipses this month shake up your love and social life. There are many ways this can play out. For those of you already in a marriage or relationship, this shows a testing. Generally old baggage - repressed grievances - come up and must be dealt with. Sometimes the relationship gets tested because of personal dramas in the life of the spouse, partner or current love. Business partnerships also get tested. Good relationships will survive these things and get even better once the grievances are dealt with, but fundamentally flawed relationships (or partnerships) can dissolve. For singles, this often plays out as a desire to change marital status. Often it leads to a marriage. The current relationship needs to go to the next level. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th is the stronger one on you, so take a nice easy schedule. It occurs in your 7th House of love. Since the Moon, the eclipsed planet, is the Lord of your 6th House of health, it can bring a health scare or an important change to the health regime and routine. It can signal job changes too. The conditions of the workplace - perhaps the rules - are changed dramatically. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th also impacts on love, which we have discussed. This eclipse occurs in your money house and right on your Financial Planet, Neptune, so big financial changes are afoot. Your strategy, thinking and planning has probably not been realistic and needs to be adjusted. The changes will be good and will ultimately work out, but while its happening, there is much insecurity.
The month ahead is basically happy. Many nice things are happening, but two eclipses will shake things up. Of the two, the Solar Eclipse of the 26th is the stronger on you - make sure to take it easy that period. Both eclipses are showing job changes and changes in the health regime and diet over the next six months. The job changes can be within your present company or with a new one. If you employ others, there is turnover happening. This might not be your fault. Employees are having their own dramas. Children and children figures in your life are having financial shakeups (both eclipses show this). Events happen that show that their thinking, planning and strategy is unrealistic. The Lunar Eclipse of the 10th occurs in your 6th House and affects health and the job. Sometimes there are health scares, but avoid doing anything drastic until the dust settles from the eclipse. This eclipse impacts on children and children figures - and they should take a more relaxed schedule that period. The Solar Eclipse of the 26th is strong on you as we have mentioned. It occurs in your own sign and on the Lord of your Horoscope. So, this can bring a health scare too. It will bring a re-definition of yourself - your image and self concept - over the next 6 months. The events of the eclipse will force it. You will be changing your wardrobe, hair style and overall look over the next 6 months. You will present a new image - a new look - to the world.
Image via TuulaVintage